Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1991, Supplement, Image 9

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    uutlv G&si&esi, PUirutirtXf, asufL Plcuzesttesit
Tuesday, February 19, 1991
Oregon Daily Emerald
Advertising Supplement
Career Jigsaws
No matter how the
puzzle' looks in the end,
Career Planning and
Placement can help
yon put pieces together.
It's almost spring. You’re
gazing out the window,
onto 1 hh Avenue, think
ing about getting the frishec
out. You can’t wait for the sun
to start shining again. Then,
your thoughts wander ahead to
You really want to work in a
national park or become an in
tern in Portland. Or better vet
— wouldn't it he great to grad
uate and get a “real" job? Sud
denly the professor’s voice
reaches you and you’re bai k in
class. It's raining outside. You
After i lass, why not walk
over to Hendrick’s Hall, to the
Career Planning and Place
ment Service office. There is a
file of national park jobs (and
many other kinds), an intern
ship library and a career coun
selor who can help you decide
what to do this summer and
with the rest of your life.
Student Em
ployment, located
downstairs in
Room 12, is a re
source center tor
part time employ
ment in Eugene,
summer employ
ment and work
study jobs. I he
doors are open
from ^ a.m. to 4
p.m. except tor
the lunch hour,
Monday through
Friday. Walk in
and coordinator
Leslie Wright is Willing to help.
Upstairs, in the C'areer De
velopment Internship Program,
there are listings of internship
opportunities worth upper divi
sion credit in Eugene and
across the United States. I his
is for students with majors or
minors in the College of Arts
and Sc ictu es.
For anyone not sure what
career interests them, Career
Assessment Program offers ui
reer testing and interpretation.
For a $ 50 fee, personal meet
mgs with career counselors can
lead to direction in the right
“It’s a gre.it opportunity to
think about yourself and to do
some reflecting," says t'PI’S Di
rector Larry Smith.
For those interested in work
ing for a national firm or large
corporation, the Campus Inter
view Program can help. Here,
students can set up interviews
with companies such as Micro
soft and Purina Ralston, which
recruit on campus. A set of 10
bid cards are available for $10.
These are used to match stu
dents with companies based on
the required major, graduation
date and ( jPA.
So stop daydreaming. You
can begin planning for the fu
ture at CPPS now.
Laura Price
Career trends in the 1990s
Arc you graduating in June and unsure
about where to look for a job.’ Al
though the recession is in full swing,
there are jobs available for l niversity graduates.
There are several sectors in the economy where
college graduates an expect jobs to grow Mgmti
candy in the next 10 years. Larrv Smith, director
of Career Planning and Placement Service, fore
casts long term trends by looking at demographic
characteristics of the American population.
“Looking at these characteristics, ask yourself
what goods and services will be needed by the
American population," Smith says. “Ibis is an
excellent technique for projecting demand."
With the graying of the baby boomers, the
largest area for job growth will be in the health
c are sector.
Health care jobs include drug manufacturers,
nurses, doctors, physical therapists, pharmacists,
and other positions that make life easier for peo
Another area l niversity graduates can find
the number of jobs increasing is financial sere ices.
With retirement approaching tor many baby
boomers, investment will be a strategy for putting
away money, Smith says. I herefore, jobs in in
vesting will be inc reasing in the near future.
A third sector that will continue to produce
more jobs is s, lence driven tec hnologv.
Biotechnology is one of these developing areas
that will continue to offer new jobs as it grows,
I am to JOBS, Page 4H
Placement \
244 Hendricks Hall
University of Oregon
Here are just some of the services and resources that
Career Planning and Placement Services provide
Career tests to clarify your interests,
values arul skills. Orientations held each
week. ♦♦♦
Summer Employment Program is now
registering stiulents for summer 1991.
Call 346-3214 for further details.
A class course offered Spring quarter
1991. Tues. & Thurs. 11-12:20, 3 credit
hours. CSPY 199. Fundamentals of re
sume. job interviews and job search.
Brief ten minute sessions available on a
drop-in basis from 1:30-3:30 daily.
A workshop is offered every week. Call
J46-3235 to verify workshop schedule.
A specialized library of occupational
info., annual reports and employer di
Explore individual questions and con
cerns with professional career counsel
ors. Call for appointment.
Earn credit and experience through
internships in off-campus placements.
For majors or minors in the College of
Arts and Sciences