Oregon DAILY EMERALD I ucstilt\. Fchruan l1). IWI lugenc. Oregon Volume 1*. l\Mie KM Student groups concerned over derogatory acts Recent hate mail, posters directed at GALA, MEChA By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter A recent frenzy of hate mail and derogatory posters aimed at women, lesbians, and stu dents of color has raised con cern among several student groups, the ASUO and the Of fice of Public Safety. Earlier this month, a poster of a woman with a target drawn around her face was put under t he door of the C.av and Lesbian Alliance office The words "Hi. cutie" were written on it Around the same time, a member of MKChA. the Ghic.a no I-atino student union, found a similar poster On it was a picture of a person of Hispanii decent with a target drawn around him A racist message was written on that poster, in what appeared to be similar handwriting In addition to those two ini i dents, flyers have been found around campus advertising a "blow up doll punching bag." on which any woman's photo graph can be put. and then sent to a serviceman in the Middle East. A similar advertisement has been found in whi< h a con nection is made between vibra tors and Patriot missiles On the latter two. the College Republicans office is given as the location to order such items. Jason Wilson. College Republicans secretary, said the group is not responsible for tin posters. "We were shocked to learn that someone put our name on this." he said. "We didn't have anything to do with it Obvi ously someone stooped to very low levels to discredit our or ganization We’re disappointed that someone would do that "It was a cowardly thing to do," Wilson added "Those posters are sickening Members of CAI.A. MKGhA and the ASUO all had different ideas about why tin* University is seeing an increase in sui h in ( idents. "We've come to accept it as a way of life around here." said Kddie Beanes. MIX ill A director, who added that he was not par ti< ularlv surprised hv it "On campus, we deal with it with professors, and it's getting worse with (Ballot) Measure 5," he said "We're told our members it's to be expected The best thing we can do is try to educ ate everyone about our culture and heritage. " Sue Dookstader. director of GALA, said she believes that several situations at the Univer sity have helped create a hos tile climate. She points to a recent ruling by University President Myles Photo bv ***»n Po«lon MECbA director Eddie Beanes said he isn 7 surprised by the recent occurrence of hate crimes on campus. Brand. in which no action was taken against a professor who was alleged to have made a sex isl comment to a student. Brand's executive assistant. Alison Baker, subsequently commented that he was oxer ( ising his right to free speech Karlier this year. law school professor dreg Johnson was asked by his supervisors to apologize publicly after he