Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 mum TWPf BIRTHDAY ill A 1 '%£> rouVt QOMl ALONG WAX BABY? i Axn Tn« spaghetti dinner &n Wednesday «*** great but the COmptfi, *M e*en better Th*nfc» lor a great time AT Unplanned pregnancy'* BIRTHRIGHT a pi* e to think things over Someone to talk to Personal confidential M7 M51 HmII After our Initial on You gave u% quite the Ceieb'atKjn C.ongrata to all »r>u» nee men We re looking *orwacd to A’ 'her Function See you then* love S»oma Kappa CATHf RlNf YOu '« the best mom tnentJ love rov A»*n Congratulations to the 1991 Sigma Kappa Alpha Phi Chapter OMicers AMen* P Wendy V April Y C*r»ten S Stacy S l e»i»e P Kathryn f Leslie J June* C Darman* C Tony* H Heidi M Mtmi B EicalxMh l President Vice President V P Pledge Fd V P MemteMShip Ass 1 V P M Recording S4K'0lVt Corresponding Sec T reeeu'er Registrar Panhetlemc Jr Penheiiemc Activities Chan Historian HovM Mgr Philanthropy PutXic Hei el ions Sc hole# ship Social Chair A»s t Social Sisterhood A»s I Sisterhood Intramurais Triangle Co#p Freshmen Hep Sophomore Hep Junior Hep EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gam ol a deal! ATi Th«nM for IN twac* 6*»r>' You 100*1 a*ay ou» b i an «. tfcii j;tr ynuf i lavtified ad other h> phmc or »n prrvon’ 14ii 346-4343, w.-n 1 n EMERALD Room 300. Erfo Memorial Union (EMU) READ IT AND REAP! in the Oregon Deity EmenkJ Clemtied* On remtom dayt, m random clett.ticel.on* you II tmd tHM«" ed* containing valuable d.tcountt on clattihed edvertitmg Simply cut out the teeter ad and turn it in with your ed lorm to receive the diecount detenbed within the ed (t teeter per per ton pleate ) Reed every ittue ceretuliy Our clettifiedt ere reeding - at it t bett* Mem S p m »*ng lh n«* >e*r in *i»h thw Th*nhs few |h* party anit happy moth n*-* r*af " Love KD ft 15 TYPIWG SERVICES** DIAL A TYPIST M3 7777 Eva ft Typing M3 3MS Rapo«t» Oi*ft*rUtionft Ri»um«» mu Pr»nt#f 115 fl iiDJMM Th« WORD SPECIALISTS (*t*du*ir S« Approved ' I)iitriUI»ifiv'l IrKvl’iprit IBM C ( otvetnwn I jwei PriniM|< »f aptlK ' I d if in*, Nr *ume » CAROLYN QNOY Printed text to computer hies BBBEEBBB 7 4?4$&Q - .v • ■ : . - f. ; TiViO 344*4510 •os I 1J*». FLYING FINGERS typrng Mryu g > ast accurate professional »1 OOfpage up O4I0M JO THE TYPINO PRO IBM WORD PROCESSINGS DtTlNG fAS? REASONABLE CONSCIENTIOUS PAPE RS DUE? NEED HELP'* Fd*f»ng Typmg Word Frocstpny , au .i MI Ml PagQy • T yprng Sanrtca Experienced fyptsi of far mg service* on iHM computer system and t*S#r pon!*« Reasonable 'ales Can Peggy at M2 4*6ft Professional Word Processing 90" per page Pickup delivery available Pryor ME4M TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 4IS JM3 Formerly located Brjou Theat 6646 leave message large ptcmc !m»»p! *ov*o bamboo titled F •< Con M2 7 Oefc desk for set* Raid 1160 et ScanDes*yr asking $66 Nee# perfect 346 9220 Stair Stepper with monitor Almost lift* Squeaks a little but works weft tlOOnpoobebi* us <716_ T9' color TV ' sei* Monitor I(h>» l months old $120 Cell 342 1690 —— GOVERNMENT SIl/E0 Vehicles Irom $100 Fords Mercedes Corvettes ChevyS Surplus Buyers Guide (1) 806962 <000 E■t S 9642 SEI/E0 CARS, trucks Poets 4 wheelers motorhomes By t Bl IRS DEA Available you* ere* now Celt • ... • '77 Ceprt Ghle Red nee brakes & master cyt Nee clutch & pressure plate This is a very n»c* car 144 04 70 days 669604/eves $2260 iw mm Bianchi Brava Racing Btfce Mini Condition S2C M Frama 1375 00 060 Call M2 6393 t«M_ Raleigh Marathon 12 speed roa0 bike 16 f?