Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Free tax help offered on Sunday
Women for Peace meets Sunday at 4 p m in
EMU Cedar Koom F
Lesbians and Bisexuals Rising in Solidarity
meets tonight at 7 at 841 E 18th Ave ( all
485-3579 for more information.
Gulf War Emotional Support Group meets to
day from 3:30 to 5 p in in EMU Century Room A
Et als
Active Christians Taking a Stand meets to
night at 7 in Room 14ti Straub
“figuring the Contours of Emotional
Thought" is the title of a presentation to be made
by Kvlyn Gould in Room 314 PI/' today at 4 p m
The lecture is sponsored by the Philosophy Club
Kathy Long Holland, a business growth con
sultant. will discuss taking companies interna
tional and dealing with cross-cultural issues in
volved tonight from 5 to 7 in Room 337 Gilbert
Non-violence workshop for future Persian Gulf
War protesters will be held Sunday from noon to
6 p in. at the koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St
Candlelight procession and vigil for peace will
be held Sunday night at 8:30 at Eirst United
Methodist Church, 1378 Olive St
Weekend Masses will be celebrated at the New
man Center, 1850 Emerald St., on the following
days and times: Saturday at 5 pm. and Sunday
from 9 to 11 a m and at 7 .to p m
Men's Club Sports Rugby Team will have two
games Saturday at the Southbank Meld, vs the
1 'niversitv of Portland at noon and I’ac ifu Luther
an at 2 p m Refreshments are available after
Stations of the dross will he held tonight after
f> p m Mass at the Newman Center, lHTit) Liner
aid St
Shabbol pntlm.k dinner will he held tonight at
(> at Mindy and Alice's. 2955 Portland St The
topic of disi ussion w ill be " Locus on Women "
lamter Communion Service will he held today
at noon at the Wesley Center. 12.to Kincaid St
"Marijuana and Drug Policies: The Problems
and the Solutions" is the title of a conference to
lie held today from ltl a m to 4 p m in the FMl'
Cumwood Room The conference is sponsored hv
Students for the Oregon Marijuana Initiative
Bible study and fellowship will he held tonight
at 7:.)0 in the FMl' Hen Linder Room
"Is |esus the Only Way to God?” is the title of
<i roundtable disc ussion to he held today at 12: to
p m in FMU Century Room 11 The discussion is
sponsored by Restoration Campus Ministry
Free tan help is available at Valley River (Center
Saturday from 10 a in to 0 p m
Deadline for submitting lit als to tho Fmerald
front tlesk, EMI' Suite .till), is noon the day before
publication lit als run the day of the event unless
the event hikes plat e before noon, items run onlv
Items for events charging admission or a dona
tion will not run Events running closest to the
l'niversitv will be given priority The Fmerald re
serves the right to edit Et als for grammar and
Continued from Page 1
said John Moseley. vice presi
dent for research
"Clearly we're a lot smaller
than a lot of the others, but be
ing smaller can lx? an advan
tage." Moseley said "You get
a sense of community by being
smaller people working togeth
er across departmental lines "
The University's Institute of
Molecular biology couldn't
have achieved its success with
out the dedication of its found
ing scientists, said George
Sprague, associate professor of
biology and a member of the In
stitute One of Sprague's pa
pers was among those evaluat
ed by the number of citations in
the study.
"In molecular biology, a
commitment was made by the
people who first came here to
hire the best they could find,"
Sprague said "It was a long
term process It's been building
in numbers and strengths ever
since We have certainly suc
ceeded spectacularly ”
Although the University has
received praise before, being
nationally recognized is "very
pleasing," said Brian Mat
thews. director of the Institute
A biophysicist and Howard
Hughes investigator. Matthews
is the University's "superstar.”
contributing 10 of the 35 most
cited papers from the Universi
ty in the biological sciences,
according to .Science Watch.
"In part, our recognition has
occurred because of the breadth
of skills we've been able to
briii# together." Matthews
said "This is recognized l»v
peer institutions. I hope it can
la- communicated to members
of the Oregon legislature and
residents of Oregon
Despite the smaller size of
the University's department,
scientists recognize scientific
accomplishments from which
ever school it comes. Matthews
"1 think that in science, peo
ple practicing science recog
nize excellence wherever they
see it. whether at University of
Oregon, at Stanford, or at Har
vard.” Matthews said "People
who practice science recognize
individuals who do good in sci
ence no matter what institution
they're affiliated with."
Continued from Page 1
crimes during the demonstra
"He said that if it meant to
commit a little Hit of crime, it
was worth getting the message
across," (iaiick said.
However, Galick also testi
fied that during the same inter
view Gilbert said he would
have conducted the demonstra
tion differently had a member
of the Pasquini family been
Throughout the trial, defense
fVCili • MJ S4S4 TT
attorney Harry Carp attempted
to make connections between
Pasquini's testimony, Gilbert's
actions and the Nicolai strike
He said the protest was a form
of symbolic: speech used for a
larger political purpose and
that Pasquini’s statements al
leging feelings of fear were bi
ased irecause of his managerial
position at Nicolai.
"It’s our opinion that the in
tent was to make a lawful first
amendment speech," Carp
said. "There was no reason for
Mr. Gilbert to go to Mr.
Pasquini's house except for the
We've got
your tan
when you
want It I
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However. District Court
judge Diirryl I-arson sustained a
number of prosecution objec
tions limiting Carp’s ability to
link strike issues with the
charges against Gilbert.
Mother Kali’s Books
Celebrating Women In All Our Diversities
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I’ l * Hut MW > ufrttc Difjun <’4U'
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