SPORTS There’s some ridiculous things in the Pac-10 With only six games left in the Pacific-10 Confer ence basketball season, it seems like an appropriate time to take a look back at some of the most ridiculous things in the conference this season Here we go: • The crybaby attitudes of Oregon State's Teo Alibegovic, UCLA's Don MacLean and Tracy Murray and California's Roy Fisher. Alibegovic has got to be the worst whiner in the conference. In a recent feature on him in The Oregoni an. it seemed like half the article was spent on Alibegovic complaining about teammates, officials and Oregon State students. With this kind of attitude is it any wonder that Alibegovic spent his first two years in Corvallis in and out of Ralph Miller and Jim Anderson's doghouses? It’s too bad to see Alibegovic still hasn't grown up. In a year that you would like to root for a young man that has suffered through so much personal trage dy and is playing so well. Alibegovic makes it impos sible to do so. Fisher, like Alibegovic, is a senior and should lie more grown up than he is. Farlv in the season, when Coach Ixiu Campanelli was looking for a leader on his young team, he needed Fisher to stand up and be one Instead. Fisher continues his hot head act and is prob ably the most despised player in the league. Then there is Maclean and Murray. F.arlier in the season. 1 actually thought that maybe Maclaian should lie the conference MVP instead of Oregon's Terrell Brandon, largely because he was playing not only much better than before, but was acting more mature From the Sidelines by ASHLEY CONKLIN That is until the Arizona game at Pauley Pavilion when MacI.ean cost the Bruins the game when he drew a technical foul for throwing the ball at Arizona's Brian Williams A class act Maybe Murray's attitude is understandable since he is only a sophomore After he hits one 25-foot jumper though, he keeps putting them up because he thinks he's Bob Cousy Then, if Murray doesn't get the ball, he starts complaining to teammates Maybe Mur ray should start using his tifoot-H frame to start post ing people up if he wants the ball more • The actions of Macl.ean and Murray lead us to some thing even more ridiculous UGl.A's conference re cord The Bruins, despite being 18-7 overall and beating such non-conference fix's as Virginia and Pittsburgh, are tied for fifth in the conference at ti ll Granted, the Pac-10 is much tougher this season, hut with easily the most talented team in the confer ence. there is no reason UGI.A should lx- tied for fifth • It's incredible how had the officials are in the Pac-10 and the only place where you'll see worse refs is in the NBA if 1-cirrv. Mix: and Guriy are the Three Stixiges, I don't know what you would call Booker Turner. Rich ie Ballesteros and Tom Harrington except for maybe the Three Boohs Hut those three aren't the only eul prits — they're all had • Home attendance at Washington State's Friel Court The Cougars wen- in second place in the confer ence standings before getting swept by Oregon and Or egon State last week S'et you wouldn't know it by the home attendance. Washington State is averaging only .1,677 fans per game Consider how bad that figure would be if there hadn't been 10,365 on hand for the Jan 26 game against Washington That’s hard to believe. I mean really, what else is there to do in Pullman? Co to the Hard Rin k Cafe? Co to Hloomingdale's? Co to the local amusement park? • Players fouling Oregon guard Kevin Mixon and sending him to the free throw line After hitting both of his free throws against Wash ington. Mixon is 49 of Til at the line this season, a 961 percentage Mixon, however, doesn't lead the nation in friN) throw percentage because he needs 2 5 made attempts per game, or f»fi made free throws, to ijualify for the NCAA statistics Mixon is on track, with two made attempts per game, to break UCLA's Rod Foster's Pac III record of 950 set in 1962 I can't understand why coar lies or players would send Mixon to the line It's an automate two points Duck tennis team shuts out PSU By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor The Oregon women's tennis team continued its dominance of Portland State last Friday, winning 9-0 despite leaving four of its top players Irehind The Ducks always have an easy time against the Vikings, so Coach Tom Creider used the match to get some of his other players matt h ex perience "We still win, and it’s a strategy session where we can practice the things that will make us a better team, such as not staying hat k and coming to the net more." Creider said. Freshman Katie Clynn. Oregon’s top singles player, did make the trip to Portland, and beat Tomo Ichiyama 6-0. 6-0. Sophomore Jackie DeFord stepped in at No. 2 singles and won 6-1. ti-l over Jenn Cordon, while Cynthia Armstrong topped Shelley Smith 6-0. 6-0 at third singles Armstrong also teamed with Clynn to win at No 1 doubles. t> 2. ti-l Tracy Miller, Margaret Fraleigh and Melissa Krion .i!m> won their matches in straight sets anil only Fraleigh. a 7-5, ti t) winner. lost more than three games. Del ord Miller ami Fraleigh Krion also had easy wins at No 2 and No t doubles, res per lively Oregon will 1m* back in action the next two weeks w ith extended trips through California On Friday, the Ducks will face one of the na tion’s top three teams in UCLA. and will meet DC Irvine and Cal State Northridge the following days While Creider isn't expecting the Ducks to pull off iin upset of the Hruins, lie is looking at the road trip to give the Ducks who have five freshmen and sophomores in their top six some miu h-needed experience "Our No 1 probably couldn’t even make their top It), hut my feeling is, ’Why don’t you come .ind play No 1 lor us than No 10 for them,’ Creider said. "We have all these freshman in 1(1*11 and than we ll turn around and make this same trip in two years when they’re juniors." he said UCLA ousts Ducks from Arizona Softball Classic Oregon's softball team was eliminated from the Arizona Softball Classic in Tucson, Ari/ , Sunday when the lHth ranked Ducks fell 5-1 to top-ranked UCLA Oregon went 4 4 in the tournament, and despite losing to the liruins in the quarterfinals, were the only team to get a run off IJCl.A pitching ace UeDe VVeimann in the tourna ment The Dm ks took 0 vic tory over No 12 Arizona State, had six all tournament selei lions, while Manning was Oregon's onlv all-tournament se lection The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, otters an mten sive ABA Approved post graduate 14 week LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM This Program will enable you to put your education to work as a skilled member of the legal team A representative will be on campus Wednesday, April 17,1991 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Erb Memorial Union, Century D For more information contact your career center at: (503) 346-3235 uo UiiwimIv ol Xin Dk-^-> Lawyers Assistant Program Boom 318 Serra Hall San U«go. 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