Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 personal SIGMA KAPPA Congratulations to our now sisters on your Initiation and installation In sigma, your advisory board 15 TYPING mm The WORD SPECIALISTS Graduate School Approved Dissertation vThc*cv Tape i> IliM (Yimpatible/Disk Conversion 1 Ascr Pnnting/Graphtca hditing/Reaumls CAROLYN CINDY Printed text to computer hies B&ntnsmnn 747 4580 3 normal* Bird «J 344-4510 60S E lll.i An Eva s Typing 663 3565 Raports. Dissertations, Resumes Leeer Printer__ FAXIT HERE 346 2853 send & receive low cost Footnotes FMU Rm B ?1 FLYING FINGERS t>pms; .■ Fast accurate professional $i 00/page, up 464-9036 Jackie's Typing Service Editing/laser Printer 486-0578 JO. THE TYPING PRO 663 6066 IBM WORD PROCESSING, EDI TING FAST reasonable CONSCIENTIOUS^ PAPERS DUE? NEED HELP? Editing / Typing / Word Processing Virginia 341 3386 Peggy's Typing Service Experienced typist offering services on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rates Call Peggy at 342 4666 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free pickup/delivery Ronda 935 1892 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 465 3343 Formerly located Bijou Theatre Bldg 120 TUTORING MATH BIOLOGY CHEM Tutoring by credentialed M S teach** At home or school 3457496 no FOR SALE Electronic Typewriter tor sale Paul $135 at Costco 1 month old asking |10j H2-3W_ High quality Sol* w H#H v/t* hi Ml .» bed Very good condition $150 obo 4tt5 554H leave message Large picnic basket woven bamboo titled £«c cond $20 Antique wrought iron confectionary chair {eye glass de Sign; $*»0 Peading/loungmg chan overstuffeil swivel bfowrvcrem# Stripe tne/ee upholstery $h5 747 9427 rnmiklt - Oa* desk for sal* Pa»d SI 60 at Sc an Design asking S6*> Near perfect _ ii •. . _ Stair stepper with monitor Almost new Squeaks a little but «HKkt wen S'- _ 19' colof TV »<>r safe Monitor took 6 month* del Urt) Can M2 1600 M5 CARS GOVERNMENT SEIZED Voh., las from S’00 Ford* Mercedes Corvette* Chevy* Surpiu* Buyer* Guide - SEIZIO CAM ' * boot wheeler* motorhome* by FBI IRS DFA Available your area now Can t 80S 682 7SS5£»t C 1210 '77 Capri Ghia Med new brakes 4 master cyt New clutch A pressure plate This .» a very nice car 344 0470 days 689804? eves S2260 '80 Honda Accord. *> spd * dr stereo 112 K new dutch brakes well main tamed Reliable transportation Si400 firm or trade 683 94*>!> I Raleigh Marathon 12 road tvke 16 frame ridden twice A steal at >280 34545695 Wanted to buy - ' ’ • U bicycle trailer suitable for sa»e weath erproof hauling of small child Ooug 6896120 1965 56 cm Blanch! Nuova Racing Campy derailleura S300/obo 484 9965. John 165 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS FREE MOUSE! Computer system with hard d‘»k includes word processing spread sheet and database All lor only $799 OO Computer Systems West 1756 Willamette 342 4153 Personal Word Processor and printer for sale' Make an o*ter' Sue 543 0885 TBM PS2 25 with printer *1600. .t>. Wood desk *75vobo 683 1824 175INSTRI 1.TOF Zildjian 20” Rule S. .mdar Good condition 4 months old Must sen *6*> obo X6-9153. friu i«n RESALE CLOTHING "" The right tool for the job the right clothes lor the climate Bing Cherry Palace has d'62 W 13th iso SKI EQUIPMENT Dyneater 195 cm Solomon 647 Bindings *105 346 9628 CHEAP! Rosstgnal Touring/Cross Country skis bools and poles Fits 5 3 female *99 obo 668 9631 U-RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Hide Share brings together people' needing and offering ride-* anywhere in Oregon or throughout the country f or more information call 345 7600 the copy center • Al standard while is 50% recycled • 100% recycled, unbleached available • Wide selection ol specialty papers 860 E. 13th Am. 1265 Willamette SI 344-7894 344-3353 Open 24 Hour* Open 7 Days Cash For Textbooks Mon. ■ Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 g GENTLEMAN'S I ENC X )R£ 8 Quality resale cloth I KM . I FOR MEN AND WOMEN Of 3 DISCRIMINATING TASTE g * m ■ 1111 WILLAMETTE [ 5 EUGENE. OR 97401 8 343 6179 b i»i bi i ihm>i*oi^^sMrir| i?5 QUTOoow Recweatiow_ Protecting Oregon's Rivers | David B*» the Oregon H.»