*m# ridden twice A s'eal at 1280 3466695 Wanted to boy Quality (Burley 1 bicycle trailer suitable lor sale weath aiprool hauling of small child Doug 68*6120_ 1965 56 cm Branch! Noova Racing Campy derailieura I JOCVobo 484 9965 John 1966 23 in Raleigh 'm hnium aiu>n-''um racing f itras l »cel lent » ond 125(Vobo Scott 687 0736 its COMPUTERS/EIECTROHICS HP 26S Advanced Scientific Calculator features Statistical mode Calculus Piogremmmg Retail 1220 tailing 1110 Please contact Pale. M3 3201 jBBaaaffiaMHMM FREE MOUSE! j Computer *y»t#m with hard dm* j mcHKle* m>'d processing spread sbeel and database AH tor onty $799 00 Computer Systems West 1756 W.llemette _ meu Mac Memory Sat* MAM 2 '■ MR upgrade $116 4MB $229 We ma*e N>uMC*ll| Mwnofy D»'*c1 >4S9lf»7 STEREO FOR SALE Turntable dual cassette AM f M radio $200 ObO 6A6 ' S44 1MJ Liic-iima Dynasta< 195 cm Solomon 647 Binding* ItOS $46 9628 CHEAP! Rosstgnal TourtngfCross Country Uti boots and pot** Fits 5 3 f*mat* $99 obo 666 9631 1SL rtIHiTiT.]X.TK;T7 Protecting Oregon's Rivers David Bayte* of me »»egt.>n Rtvar Council *r'M discuss in* currant poll t>< n and problem* of Oregon riraff ? .10 MM Tuesday February 19 Outdoor Program MM 23 I MU f MEE 1 Sponsored by me U of O • SLTJMSL SPRING BREAK i’IB v * 4 HI to Honolulu 'fom Portland $650 obc 4B4 293B l>e*t«» '•* ^ M i ______________ SPRING BREAK X16 4/?4 RT to Palm Spnngs area from Seattle 12i6obo 346 ftMs TRAVEL FREE or on shoestring A - courier* needed also overseas amJ cruiseship help * *n t *kJ C*jl 1 60066? 7656 f «t F 1461 pumifiniiii ATTENTION The Survival Center i* conducting a Coordinator Search tor tool paid positions 1 Urban f cotogy 2 Putxif Lands 3 Youth Gimo* 4 H*tn ForeSt Action Group These position* 'un from Mar 1 thru spring t#rm em.h will receive $60 stipend-mo The Survival Center ■» an AA { EO employer Deadline lor appn cations and resume* it Feto ?6 at 6pm m the Survival Center Suite 1 or ASUO Suite 4 l MU Position desenp non* can t># obtained in both pieces I r • , «■ l'r .. \M 4 t*rt Traveling Soon * Apply tor an American Express card Fly anywtvere in tt»a USA tor |1M or less Call TODAY" 466 6AM REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from $1 without credit Chech You repair Also ta* delinquent foreclosures Call i 606662 7565 C *t H 1454 for repo list your area EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition plus monthly Stipend lor qualified persons interested m earning « master * degree end special education certification For more details write to Sand* Dave 17} Education University of Oregon STUDENT SENATE SEATS AVAILABLE 14 Education English Grads Interdisciplinary Studies #17 Undeclared Applications are in Su*te 4 EMU They are due on 2/22/91 ASuO is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer ?2o hIlp wAiitED Cruise Ship Jobs HIHING Mon Women Summer/ Year Mound PHOT **RAE'HE «S ’. >ir« GJIU4 nl ( Ml ATi- NM I 11 . vftenloay f^EE !«*»# Ca*OCMMn Kaaji Uaham#*. Suutr- PaCifx Mn« CALI NOW I < .• fo*wrvlat>ie 1 206 736 7000, fc«l.WO*' 220 HELP WANTED AGENTS EARN 1SSG7WK AT HOME Processing phone orders People Call You lo Order 1AOO 732 3221 e«t B 17S§. 24MAS_ ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fisheries Earn 1600 ■ week tn canary S8000S12 000 • *0 r two mortih* on fishing vessel Ovar 8000 openings No eipenance necessary Mala or Famala Fo* 68 peg* am ploy m#r»l booklet send J8 95 to MAL Research Bo* 84008 Seattle WA 98124 30 day. unconditional 100% momy bee* gu*far.u»«> ALASKA SUMMER JOBS ara Danaii Park Note's 600 seasonal resort /obs in Denai< National park .Mi McKinley) Sign up for 3/6 interview a u student Emptoyman 1 3463814 Amancan coupla *.) young girls wants f#ma*a foraign student fo sharp la/ga horn* Ou*at. private room ut*iitips an maais iota of e«t»as S - I '4. I AMIGA CAMPUS REP Part tirna position available for an enthusiastic Amiga knowledgabie student to demonstrate and sen Amiga personal computers on campus For information and to schedule an U . • A 1206 944 1330 A GREAT SUMMER JOB Summer Senior Desk Assistant Announcing one Summer Senior Desk Assistant position with University Housing Cam room board weekly salary and valuable job experience Two yea's of office