Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 mWIMiElftltti Paggy • Typing S*ortc« t vpenencad typ«»l oHgrtng M»rv»ce* on IBM compute ayalem and la*©' printer Mea*on»t>i« rate* Call Peggy al M2 4PM PROFESSIONAL TYPING Ai*o word pfocttimg adding 7 ree pic fcup/delf very Ronda 835 1892 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land La mm Printer 485 JMJ Formerly located Bijou Theatre Bldg Word processing. 1i peg* i*'«' printing Call before noon or after 6 30 pm mu 2315 FREE MAC WORKSHOP H »' ’ 7*> Computing Center Thursday FeP 2< It 00 am t 00 pm Tip* abort cut* & uti)«ft ’or uMft no FOR SALE Early American . » S . \»! IV) Kohl No >r 810 ftOl f. large picnic i .»■ *«’ * t * ' iitiN £•• .i««l $20 A'.!,.j.,p « .„•• H- -■ ■ • ,»r, ha»r »«y* •.;•-.•**» d* Ini.-aa ^ li^oUll •, 1-M' 74 7 M27 SPRING CLEANING SAIL' I ton ■ y TV *’M; M • *»«r> S' large a* »t00 »m{K.M ; * rP Stai* stepper a " A ■ $M . *45 87'* Mb CARS GOVERNMI NT SEIZED .• 1 I ’ * »••’-. M« m je er* ry* Su'piu* Buyers Gu*de 77 Capri Ghta R*d .■•«** t»r;«>« 5 • . Nr* v* • • *» pi ala This i* 4 vary one a-' .1440470 • lay* 089 804 / r.v, 12250 .55 =ihhu ttiancht Brava Racing Biha Mint Condition 52 C M Frama 1375 00 oOo Call 342 6393 eves Raleigh Marathon t? speed *! ! *•’ 16 I'ane >>dd«n twice A steal at t.’HO 345669*. Waniad lo buy Quality (Burley b«cyv <« trailer suitable lor sale weath erproof hauling of small child Doug aw - . ■ t985 54 cm Bianchl Nuova Racing Campy deraiileura tXXVobo 484 8885 John 1888 23 m Raleigh Te< Fw aluminum racing tMh© f sires l «* et lent cond $Z50robO Scott 687 0738 FOR SALE MISC HP 2tS Advanced Scientific Calculator feature* StaUiUcal mode Calculus Programming Retail 1220 telling »1K) Pleat# contact Pete. 143 3201 STEREO FOP SALE Turntable dual cattetla AV f M radio 1200 obo 6«v t*44 ■IS CLOtHIWG ~ Fashion treatu/et *'e not »#' a*a» H*”g Cherry Pal* * £.2 A 13th Vintage Clothing Sale in Anne* of EMU Thurt 21*1 A Fit 22nd ol Feb no SKI EQUIPMENT Dynatlai 19^ cm Solomon M 7 Binding* SK>*> 34M82* CHEAP! Rottignnl Tourtng'Cro** Country %ki« boot* and pole» Fits!, 3 t*mai« 1« obo 6W fAA.1i OUTDOOR Ri'CRfAfToT 195 Ml Bachelor Skiing Day tot i f? 21** ( *>«>*, ’•.*• .• » -IN- '.*■ .ntf»i,ctr«>'- Ou • r- fi.. . f M | .' 14 « • Himalayan River Run1 r l, ;«** !* » »• • ■? • *♦' 'nu'f \ ?00 TRAVEL k International Coffee Breaks! Roundtnp from Portland Costa Ilka $ 519 Vienna $ 444 Java $ 990 Kenya 31373 • Tmm Drimkan Spa*lal ■ London 3 45S fcettnctxrn ffwy A|f >, CaB hi t r*a< arvj cl enrobe Ujrhjct m fairs Coundi fraud 71SSW Morrison #600 Portland, OR 9/90S 503-998-1900 800-998-9854 CaUtor a FREE 1991 Student Travel CatalogI TOR SALE RISC Kulons»Kr«me»*C 'lot hing •T-shirts ClOSt: ()l T PKICKS! 53HE=Z= SPRING BREAK Jri6 i?4 RT lo Monolog from Portland iSSOotoo 4M WM Delta Airlmea Muft? *»’> SPRING BREAK 4/?4 RT to Palm Sprmaa *■«*« IfOfli SMlII* l?lSobo >46 9>?^ READ IT AND REAP! in It* Oregon Daily Emerald data.tied* On random day* m random claaaifocattona you'll ImkJ teaaer ad a containing valuable diacounta on ciaaailied ad each a*ng Simply cut out lb# teeaer ad and turn it in with your ed form to rec«r# the diacount deacribed within the ad ft (eater per peraon pieaae ) Read every laaue carefully Our daaaitieda a*e reading at it a beat' OPPORTUNITIES Traveling Soon7 Apply tor an Amincm I rp'est card Fly in the USA tor flttor *►*•- C*U TOOAY" 46S8419 SECONDARY SPECIAL EOUCATtON PROGRAM STUDENT SENATE SI ATS AVAIL ABl C #4 | dtl, I G'4Klft Ap; l. .1- .» c In 4 IV A»* due ’ * . . 91 ASUO •* an f mptoyer 2?o HELP WANTED.. Dancei* wan ted Cjreai A 'ask®'- Bus' Company E»v-e»‘en| mtme> 1030 Mwy >w Sum' 6tut9Q27 Detpetately seeking .