«' Council »ni discuss the Current pot' ; fur* and pr>*bfemf saving Oregon ' v**r*t ? JO PM Tuesday * ebruary ' t«J Outdoor Program MM 2 \ I MU (M£ E ’ Sponsored by the U of O [ Outdoor Program Tatm. SPRING BREAK v tft 124 RT to Honolulu tnjm Portland JS5C obo 464 2936 De‘U Airlines MuSt sell TRAVEL FREE " shtteslrmg A COUtie'S needed Also .'ve>’tOiO And cruiseship help wanted Can i 800682 f*M f «t F 14S1 215 OPPORTUNITIES - ATTENTION The Survival Center in . endue I mg a Coordinator Sea" n lor four pa»d positions 1 Urban Ecology 2 PuOIk l and* 3 Youth Qitw'ia •I Ram Fu'#st Action G' >up These posd><:ris run from Mar 1 thru sp'oig term, ea- h will receive AM) sf'P#nd/mo The Survival Center is an AA EEO employe' Deadline for appi rations anil resumes it Feb ?5 at 5pm in the Survival Center Suite t. or ASUO Suite * f MU Position descrip ttons an tw» Obtained tn both places For mure info, piease cat! 346 4356 Traveling Soon7 Apply lor an American Enprets card Fly anywhere tn the USA lor 1*69 or less Call TO0AY"M3MJ9 REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from |t vs !bout » redit checF You repair Aiso ta< delinquent foreclosures Cab ! 805 682 /5S5 Erl M I4S4 for repo list yOuf area 220 HELP WANTED - Chemistry Stkrm Must f>e v\>'k Study quai Work «n the Chem htng l abs Wed 11 30 2 00 Thurs B 30-11 JO Tues A/or Thurs Alter noons Starting mage 14 ’ Vhr Inquire Stockroom B US Klamath American couple * l y^ung gif-*. «ants female foreign student to share large home Quiet pr vale room, utilities an meals lots of e«tras SJOO.-1.. s*l»h M2_430i AMIGA CAMPUS REP Part ?>rr»o position available for an *• dhui as tic Amiga * i >*dedgat>iu student to demon strata and s*i Amiga pe'S'inai . v-niputers m :ampu» 1 information and to schedule an mtervear all t 206 944 1 iJO A GREAT SUMMER JOB Summer Senior Desk Assistant Announcing on© Summer Senior Desk Assistant postin' with University Mousing E am room board weekly salary and valuable ?ob e*peri«n< « I* years d flue e*pert«nc« or equivalent ret ommended Position e" impassmg fourteen weeks of Sum m«r For more information Position Description and Appii<.at"»n available at University Mousing 0*hce Walton Com pie • located at 15th A«e anti Agate St 3464277 Applu. at>u” lead Ime is 5 00pm f ebruary 22 1991 University Mousing >s an equal opportunity affirmative action employ er committed to cultural diversify wolihHHiittb - EARN AS MUCH AS MOO »V«w»siy at boma *ortung for comjufliM Easy aror* 4f'»onfl i an do R«» «iv« you' first chec* an Q<>'■'* an w««ki Detail* Sand stamped envelop* Bo» 2M Mt Morn s Ml 41USA Desperately seeking i ■ 'ttn Bos' •■■ * loading -'anny agn • , myites you to y«a' * sth trofutly n* -eened pfn'M *.• • j> • .ompieta Suppo',t “#l a ■•■* awaits »ouf arnval On« »*«/ Am*-. 4-’ AUPAlft 1 SOU 262 fl / ?t AGENTS EARN tSSOrW* AT HOMt Processing phono ordary People Call You to Order t 1100 732 3221 a*t 8 17S9 24 HRS ALASKA SUMMC R JOBS A»A 0#n*i> Pa'S Ho!o‘i 600 sea* --a »»n.i't wf:-. • i Dor*ati Nat- >-7S Donald St f ug«n# 97406 STUDENT BARER POSITION 4 n-» per lay Monday through Pi- lay 20 h a#n y am d t 'y Ov«' 16 (>Vh to start Apply m to t MU I »**! Servi n by 2 22 91 SUMMER CAMP JOBS for m*n \ *om«n Interviewing f nhruary 27 Make appointment A get furiher information at Student Employment 12 Handtk kj Mali bummer Joos Counselors/Summer childrens *. amps, Northeast Top salary rm/bUdaundry Travel allow an e Mt,»l have shill in one of the foil wing activities an n*ry crafts baseball basketball b»cyc ling dam.