Valentine ’s J Campus ' Travel ^Tk doors down from Bookstore ^ inside City Sweats STUDENT FARES STILL OUR SPECIALTY CIEE and STA Representative Same Day Ticketing—Open 1-5 pm or Call 342-3170 9 am-5 pm M-F For all your travel needs r\| r &OMAAI ADM'jUOH • TMUft ftl 00 HA* WIO |4 06 %UN*AT U & «JOI AIWA** U » BAtHiA0t nCKIT BOO*SO* SAjf NOW I fK Of T* »t># |»» COOP MX 'wm Y **/ *. i 'X -au-jjwr ■ Ml A* ■ rw»lr. renuillr f.y# fUlrd .Uk mbmuHIx, •cttoa (mI, m»M important, humor a »»•« < TW «»> I K TVm \n incarnation! Rt INCARNATION1 QOLDtN Clonus From 11 of f A lotp <»/ < r.xt 1i > arxl modem mvrn^ti r **-/wt* iVbhme* Join us all month long for our 10*year Anniversary Party Nightly Specials Dancing 7 nights a week New hours 959 Pearl Downstairs m 7 dav-i a week 4 pm to ? SO am special prices a ’ pm A CONDOM A DAV KEEPS THE AIDS VIRUS AWAY JUST USE IT! sponsored by A • I • D • S EDUCATION TASK FORCE ENTERTAINMENT Latin band to play at W.O.W. Hall Sf )SC AM) 1)AX< 7 SATURDAY. KKH If. Samluga .i I-atm folk musif band. will perform .if H to p m in the Community Center for the Performing Arts. 201 \Y Hth The group's music is enriched In traditional I^ilm A merit an insfrumenl.i lion The first half of the performance will be a sit down show For the second half, however, the chairs will l>e re moved, making way for festive danc mg. including a Salsa dance workshop Tick ets c an Ik* purchased at the door for $).. and doors will open .it H Calendar The Oregon Mozart Players will perform at H to p ill in the Hull Center's Soreng Theatre. Tickets are $17. $1-1. $12 and $>t They c an lie pun.based by calling the Hull ( enter Ikix off ic e at 687-5000 SUNDAY, KKH 15 A flute recital, featuring University flute students, will take place at 2 p m ill Ku gene's Central Lutheran Church. 1H57 Potter St Admission is free Alice in Chains, a recording group on the Columbia label, will perform at H to pm in the Community Center for the Performing Arts. 201 VV Hth Opening tile show will lie Mookie Blaylock, for merly known as Mother laive Bone l ie k els for the show will l>f S(> 1 E 18th Ave. The concert, as part of the Faculty Artist Se ries. is a si holarship benefit for Phi Beta, a Creative and Performing Arts fraternity Tickets, available at the door, are $-4 gen eral and $2 students and seniors. )ohn McCutcheon. folk artist, will per form at 8 30 p m. in the Hull Center's Sorting Theatre The show, which will he interpreted hv an American Sign guage interpreter, will feature MeCutc h eon's storytelling songs and instrumental talents Tit kets. available at the door, will t ost $ 11 adults and So ( hildren WKDNKSDAY. KKB 20 University Symphony will perform at 8 p in in Beall Concert Hall. 801 K 18th Ave Universitv Associate Professor Wayne Bennett, who will he directing this show, composed the three-move ment concerto ten years ago Tickets, available at the door, are $3 general and Si students and seniors Sawyer Brown and the Nitty (Irittv Dirt Band will perform at 8 p in in the Holt Center’s Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $18.50 and can be purchased by calling the Hult Center box offir e at 887-5000. THURSDAY. KKB. 21 The Guameri String (Juartet, as part of the University's Chamber Music: Series, will perform at 8 p.m. in Beall Concert Hall. 861 K. 18th Ave The quartet, which is now in its 2tilh season, will per form works by Beethoven. Dohnanyi and Ravel. Tickets, ranging in price from $8 50 to $16 50. can be purchased ahead of time by ( ailing the Hult Center box of fice at 687-5000. and student tickets will be available at the door for $0 and $0 ( ouflnt jthotu The Guameri Sirin# Quartet will perform t'eb. 2! al H p.m. in Beall Concert Hall as part of the I University CJiamber Musi< Series. I />( A I. AKIX FRIDAY, FKH 22 Thtve Sisters. UniviTsity Theatre s latest production, will open al 8 p.m in the Robinson Theatre of Villard Hall Addi tional 8 p.m. performances are scheduled for Feb 22 and 28, March 1.2.8 and '1 Tickets, which cost $(> :>() general and $4 !>() students and seniors, can be pur chased by calling the Robinson Theatre (»>\ OtIK e at <-!(> ■» I'l 1 ki:ii ih thkoi !