« • «S fk>St ”* leading nanny aye'’’ . invites you 10 Spend 4 rewarding and challenging »**.»• a -fh i «'e*ully screened proles stone* families Complete support nei *oi» awaits you' anna1 One ye*' CO^miimpnl For a local interview caff Aman m AUPAIR 1 80C 2*2 8771 GTF Positions S'- S e Instiu-. t tonal 1*1’ has 1 position beginning Spring Term and 1 position beginning » all T#rm in DOS compulef iafe Mu»l hj<« in. a lodge gt DOS networks sta t:»tu a! and Spreadsheet SoMwa»e Du hen invoice consulting teaching and tnHifc’ie shooting hardware '•u|l**'r problems For tufthe* info call hath lee'-leue 146 4642 146 264 7 9 Pi C HELP NEW STUDENTS: Becoma a peer mentor Welcome near students to the University Training provided Sign up with YWCA. Ml E 18th 146 4439 leave message HOME TYPISTS P< users needed US 000 potential Details Ca' t 806 962 8000 III B 964.* Instructors and counselors needed for U of O Upward Bound Program June 16 August 12 1991 Call 146 3S01 for application Deadline March V S 00 pm AA/IOE Minorities and women encouraged to apply INTELLIGENCE JOBS * bo. hes US Customs DC A tit. Now hiring Caii N . • ■ - - It's aasier ”'4( . >- think t- pay to your college edu< ah -n working at Jiggles Escellem money fiesipie hou'S Call Nancee or Brook for i»e' s if 'dt*', rw 144 6697 Nanny tor 11 year old g>M Light housekeeping du!>es Secretarial skills a plus Possible room and board References required Ask tor Ralph 942 1234 Available now _ River QuAdes Wanted Training session begins Mer 17 For mf© call vVild Aater Adventures 896 446k leave message or write PO Bo* 249 Creswefi OR 974?© m HELP WANTED Rtipil* Program Coordinator f f tt’Q+nc 4 creal'v* rec'eabon pf© gram planner atpanant a workng wdh Children o’ ail *Q«* td satxad 4 non disabled) Easter Seals Parent* Night Out program 20 hii/mo t?t>» Send return# 4 forat iette' to PNO‘[»»t*f Seal* 3575 Donald St t ugene 97405 STUDENT BAM R POSiTtON 4 hr* p* da> Monday through E'*da> 20 hr* par weak *) rr 9»n daily Ova' V> CKVh? to start Apply in p#'*on to f MU Food Sanrrca by 2f22rfi) Summar Camp Job* Interview* February ?€ Day Camp Ptayyr'Hjnd -nation mad «*'*. wanted Wastm Community Center Eugene Parks and Ret nation S l A M ' i» . t MU Century A 4 [ truer T anms Jobs , * ■ .1 >r the N< ftheast (iood '.a <*'V fiK»m 4 board travel e»pen»e Drop by 1 interview M ' day » rb .'Mh. ■ t MU Century A 4 E from _ HELP WANTED mxwrn 2U OVERSEAS JOBS $900 $i>000 mo Symm«f yf round All countries an he*d* Fr#* into Wrtte IJC PO B* *>? OfQ3, Corona Pi My, CA 9262*> AGENTS EARN ISWVWK AT HOME Processing phone orders People Call You lo Order 1-BOO 712 3271 #«t B YHNI 2* HRS _ ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT hsharte« E*m $600 • area* n cannery $8000 $12 000 • »or '*o month* on fishing vessel Over 8000 opening* No e>p«narv e nrK.essar-, Mala or Famala »' ut 68 page ami • » mam booklet sand $h 9f> f> MAL Research Bo* 84006 Seattle vVA 98i?< X) day unconditional 100 money bee * guar ante** ALASKA SUMMER JOBS ARA Denali Park Mote's 600 seasonal rev, M » M !V-.i Na’" .»! park Mt M< K -• *V Sign up '<>' inter. « A adh Student Employment 346 3?t4 AMIGA CAMPUS REP A GUI AT SUM Ml R JOB Summer Senior Desk Assistant Agate Si M6 427/ Application dead Un-versify Mousing >s an equal opportunity affirmative action employ e? umrmilw! to »/i f >'»; diversity * STUDENTS The U ot O Teietund is hiring enthusiastic Student callers An offer '.entile hours plus paid tram mg After training earn $6/hour plus bonus Cal' .146 3433 or stop by ?001 f rarikiin Bud todaj HEIR WANTED Harrahs CASINO HOTEL REMO Summer is rapidly approaching. You re probably wondering how to combine the fun of summer with the reality of working... At Harrah's Reno the summer