« drama drums fan. mg football god gu tar gymnasbcs hockey ho»Mbe> Eng itsh juggling karate ijt '>-*«%• nature phofogr aphy piano. rocketry roflerbledmg ropes sailboarding sail mg scuba soccer track wate'sk. weights wood Drop by for an informal interview ■ M ! ly f »t) 2*>th m f MU Century AH from t t em *• pm Swimming Jobs r-iiijre' i amp* Northeast Men and women who can teach cntldren to swim swum team treautifui pool and lakes *n the Northeast Good salary room & board travel e«penae D»op by fo» an informal interview on Monday Feb 25th m f MU Century A A E from 1 \ am & pm Tennis Jobs Summer childrens amps Northeast Men and women who an teech hddren im the Northeast Good salary room & board travel eipente Drop by •lit ai- i''format interview ■ Mon.Jay f nii 25th i MU Century A A l U .«»■ HELP NEW STUDENTS: Become a peer mentor Welcome new students to Ihe University Training provided Sign up with YWCA, 641 t ifllh 346 4439 leave message HOME TYPISTS PC users needed S-36,000 potential Details .» t! Mt»* »2 B000 trt B 9642 Instructors and counselors needed for U of 0 Upward Bound Program June 16 August 12 1991 Call 346 JSOI lor application Deadima March t. S 00 pm AArEOE Minorities and women encouraged to apply INTELLIGENCE JOBS A bo,, hes US ( u atoms Dt A eh Now h nng ( an i 11 906 962 riOOO t r yOu'college **}'■■ j*?<..*/•> working ai JiQQlat l « client money flenbie hou'i Cat* Nancee or 6'0<4 for [>«' son *1 interview J44***7 Nanny lor tt yaar old j 1 light house*eapmg dubes Secretarial OiHi .1 plus Pois bl# room and board H*j'o<4u<1 Ail ' Wilpb M2 M A, • >* University Housing JOB OPPORTUNITY SENIOR DESK ASSISTANT JOS OPINING l«n ><• "' >991 1 continuing through Spring Term j . Applicants must tx? aWe to i »:ommii to *oikmg the entire i *i |un*' > equal paym#nts> An hourly rata >f J*i ■ *> 4*i *« given to individuals with U of O Housing a(penance Tha Santo' ( : Desk Assistant works average of 20 ’ hours i*»r aaafc divided between dash and supervisory dutias The '>*1 nor Dash Ass-stant must live in the j U of 0 ras'dan. a halls and t>a >og<-. I fared for a minimum of 8 undergrad 1 : uata or t graduate rad*! hoods* i Candidates must have an a< cumuUi j t»va GPA of 2 2*) and re« eiva<1 at least »2 2*t last term APPLICATIONS Applu ati s are available at alt Area Desk* and are i due back to any A'«* Dess no late' ! than *00 pm February IWi Only completer} applu attons anil h« i given consideration : University Housing is an £ dual Opportunity Affirmative A tmn institution Committed to cultural Now Hiring Student Coordinator ' Cultural Fofum 4 SAWO petitions : fx&gm Spring Term for 91 92 Men? age Mu)i> Visual Ada Popular Music. lectures Film Performing Arts f rttnI* Crew Deadline Friday February 22nd Slop by Swle 2 I Mu for informalion 4 application U6 4 1M The ( f 4 i SAHO are LO«AA employers OVtRSfcAS JOBS 1900 S.'fXX1 • Summttt yr n>und AH countries c ♦ elds f «ee info Write IJC, PC ()« V OrOI in a Del War ('.A Umpires Needod Higt ■ bmb> i ’ ■-••• i Garnet Iwgm at 4 ;H) pm daily 1st meeting l eb fHfr• ami training Avan able *e. 4H4 1706 ^'work study positions' Environmental Wort Study Jobs > ».* valuable eip**' n ■ n a We NW *-•*• b in for Alternatives !.• Pesticides Issues include sutlamable forest'« groundwater protection alternative ago- uMure/oWers Petitions Information Services Assti.' br*. *»> A A Jrn. AssfiS hrvwM t1) SOW' U4 *4)44 1 1am 5pm iWJiITOTCre ALDERWOOD MANOR I860 Alder HMH A ept"vj 8ppi •*!>• ''*» for nf-.-.V 1 ? A ! fxJrm apartment* m Jennings ♦ Co 883 4219 ’ ; BLOCK TO CAMPUS 7t5 f 1fl|h (behind h<>u*oi J M'rr y r 34 3 8000 CASTLE TERRACE 243 F Street N‘v v l a-'-d 2 txt!'