COMMUNITY Anti-war activists gather at “Stop the War” rally Gulf war a waste of money and lives, say peace group members at rally By June Russell Emerald Reporter More than 100 communitv members and representatives of several peace organizations marched from the EMU Court yard to the Eugene Federal Building Saturday for a noon "Stop the War" rally spon sored by Eugeni’ I'eaceWorks and the Nonviolent Activists Network. Led by the members of the Oregon Country Fair Marching band, marchers gathered with those waiting at the Federal Building to listen to music and speakers representing Earth First!, \V om y n ’ s Press. I’eaceWorks and other organi zations. I’eaceWorks rally organizer Frank Cardoza said health care instead of warfare was the theme behind Saturday’s rally, "There’s a call throughout the nation." Cardoza said. "The theme today is bring the troops hack alive and use the money for health care, not war We also wanted to get people back at the federal building, and have people focus on the protest here. " Will o w k j e I I b e r g . PeaeeWorks rally organizer, said the rally represented an ef fort to bring together different outlooks on how to achieve peace and the war in (he Per sian Culf The rally was a real effort to bring together "different view points on how to ai hieve peace,‘ she said "We believe in non-violence as a means to solving prob lems." k jell berg said "War is not an acceptable alternative We're also Irving to give the community a place to come to gether for pear e and support PeaceWorks volunteer Paul Haueisen addressed the audi ence first, telling listeners to stay on their feet and protest the war at home and and th war abroad. "It took one of the largest in vasions and bombardment in the world to get us to our feet in protest," Haueisen said " us stay there. There is war abroad and there is war in our midst. Do you see the war against women? Do you see the war against the poor? "This war in lrai| is wrong," he said "Free Kuwait? (live ONE THING THAT WASN’T REDUCED BY MEASURE 5 YOUR RISK OF AIDS! sponsored by University of Oregon Environmental Awareness Series Workshops Brice Creek: Study the management, use, history, flora and fauna of this unique recreation area. February 22.23,24 - 2 credits. $150 plus trulyl Swamps and Wetlands: Acquire new appreciation for Oregon's swamps, sloughs and bogs. Study these fragile and valuable wetlands on-site. March $.9.10 ■ 2 credits, $150 plus traiyl South Coast: Study at the edge of the continent, gam knowledge about this spectacular and varied coastline. March 20 24, - 3 credits, $225 plus trairl Last day to register is February 21! Call 346-3537 for registration information Photo lit left Pa«l«> War pmtesters man.hed Saturday from the EMI' Courtyard to a rally at the Federal Huildiny The rally was an effort to unite people with different opinions on how to achieve peace. mi* a break' Kesist the creeping fiis< isl state (let the U S out of the Middle Hast now Karth l-irst! activist Karen Wood told listeners the search for more oil is destroying the wilderness and our dependen cy on oil is killing the planet and ourselves. "They're getting ready to drill for oil m our lust wilder moss areas," Wood said "It's extremely important to stop them from destroying our wil derness to suck a few more years off oil. "If we don't change the di rection we're going in. we're going to end up where we're going Our president is an oil mitt) The oil industn has more influent e than tin1 alternative energy sources. To make real, lasting i hanges people need to work together. Wood said They can protest the war in one way by not (lay ing war taxes, whir h is the "greatest form of civil of dis obedience ALL 1991 CALENDARS 50% OFF AT THE UO BOOKSTORE GENERAL BOOK DEPT. ONLY: ALL SALES FINAL SALE EFFECTIVE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Wfll