is the most exciting time of year! The area's recreational activities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing, boating, hiking, fishing, or just relaxing in the High Sierra sun on the beaches on Lake Tahoe, less than an hour's drive from Reno And work is just as mucti fun. with the continuous thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing applicants who would enjoy serving our guests Personnel Representatives from Harrah's Reno will be on campus, Thursday, February 21, 1991 to interview tor summer positions in the gaming and food service departments. You are invited to complete an application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office EOE M/F US. AMD AUTHORIZED ALIENS 220 HELP WMltEP Umpires Needed M.gh school baseball and softball Games begin at 4 30 pm daily 1st meeting f eb ’8th and framing avail abia Kan 484 1706 Utility Worker Child Cara A Development Canters ■» desperately looking for a Utility Work nr Skills and jobs include f• * it, clean up paint carpentry hauling ioads of sand materials etc Time flevibi© but must be available approximately 10 hrs wk Pay 15/hf Must have related b experience own transportation (truck preferred), must be a student a 'v study pre'erred but not required T•-> apply or tor further information •'•’act Maureen at 346 4.184 225 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Environmental Work Study Jobs Gn . if •'"■ *• a the NW Goa* ■ • ‘ • Alternatives to Pesticides i*.sues include sustainable -forestry , !nir-'.i' . •!' S«ry . es A*iSt|7 hfS am A A dm m Asst(f) hm wk( $5 5Q.hr 344 5044 11am 5prn 235 APTS/DUPLEXES ALDERWOOD MANOR 1860 Alder Street Ai i-pting applications for studio 1 2 & 3 b S395 Call 741 2296 ngs & 683 4219 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUDIOS FOR JUST 4265' Downtown I'Kdtion PARKING on site laundry Call 344 5543 Jtnmnfi 4 Co 683 42H GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 Bnarclitf Newly remodeled two bad room townhousea Close to busline' Plenty or parking 4396 Call 689 8687 Jennings 4 Co_M3 4219 Large 1 bedroom, unfurnished built in office space, lots of storage Prime U of O campus location, good privacy Students only, no pets, non smokers please 4375/month 1380 Alder Street. 345 6949 Large 2 bedroom apartment available 1477 Milyard St Avail March 1 444 9922 One bedroom vy block to center ot campus Patio, new carpet perking quiet 3376 6870821 THE COLLEGIAN 1810 Aider now ' leasing Upscale student housing mi ludmg meals 34 3 1265 _ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS1 i bedrooms at 3366 large 2 • bedrooms & 3 bedrooms 4535/066 FREE PARKING Nice Courtyard1 6830729 1370 High 1 bdrm. private patio 4326 2999 High 2 bdrm duple* family room 1 vy baths fireplace garage weal her wed 3626 977 E 37th 2 bdrm duple* garage 34 76 Springfield 120 F Street Freshly painted 1 bdrm laundry parking 3320 626 Pioneer Prkwy 2 bdrm new carpets 3360 By appointment Spyglass Associates 686 1130 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE ARTS 1565 W 18th Spacious 2 bdrm Dishwasher disposal appliances laundry off street parking 4470 343-4000 2 bedroom apartments avail*? 16th and Mill area 1 bedroom apartment available 15th 4 Milyard 4449922 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU "l * f£Y, 'lOU.'CAN'r J ouinap ouivca& a p&xe? PEACS /S MiAT THIS IB AIL ABOUT, BROTHER UJE'Rt 60 INO TO BEAT OUR PRUM5 UNTIL BUSH COMEB TO - rnjJ'.p,-, H/SL&J5ES J^mo, //v m m A A4SS PLAVtR* SURD' COULD yw JSt A &AS6 BUT. UMOHT rou SUPPORT IHtWAR' PAMMIT HOMAN. A 6/65 A 616! \ can you PiAi ATM &C/0OS' ))i~V FREE Movie Rental with rental ot equal or greater value VCR & 2 Movies 48 Hour Rental only 1495 E 19tn 342 4972