.» • ... compie* with pool sl^rm <5 ,w. and (juiof f' -m 133VS.W ( all Ml . . » Jennings & Co 6433 42 ty CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUOtOS FOR JUS? 1288' 0- a * a I’K atior> PARKING ,.M Site - dry Call 344 5583 Jennings A Co 883 4219 GREYSTONETOWNHOUSES 211 Brief dill Newly rernod«*ed two bedroom townhouaes C‘ose 1>< busline' Plenty • >f parking S398 Cell 889 888 7 Jennings A Co 883 4219 Large 1 bedroom, unfurnished built in ollice space lots ol storage Prime U ol O campus location good privacy Students only, no pets non smokers please $375/month 1360 Alder Street 345 8949 Large 2 bedroom apartment available 14/7 Mtlyard St Avail March 1 484 9922 One bedroom '■i block lo center ol campus Petto new carpel, perking quiet S375 887 0821 Specious 1 bdrm apt close to campus. :<• » $ 1.*: '* :•*; •. t M i 4 o>-i Spring/Summer term 610 I 14th Nk a 1 bedroom 7 blocks to ampus No pet»/smoKers $400 « deposit M3 1566 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH t BLOCK TO CAMPUS t bedrooms at $365 large 2 • bedrooms A 3 bedrooms S53V665 FR£f PARKING N.ce Courtyard' 6830729 Biffmarcre nrr 1370 High > txfrm. private petto $-125 W4 H»9h 2 bdrm duple* family room 1 \? bath* firepi* © garage *©4th«M/*Kl $625 977 E 3Mh 2 txJrm tuple* ge?ag«* $4>*5 Spring (t«ld >20 f f '*iM| painted 1 txfrm foundry parking $-320 525 Pioneer Prkwy !■•!'!’' ir»* arpett, $350 Hr appointment Spyyla** A*»ooete* 666 >130 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE APTS 1SS5 W tith Spa* iou» 2 txfrm Dithwasher ‘I'liHiwi appinn. ©* laundry f *!'©«t parkmy $4 70 343 6000 2 bedroom apadmeni* ave^abi© >Mh and Mill area > bed- -vim apartment a«a>taMe tMh & Mtlyerd 464 9922 2 HR Apl Clean and quiet > block to campui $49S per month Cell 465 2463 Of 344 4 760 24O0UA0S ALDER STREET QUADS TMO Alder Sheet • MS 5949 Me- entty 'emodtlml furnitfiw) wen ma -aged units Prime u of O c«mpu* location UM't'e* included On »de laundry >.ored parking 12JSmonlh lease through Juno 14th Students Campus Area Quad 1*09 plus deposit M3 4109 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th f * ( fl It NT CAMPUS LOCATION 1 "temporary unit# »ilh All UTUlTlf S PAlO Private room *dh shared * ommon areas 12V) lease required Call 344 9290 Janmngt A Co M3 4219 Musi sublaasa att month s rent free Close lo i am pus clean all util be* paid ( all how1 346 6820 2 WEEKS FREE 430 f »5fh !22Vmonth Call Don MS 5136 house WnV Springfield Many eitras 1240 incl uld 7476897 morn# Student roommate wanted N e house 5 blocks to campus 1226 share utilities Dave 484 6328 Visiting scholar tuple is • >j ' ■ housing hi campus area until muj June Hp’fi r ■ v, ( ail .34.3 ?! 52 1 female • rent < ■ *m in a duple* 4 Hi from campus 1175 per month ?.« Ju'ip - inter t Tra. , 484 .*640 t room for rent women , J.V*. ; . ■ 'ant month Utilities • Mi ,dwd 4 *< plhs from am pus 14 1 7167 4 bed'u>-m house only 2 blocks h m - ampus 120Qlrno Need one roommate •> on as possible'’ .345 8162 PT/OT PRACTICUM Mtg lor Spring plcmnts Tues., Feb. 19,1991 7 am, 164 Oregon Hall, mandatory attendance ?as ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ■ ART CINEMAS * 402 E. 13lh • 686-2456 IXKOUNT inoWi iw ¥¥• 14 %.r- Urn' 1 J |fli»l bcoAf an pa*g hhai 4 pa rj- *»*w T>h#* TOO ♦ do l'#w »*®«| Koof ■ utm at mcMii ouNit »»4 madam TIIK HKINC AHNATION OF GOLDEN LOTUS a.--- »sss « Lai Uilau « HHAl 4 PA r»' Thru 7 11 9 JO JOHN CUSACK • AMGIICA HUSTON [H JH6SHHSB5 fraw: ' ^ r H/f, M 4* CMWSTTAH SIATIA [It" UpIMlum 1I 00 OAVVO LYNCHS WILD AT HE4RT-J BUNGEE $75 JUMP 6830857 $99 305 Muil$EtlH& U of O Crisis Con lor Holplino U6 44HA «»i»S mghfs & «Nl«n(]5 310 SERVICES Livo 1 on 1 talk • 1 976 4400 • 19 9ft*ton T Tl #»16 ?23 2764 • 1 976 3939 • ••-■■ Euganat hottast paM* lino S' •• ‘A • 1 976 626$ o list*'’ in on ho! (Aik 11 9ft,mm TTI #916 223 2764