SPORTS Ducks drop road games to Huskies, Cougars By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor On first glance, a 10-point loss by the Oregon women's basketball team to lOth-ranked Washington might not appear to be too bad "If the game hadn't been broadcast (on kl’NW, 1120 AM)." joked Oregon Coach Kl win Heiny. "no would have known how bad we played Although the final outcome was only a 05-55 loss to the Huskies, the Ducks were lucky it wasn't worse They trailed :i3-14 at halftime. »i 1 -31 mid way through the second half anti shot only 20 percent from the floor (10 of 55). Sunday's loss to Washington, coupled wit It a 70-72 defeat at Washington State on Friday, left Oregon at 3-0 in the Pacific - 10 Conference and 10-12 over all While the loss to the Cougars broke Oregon's three-game winning streak Friday, the loss to the Huskies was even worse Karen Deden and Dianne Williams. Washington's inside duo. each scored 14 points, hut did most of their damage early on. Iroth offensively and defen sively On the offensive end. each player had It) points in the first half as the Huskies closed out the half on a 24-7 run after leading only 9-7 early on Hut their defense was more noticeable as Oregon freshman forward Debbie Sporcich had only six points, almost It) be low her average Oregon was also outrebound ed !>2-38, grabbing almost ev ery missed shot, and there were plenty of those to grab Pac-10 Women Stanford Washington Washington St UCLA use California Oregon SI Arizona St Oregon Arizona Coni Ovaratt Gama* W L WL Bahinrt 12 1 194 — 112 19 3 1 85 157 4 76 1211 5 66 12 10 5Vz 5 7 12 10 6 57 139 6 48 139 7 Vi 39 10-12 8 Vi 1 11 5 20 lOVi I !»• iny said he was pleased the Ducks didn't give up and closed out the game on a 24-4 run. The Ducks did get good guard play from S t a c i Wallenborn. who had 17 points and freshman Missy Stowell. playing before a hometown crowd. The Bellevue. Wash . native had 12 points, her lx-st game in more than a month Against Washington State, it wasn't shooting but turnovers thol did the Ducks in. Oregon shot 24 of 46 from the floor (52 percent) against the Cougars, hut committed 21) turnovers The Ducks were also hurt by Darci Wellsandt. who scored a game-high 22 points and made six three-pointers, a Washing ton State si hool record Oregon guard Jennifer Bourn hit three three-pointers against tlie Cougars to break Michelle hide's 1989 single-season re cord of 41 With two more treys against the Huskies, Bourn has 44 this season OREGON (72) SpofOCS (8 8 7 30 McC*Uney 2 S 2 3 6 Wilson 56 2 3 12 Bourn 3 9 2 2 11. Walianbom 7 13 0-0 19 I Smith 0 1 3-3 3 Swactonar 00. GO 0. Stowall 0 3. 12. 1 Totals 24 46 16 23 72 WASHINGTON STATE (76) Patarson 4 7 03 8 Allmgaf 1 7 0 3 2 Matson 4 9 3-5. 11. Williamson 3 7 W5 11 Norman 5 10 GO 14 Waiisandt 8 15 0 1 22 Thompson 1 2 00 2 Wat»#r 2 5 0-0 4 louhas 1 3 OO 2 Totals 2065 G18 76 Oregon 35 37 72 Washington State 41 35 76 3 point goals Oregon 8 i 7 (Wadenbom 5 7 Boom 3 8 McCartney 0 1 Stowed 0D Washington Slate 10 17 iWedsandt 5 8 Nof man 4 9) f ouied out McCartney Re bounds Oregon 37 (Sporeich 14) Washing ton State 31 (Wedsandt 8) Assists — Oregon 1? (Bourn 6) Washington State 20 iWilham son 5) Total touls Oregon 21 Washington State 19 A 943 OREGON (55) Sporoch 3 8 00 6 McCartney 1 5 2 4 4 Wilson 08. 34 3 Bourn 28 0-0 6 Wailenborn 6 15 3 5. 17 Stowed 39 68 12. I Smith 1 3 58 7 Ullard 0 1. 0-0 0 Campbell 0-0 00 0 Swadener 08 08. 0 M Davis 08 08. 0 Totals 16 55 1925 55 WASHINGTON (65) Deden 5 11 4 4, 14. T Davis 18. 0-1 2 Williams 7 8 08. 14 Merlino 4 12. 34 12 Me lnt»re 2 7. 115 Greene 4 5 4 5 12. Bryant 08. 4 5. 4. Moore 0 4 2 2. 2 Pagano 0 1 08. 0 Shafer 0 1. 08 0. Hardwic* 08 08. 0 Thomp son 0-1. 08 0. Claboe 00 08 0 Totals 2384 18 23 65 Oregon 14 41 55 Washington 33 32 65 3 point goals — Oregon 4 i0(Wadenbom 2 5 Bourn 2 4 Stowed 0 1). Washington 1 10 (Merlino 1 4 Moore 0-3. Mclntire 02. Shafer 0 1) Fouled out — None Rebounds — Ore gon 18 (Wilson 11). Washington 52 (Deden 12) Assists — Oregon 9 (Stowed 4) Washing ton 13 (Mclntire 5) Total fouls — Oregon 18 Washington 19 A— 4 337 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 •aw&Heant TlvwfoSmz Steamiest I ^ SET i Our tove IS like a novtH unfolding paga J by P*g# balaaan I ha covars (and th« j shaatsj our passion starts to 'ay* i shaft aith you tha contents bound by just a spin# Ptaasa lat ma tm your bookmark my darling Valantma Soot • Frtsrtd SCO I toad to ba poatic my poams aara pathatic I toad to *nta a song tha aords coma out all wrong t toad to ba romantic it |ust mada ma frantic Thara s just ona thing I a ant to say on this yaar s Vaiantma s Day Just on# thing I aant to do tall you that I love you Happy Anmver sary Happy VtlfiUn* $ Day L*#0* Silliest '.O' If cartoon chain It taafclng c*ft>oc*tK>n to ,n • nuctoopMUc raaction Happy Vatanttna • Oay. 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And m I hMd up tha iiaki Attar »M(ng Mm one* more I tmmHn I’m ipcnding Too much limo at tho Bookiiott Bui I «anl Mm to know Thai I can't aaa Mm anough I'm tailing In kna ian‘t lita tough? With you worar/1 at work today. Vatant! na LiLUiUi: Mi Peggy- Sometimes we lose our heads. All that is impor tant is that we get them back again. Have a GREAT day, mum l see you this after noon. -Janet M'UJE BUFFY ABIFF Hop* lei Ml* was Graat' Happy Artmvartary Boopva Dorm Contract For Sale Mala or Female Contact Chris: 683 6192 Graafct. today it tha day to turn In your CM0a< anvaiopat from latl waatands party Wally 105 PtBSOtUtS looking tor 2 guy* Moeieiond 2IU, 9 30 pm M9« A III, rod Itcortco Wo re inlorosled Poooo roopond ODE SIGMA CHI is now holding winter Rush It intorootod pioooo coil Joel Whiteheed ot 346 S293 or 344 3144 Krlsll S When you smile A nine sunshine breaks thru this Jr eery Oregon winter Very coot A bum in the sun 2ZH! TO AX A wtnltf Ruth Lambda Ch. 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