UNIVERSITY Symbols of death Senior sociology major Debbie Pierson anil other concerned students planted about 450 white crosses in front of Johnson Hall and in the quad by the Knight Library fri dav. The crosses symbolize the deaths of soldiers and civilians caused b\ the wulf. Photo by Jeff Paslay Non-violence committee to meet MEETINGS The non-violence committee of the No Gulf War Coalition will meet ut 4:30 p.m. in EMU Ce dar Room C. Call (>86-15:) 1 for more information Student Projects Inc. board of directors will meet from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m in EMU Century Room E. Call 346-3729 for more information. Et als A general interest meeting for Earth Week will be at 7 p.m. in EMU Suite 1 All who want to take part in this year's celebration are invited to attend Call the Survival Center, 346-4356, for more information. Survival Center office meeting will be at 7 p.m. in EMU Suite 1. SPEAKERS AND LECTURES “How to Survive Your Oral Defense" is the topic of a workshop for graduate students to be given from noon to 1 p.m in EMU Cedar Room A. Call 346-2804 for more information “Eighteenth Century Medical Education: The ‘Student's-Eye View' of Experiment" is the title of a lecture to be given by Lisa Rosner. assis tant professor of history at Stockton State College in Pomona, N.|. The talk, sponsored by the Hu manities Center, will lx; at 4 p.m in the EMU Gumwood Room “Evolution of the Transposable Element Mariner in Drosophila" is the subject of a semi nar to be given by Kyoko Maruyama of Washing ton University School of Medic me in St l.ouis. Mo The talk will lie at 1 10 p m in Room 100 Willamette INTKKVIHVVS Open sign up for the following companies is available in Room J-O llendrii ks on Tuesday: • (Georgia Paulk ( lorp • (aulas Corp • U S Bureau of the Census • Ralston Purina (’o • Timberline Systems Inc • K Mart Apparel • Ackerley Communications Ini • Uarco Inc • Wilderness Cruises • U S Defense Contrai t Audit Agent v A meeting with Uarco representatives will la held from 2 to t p m Thursday in Room 21t> Al len. Deadline for submitting Kt als to the Emerald front desk. KMU Suite 300, is noon the day before publication fit als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon; items run only once. Items for events charging admission or a do nation will not run Kvents running closest to the University will lie given priority The Emerald re serves the right to edit Kt als for grammar and style. CORRECTION Victor Steinhardt's piano re cital will take place tonight at 8 in Beall Concert Hall Ht) 1 K 18th Ave. Friday’s Emerald con tained the wrong date The Emerald regrets the error, and apologizes tor any ini on veniences it may have caused GOURMET PIZZA - $6.25 i Wonderful t rust f\< iIiiik mjjrrrfitMits available i*v REMEMBER US FOR LUNCH ON WEEKENDS. TOO1 » 754 EAST 1 y the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon. Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of tr»« University with offu «s on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecut able by law Editor Alice Wheeler Managing Editor Editorial Editor Poiitkt Editor Qraphka Editor Supplements Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Biair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston Layne lakefiah Anna Rembecki News t flu or Oatnerme Ma^ifly | Editorial Editor Pa! Maiach Sports Editor Ashley Conklin Entertainment Editor Layn® Lakehah Supplements Atat Ed Amy Fredericks Night Editor Christopher Blair Community Don Peters Student Government/Actlvlties Paula Green Higher Education/Administration Peter Cogswell Reporters Tammy Batey Jake Berg Brian Bloch. Bene De Can Came Dennett Ming Rodriques June Russell Daralyn Trappe. Robert Weber Photographers l he Evans. Andre Ranted Advertising Kevin Austermann. Mark Brundage Elaine De*ter Kathy Endicott Mi chael Gray Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Stephen Mosley Marla Newman L isa Richman. Mary Sanderson, Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Peggy McGinn. Manager Kelly McMichael, Janet Schober Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Judy Connolly Production Sandra Daller Advertising Coordinator Jennifer Archer Mia Bertelsen. Lotus Child Carol Dopp, Jim Finch Corine Frier. Susan Hoad. Jennifer Huey. Linda Klaastad Sheila Loren/o Jim Mason. Anna Rembecki Don Ross Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas Hon Walker. Todd Williams General Manager Judy Riedl Production Managar M*cha«e Roas Nawtroom. Butlnaat Ottic# 346 5511 Production . 346 4361 bu5»n inoien Advertising Director Display Advertising Clsssllled Advertising 346 3712 346 4343 TNS PAR SIM By GARY LARSON o < The crew of Ihe Starship Enterprise encounters the floating head of Zsa Zsa Gabor. Pa** :t