eiparience or equivalent recommended Position encompassing fourteen weeks of sum mer For more information Position Description and Application available at University Mousing Office Walton Com pie i located at 1*»th Ave and Agate St 346 4 277 Applic ation dead ime i» 6 00pm February 22 1991 University Housing *s an equal opportunity affirmative action employ er . >mmitt»d to Cultural diversity Chemistry Stkrm Mult bi W k qua! Work in the Chem Teaching L abs on Wed 11 30 2 00 Thurs 8 30 1130 Tues 4/or Thurs After noons Starting wage 14 7Vhr Inquire. Stockroom B 16 Klamath HUP tWAWTEP ??o HUP WANTED Dancers wanted Gmat Alaskan Bush Company £*cellent money 1030 H wy 99 North 606 902 7 _____ Desperately seek lr>g nannies Boston s leading nanny agency invites you to spend a regarding and challenging year with carefully screened profes sionai families Complete support net work awaits your arrival One year commitment For a local interview call A A- Al’I'AiM ’ 600 262 H •’ 7 1 HELP NEW STUDENTS: Become a peer mentor Welcome new students to the University Training provided Sign up with YWCA. 041 E 10th 346 4439 leave message HOME TYPISTS. I’< wm"’ '!■#•,)*• ’ $36,000 potential Details Call 111 805 962-0000 L ■ t B 964? Instructors and counselors needed for U of 0 Upward Bound Program June 16 August 12 1991 Call 346 3501 tor application Deadline March 1. 5 00 pm AA/EOE Minorities and women encouraged to apply INTELLIGENCE JOBS All btm US Customs 0EA etc Now hiring Cali (11 BOS 96? 8000 E * t K 9642 It s easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles E «ceiient money flexible hours Cali Nancee or Brook for per sorial interview 344 6097 Nanny for 11 year old yrl l ight housekeeping duties Secretarial skills a plus Possible room and board He'erences required Ask for Ralph 942 1234 Available now Now Hiring Student Coordinator ; Cultural Forum A SARO positions j 1 begin Spring Term for 91 92 Heritage Music Visual Arts Popular Music Lectures Film Performing Arts f vents Crew Deadline Friday. February 22nd Stop by Suit** 2 FMU for information A application 346 4373 the CF A ARQ irt EQfAA employers_ River Guides Wanted Training session begins Mar 17 For info can Wild Water Adventures 89f>446*> leave message or write PO Bo* 249 Cresweti OR 97426 HELP WANTED Harrahs CASINO HOTEL REMO Summer is rapidly approaching. You re probably wondering how to combine the fun of summer with the reality of working... At Marrah's Reno the summer is the most exciting time of year! The area s recreational activities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing, boating, hiking, fishing, or just relaxing in the High Sierra sun on the beaches on Lake Tahoe, less than an hour's drive from Reno And work is just as much fun, with the continuous thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges. We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing applicants who would enjoy serving our guests. Personnel Representatives from Harrah s Reno will be on campus, Thursday. February 21, 1991 to interview for summer positions in the gaming and food service departments. You are invited to complete an application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office. EOE M/F (J.S AND AUTHORIZED ALIENS Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU rmep&m mAuowev 1V8AN6AMM »IN FRONT OF IhtAhirtHOtt 0AVANPHI6HT* +5 UJNO Of? THtYPONV {J/tfP 7hf U6Al UMIT Of 60 Of-0-1 - j f THb PRUMVN6 STARlbPMH ANOJtBWA TRIBAL-tffitMCW LAST PBCMOER. OTHER AUT/ MAR mm&Tbf&hAVt' mo n up t vex since youurn TO JOIN mm. U-* > \ tl NO MAY JDSt! 1 SUPPORT OUR HJAF. pouch w%' rr«> our JPOOPb : CAN'T A3/P6‘ 1 OUR TROOPS* KXJ KNOW HOW MUCH MAIL THOSt scwoorr? Hty, IV UKC A FANC Y APD BOX. TOO, PUT NOOO -I'MA CM UAH' /— WOLFF sremi 'Wj. ^ 10 ^ Tannings Sessions *19.95 - coupon •ap4r»» Aj?" MI\U.MU \ II 11 344 2691 1666 Franklin