Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Bush has expanded
U.N. resolution 660
President Hush has snubbed another attempt at
peace by the Iraqis Hush called a proposal reached by
Soviet leader Mikhail (iorbachev and Iraqi Foreign
Minister Tariq Aziz "well short" of what would bo re
quired to end the Persian (>uIf War.
White House spokesman Marlin Kitzwater has said
the Soviet proposal "doesn't require any response from
us. This is between the Soviet Union and Iraq." This
response is especially hard to swallow at a time when
U S. war planes are bombing Iraq everyday, and
ground forces are gearing up for a bloody offensive.
The fact that Hush will not even consider the plan
signifies that his goals in the war have moved beyond
what the U.N. resolutions call for Hush’s goals now
include the dismantling of the Iraqi Army and the
overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Something the United
Nations has not given him the authority to do.
The U.N. Security Council Resolution t>fi() calls for
Iraq to unconditionally withdraw from Kuwait U S
officials have said this withdrawal would have to mean
the Iraqis leave all of their tanks and armory behind
when they go. Hush seems to have added his own foot
notes to the U.N.'s resolution
I he Soviet proposal contains tour mam points:
Iraq would leave Kuwait immediately with no precon
ditions. It would maintain its state structure and Inir
ders. No sanctions would lie leveled against Iraq or
Hussein. All further issues, including the Palestinian
question, would be debated.
All four parts of the proposal should be acceptable
to the United States if the only goal is to get Iraq out of
Kuwait The first point of the proposal is the most im
portant Iraq has promised to leave Kuwait with no
preconditions This is what the U N resolution calls
for. The proposal also requires Iraq's government and
borders remain intact This clearly fits with the U.N.'s
goals. Dropping all sanctions against Iraq would be a
natural response to Hussein's withdrawal from Kuwait,
making the third request a given Debating the* Pales
tinian issue, the fourth item, is something the whole
world would benefit from, and should be taking place
If Bush only wants Hussein out of Kuwait as the
IJ.N. agreed, this plan would be completely accept
able. But if Bush has expanded this goal and wants to
humiliate Hussein and reduce his stature in the Arab
world — if not eliminate him completely — then he
has made a mockery of the allied coalition, the United
Nations and the Americans fighting and dying in his
Which country, Mr. President?
Excerpt from an Associated Press story. Feb. 19:
'It's a rich country, if they'd just use their re
sources wisely’ instead of spending them to build a
military machine.''
— George Hush speaking to Congress on why the
United States won 't help pay to rebuild Iraq after the
PO Hot.l|<« t ucrnr <Wr*u« *'40«
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Dear Bob
An open letter to Sen Hob
Pack wood: I was distressed to
hoar th<it you voted in favor of
allowing the use of forte at
President Hush's tiist retion
This lunuary vote hailed hy
its supporters as a negotiating
tool brings hornf\ mg images of
the rfietorii al misinformation
of the Vietnam period Presi
dent Hush's rush into armed
conflict (rears a strong resem
blam e to Johnson's at tion in
the early-to-mid 19ti()s as that
president mired this country
deeper in that ill-advised anti
immoral military at tion
I strongly urge you to re-eval
uate you position on the Per
sian Gulf War This is not a
"clean" war. there is no such
thing This is not a moral war:
the premature abandonment of
sanctions at the tost of count
less lives dismisses this myth
This is not a rational war.
Hush's "new world order" is
clearlv a shallow piti h to gloss
over the desperate situation to
lie expected in the Middle Hast
following the conflic t
Support the cessation of the
offensive and the pursuit of a
negotiated solution based on
the region as a whole Please
explain your present position
mi hiding an outline of your ex
pected actions with res per. t to
this difficult challenge facing
our nation
Samuel McL. Pierce
Peace wish
As members of the graduate
si hool of business, we would
like to express our wishes for
peace in the Persian Gulf As
those of us who have signed
tins letter come from broad and
diverse bac kgrounds. we, like
the entire student body, have
broad and diverse opinions on
the war Hut one position we
all hold in common is the over
riding importance of world
As students of the Universi
ty . we are also concerned about
the bond) threats on campus,
received Jan tH The Universi
tv is a harbor for intellectuals,
and should be a bastion of ide
lit ism No s< hoot of interest
itmong the various area of stud
ies at the University represents
anything other than a collet -
lion of people seeking educa
No si hool, nor the University
itself is representative of the
enemies of peace And no
school, not the Business De
partment and certainly not the
administration ol the Universi
ty should he a vie tun of violent
protest or terrorism
There is no moral rightness
in war And certainly passive
protestation brings a moral
rightness to the voice of the
people Such leaders as Ghandi
and Martin Luther King |r
raise the consciousness of mil
lions without raising their
hands in violence let this lie
our way also To this effect we
dedicate our letter, with it. our
hopes for peace.
Gordon K. l.anser
and 23 co-signers
Down Pat
I’at Malach's opinion column
[ODE. Ke!> 13) was not only ig
norant. it was downright offen
sive Gen Gulin I’owell is one
of the finest military command
ers this nation has ever pro
duced 1 am sure, however, that
he couldn't care less what
Malar h thinks of him
What 1 found truly offensive
was Malach’s statement "peo
ple who choose the military be
cause it is the best of limited
options " When I graduate I am
going on active duty because I
want to. not because it is one of
a set of "limited options " My
father spent 20-plus years in
the military because he liked it.
not tie< ause it was a limited op
Contrary to Malach's belief,
not just anyone can join the
military In the past few years
officer and enlisted positions
have become very competitive
Kvery person participating in
Operation Desert Storm knew
what they were getting into
when they joined the sendee If
you disagree with our nation's
polu v that is. of course, your
right Hut to say the military is
>i limited option is a contempt
ible slur on the honor of Ameri
nd's fine fighting forc es
Kric; R. Kckman
Program needed
The Human Services Depart
ment is one of several programs
being phased out by the Uni
versity due to recent budged
cuts resulting from the decision
on Measure 5
For those of you who an; un
familiar with the department, it
offers University students an
opportunity to complete a spe
cialized. practical, and mean
ingful curriculum in the area of
human services.
It prepares undergraduates
for careers in the areas of chil
dren. youth and families, men
tal health, and corrections by
offering theoretical methods
courses and hands-on experi
ence in the Eugene and Port
land communities through dif
ferent agencies and organiza
The program offers students
the opportunity to instigate so
cial growth and improvement
within our communities the
core of this nation. There is no
curriculum in Oregon that com
pares with this one.
Hy cutting this program from
the University and by cutting
funding for local community
agencies. Measure 5 has suc
ceeded in helping Oregon re
gress instead of progress.
If you are as infuriated and
saddened as I am. 1 urge you to
write to your local newspaper,
your Representatives in Wash
ington. the Chancellor of High
er Education Thomas Hartlett or
Governor Harlwra Roberts.
We can change our situation
if we feel the need If we don't
at least try we will be at fault
for our local community’s prob
lems in the future.
Cuts should no longer be
made in education. We all
know1 better than that. There
are alternatives.
Alisa Quirey
Human Services