Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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B.P.A. grant boosts
research program
By Lisa Millegan
Emerald Reporter
The University's School of
Architectnri; can continue
working on a new computer
program regulating energy effi
i iencv m buildings thanks to a
$1 H 108 grant secured from
the Bonneville Power Adminis
(ration last l uesdav
Supported h\ (Congressman
Peter DeKazio. “Knergy Si hem
ing 1 (!'' is designed toy-incor
porate energy ettii iiini \ into
the earliest stages of Building
“Knergy Si heming 1 O' dis
tinguishes itself from other pro
grams regulating energy effi
ciency l>\ presenting informa
tion m graphii rather than on
tiler ii a I terms said (1 /
Brown, head of the pro)c< I The
program operates on the \pple
M.u intosh computer
Marilyn Brown, a grant rep
reseiltative of B PA said the
graphic capabilities of Knergy
Si heming 1 0“ was the key fa<
tor in II P A s dei ision to
award the grant B P A whii h
serves Idaho. Washington,
western Montana and Oregon,
must encourage energy t miser
vat ion. as mandated by federal
The power company has
been paying for specific energy
simulations of building designs
in order to determine which de
signs save the most energy, hut
“Knergy Scheming 1.0" is cur
rently the only software the
power administration is fund
C. /. Brrrwii, a University
professor and director of the
U S Department of Knergy s
national Energy Efficient Indus
trialized Mousing program, is
working on the project with the
help of a computer programmer
and several graduate students
“Buildings account for one
third of the energy use m the
United States and 71) percent of
all electrical power." Brown
said He said the U S Depart
ment of Energy has identified
buildings as having the single
greatest potential for energy
savings nationally
"(Energy effii ien< v is also)
important l>ei ause there is a di
rer t relationship between oner
gv use and global warming '
lie added
Joyce Deters administrative
assist.int for the props t added
tb.it .1 nv energy sayings keeps
us more reliant on ourselves
and less reliant on foreign sei
vu es ' To bai k up her point
she tiled tails from the nevss
letter of the Solar Intoniiatmh
( enter SuLu Ini nlrnts
The Dinted States > mild save
jut) million barrels ol oil itbe
amount the country import
Ironi Kuwait and Ir.nj) annually
by raising auto effii tent v stan
dards m tile Dinted State-, by
J 7a miles per gallon ,n i tiril
mg to tile new sletter
DeFnzio who y\as instru
mental in helping the I iliversi
ty attain the grant tin 'Energy
Si homing 1 0," has other rea
sons tor supporting the projet t.
said aide |ef( Slier
" The congressman is i on
y im ed that energy effii ieni y
for prefabricated houses is a
natural industry fur Oregon It
makes sense as you see federal
timber sales decline " Slier
Slier added that energy effi
i iency and conservation is dou
bly important now when Amer
iran troops are fighting, in
part, to preserve the nation's
oil supply
DeFaziu is on record in sup
port of a national energy poll
cv, Stier said Current energy
policies supported hv President
Bush give no ini entives for
Brown said he has been
yvorking on "Energy Scheming
1 o” for the past four y ears and
hopes to have the program
completed in lti months He
plans to have the software dis
trihuted nationally and interna
Famous patron* of Chtz Rotting Carcass
Men Against Rape to meet Tonight
Pre-Dental Club will hold
an information mooting to
night at 7 in KNil' (lenturv
Room K
Hawaii Club moots to
night at 7 .10 in the KM11
(.unmood Room
Et als
(ISl’IRt. core group meet
mg will lir hold tonight it
o i i! KM I ( od.u Room M
Mon \g.unst Kapo moot
tonight .it 7 m 1 Ml Suite 1
A PA SI' will hold ,i goiioi
,d mooting to disi uss the
Ks \ Valent tile I tain o to
night at in Room t VI
\ 11 si t '111
tortiallon.il speaker mill tol
low tin* -general mooting at
m Room .! 10 t albert
KMl! Hoard will hold
budget hearings today for
thi' Outdoor Program at 4
p in and Oluh Sports at 5
p in in KMl' ( j-dar Koom I
Criminal law and retail'd
topics w ill he covered to
night from r to t) .it the Peo
pie’s I an Si hool in law
s< hool Koom 1 ."I
"Owls. Silence and the
Media" is the title ot a lei
lure tii he given In I)i |errv
Medler of the politic al sc i
i'll! e depart men! todas at
1 10 p m in Koom tMIH I’l (
(•olden Ke\ National llnn
or Sim ii'Ic u til hold a rec ep
lion tin new memhers at H
pm in t iei linger Lounge
Memhei i ei t it ii ales .mil
•a holai hips will he aw ai d
“A Journey inlo Dreams
... Awakening thp lnnpr
Self is the title of a work
shop to tie held tonight at
7 to in Room 1 r»-4 Straub
Incidental Fee (.ommittee
vs ill hear budgets lor the fol
lowing student groups to
night at It H> in the I Ml
Hoard Room Pro I fenta!
l luh Men \gainst Rape
N \t( A Big ilrothei Hig Sis
tel Westmoreland ( oinnitl
nits lenanls t .ill i lo I ’ Pl
tor more inhumation
rile I Ollllllitlee vs ill heal
reipiests from the In
tei Iratermts ( 'ouiu il. I lie
Pro I lealtli Si.iem e (Volet
Protect Saferide |ell and the
P.inhelenn ( otim il Thurs
day night at ti III in the
I Ml ()ak Room
The Saga Continues
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