POLITICS Buy it and try it! Buy a "Safe-n-Sound" cassette or compact disc and if you're not completely satisfied - return the cassette or compact disc within 30 days and we will exchange it for another cassette or CD of the same value Receipt will be required for exchange Mf(. l IW K V ( K t K (> M HID King CM Th# NM1. Sonwon* lo l ov« H Wm Hmvf MmH Agatov Without W)c» l ova TOY MATINEE SUSANNA HOFFS ttHFNUX Vf A tO> M, SkW ot tHm ft *4 UfKOMrtionii Iom N.1 K^doU OTT# t*rt® Cry fto> • Mif CATHY DfNNIS MOV I TO THIS W1UMI IVftUMMHlIOtiAM ( MOM AMO or* M» lOV« Au MKtMl lOMi (tOiK M Mi AMO IOO IUM< AAUt 2 ALIAS CONIMll *lA MO( A i M* l »»• 'Ui» ***► M*(m»A H'ong I GATEWAY MALL Springfield 746-6373 DISC JOCKEY Visa MasterCard. American Express & Discover Consumer protection bills proposed By Rene DeCair Emetaid Reporter SALEM A stal« Senate committee heard public firsti mony Thursday on two hills that would attempt to protect consumers from misleading ad . 0,,,« FS \ ert ising < lairns and warn them of unsafe produce Hie Committee on Telecom munic ations and Consumer Af tairs listened to public (uni ment on two bill proposals ini tiated hv the Oregon State Pub lic Interest Research Croup Senate Mill 554 would impose labeling requirements on Ihit tied vs.iter while Senate Mill r>r»H would require grocers to mark produce not grown in the* United States with a label of its country of origin. According to Jon Stubenvoll, OSPlRU's consumer advocate. Imttled water manufacturers get away with using words "as promotional gimmicks to get consumers' money” because there are no restri< lions on the labels Stubenvoll said drinks can proclaim to be "mineral water" or "spring water." but do not have to contain spring water Because all water has some minerals in it. any water even if it was just tap water could make the i laim that it is "mineral" water, he said " There have to be standards to assure i onsumers that these terms mean something." he said, adding that in 1989 Artier ii ails spent more than $1! bil lion for bottled water in the Peg Jolin "super trend of the 'HOs.'' Sen Huh Shoemaker said that if lhi‘ water is not harmful, or is just bought as part of a fad. then "the government Turn to BILLS. Page 12 NO DOWNTOWN TRANSFERS NO PARKING HASSLES NO FILMING OR PLUNDERING BOOK DIRECT PASSAGE ON LI Board LTD #3X and sail direct to or from the U of 0. Coburg Road and River Road Santa Clara Passage is free to all U of 0 students*, faculty and staff In fact, you can cruise anywhere, anytime—free with LTD's Club Express Your U of 0 I D card is your l 1 passport to unlimited adventure' OTHER DIRECT PASSAGE ROUTES TO OR FROMTHEUOFO: #3XEXPRESS Road Santa Daft ma Cofcrffl Road *td #11 THURSTON ! E Spnnghe»a M»r St #11X EXPRESS (Thur«orto69#>i *21 LCC HARRIS #23XEXPRESS (Fca Mono-Oon«d! #23 FOX HOLLOW (Fqi Hoflow Oon*td) #28 U OF 0 HILYARO (Ararat) #31A BAILEY HILL U OF 0 • 'NminomanaVi ’Wvi #31B CITY VIEW U OF 0 W*$tmor»tandW ifllhi #31C OAKPATCH U OF 0 WwiYTxowandW #36 MAC COURT