(;n it:h 22 "Wood Kin! tieraniiui." .111 exhibit fea tiirmn the works of l ine and Applied Arts students and fai ultv. w ill he on dis plav in llie laiVerne Krause (iallerv Room 11)1 of l.avvrem e Hall The exhihil will also feature a photo display whir h documents the history ol wood lire i.e ramies at the lJniversity ‘Green Card’ shows that marriages of convenience can lead to true love GREEN CARD PG-13 Cinema World ★ ★ ★ • Don i oomm » • - W«n to ran) H « • • . Worn m* turn • • • • - AmwMMO By Carrie Dennett Emerald Reporter Green Card is a light, romantic come dy pairing American rising star Andie Mac Dowel I and Gerard Depardieu, con sidured the most acclaimed French actor of our time. The film, written specifically for Depardieu by director Peter Weir, re volves around the marriage of George Fauro (Depardieu) and Bronte Parrish (Mac Dowell). George is a French composer who loves America but needs a green card to be allowed to stay. Bronte is a prim, se rious horticulturist who needs a hus band to be considered for a Manhattan apartment, complete with a greenhouse, that she needs for her work The two are matched up by a mutual friend, marry by way of a quick civil ceremony, and then go their separate ways. However, the Immigration and Naturalization Service is suspicious about the validity of the marriage, so Bronte and George are forced to spend 48 hours together learning the details of each other s lives before they are grilled separately by the INS. Naturally, when George arrives at Bronte's apartment for their crash course, we see how very different they are He smokes, she doesn’t. He's pas sionate. she’s reserved He eats meat. she eats what he calls "birdseed.” In the end. no matter how glaring their dif ferences. the film shows that opposites do attract. The film's most humorous moments come from Bronte's embarrassment over George, and her failed attempt to keep him a secret from friends and family. The film's only real downside is the suddenness with which they proclaim their love. It would have been nicer to have seen a little awkwardness, as two very different people begin to negotiate a relationship. Depardieu has been a star in Europe since his first film in 1973. At age 42, he has made over 60 films, most recent ly of which is a screen version of Cyrano dtf Bergerac. Weir was so impressed by Depardieu after seeing him in Danton that his wife suggested he adapt a short story he had written about a green-card marriage into a script for the actor. Weir proceeded with the project un sure of what the outcome might be. Depardieu was an unknown in the U.S., and there was a chance that he might not even want to do the film. W'hile waiting for Depardieu's busy schedule to free up, Weir spent his time directing Dead Ports Society. A native Australian. Weir's first directing hit in the U.S. was I986's Mosquito Coast. He decided he wanted to return to writing, and worked on the script for Witness. but Green C*rd is his first screenwriting credit since. EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTi.%, EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS BLUES TRAVELER an electrifying blues quartet with special guests local band NINE DAYS WONDER Sat. Feb. 23 EUGENE HILTON BALLROOM 8 pm Tickets: $8 U of O Students, $12 General Public, available at EMU Main Desk, Face the Music, Record Garden, CD World & Happy Trails in Corvallis C 0 u p o N $2.00 OFF Vans 5hoes 25% OFF Silver Rings $1.00 OFF CDs and Tapes 24 Pk. 151 Whip Cream Charges $9.99 Lazar's Bazar 5hateboard headquarters 57 W. Broadway. Downtown Mall 687 0139 M I I I I I “27 years of Quality Service " GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% diSCOUnl to U of O students on all repairs. Oiler Ihioui)^ 228191 _ ... . 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403 ★ LIVE MUSIC ★ Tuesday thru Saturday Tuesday I adit's Sight • Thursday Tea Night I riday Midnight Spei lal Sunday Imployet* Appreciation 2 I and over please • t tr>0 (.airway Sprmglield 72(»- 12t>l CATEWAY & beltline inside the Shilo inn “TWO GOOD TO BE TOE” DEAL 2 MEDIUM PIZZAS EACH $ A QQ WITH 2 TOPPINGS FOR ONETW^1 I wn il thf oihrr t»m' luil this moduli di.ll )tKI U'to Mtulrr him frrsh is il il you Gin I t>rl il drlisrrrd in Wminulfs’ ( .dl l s' 343-3030 J I! s ri\1f I OR DOMINOS PIZZA.' p^E BEAT THIS OFFER! $499 Any Medium 1-Topping Pizza, delivered Expires 2 28 91 • Us * I*' »,-* r*j %i:»m aril »>* .* 4 ■ - m % /> l4*. • * t CvUamm .-*»» um <’• • *•»! **J #- »• ' •'-we v»*« 9. erj . • • .•t >•) «H •*■#' I >. V tf' *»« a«• -. 1 ;ar « :mf V» m se •• *i ‘ ' X* C !»' I’ifU LARGE ONE TOPPING! CARRYOUT | *5" I I 99 | 141 * **<>»• »*? H“s' M • » | «#• C*rtkr« mm Ui | «r»t *•* iA V*u' X«|