Oregon softball team splits at Arizona tourney Oregon's softball team got off to a good start at the Arizona Softball Classic in Tucson, Ariz . Thursday, but came up short in its second game The Ducks, ranked IHth in the pre-season poll, pounded Ohio State 8-1 in the day's first game, but later fell to 12th ranked Arizona Slate 6-2 Oregon took a 2-0 lead in the first inning against Ohio State and then added three runs in the fourth ant) two more in the fifth for the easy vie lory The Ducks rapped out 1 i tilts with juniors Kim Manning and Marnie McCall leading the way with three apiece Freshman Rachelle Taylor went the dis lance for Oregon on the mound, giving up only six nits and one unearned run Against Arizona State, the Ducks’ defense did them in. with three errors leading to all six Sun Devil runs The game was tied 0-0 after two innings, but Arizona State scored three runs in both the third and fourth innings Oregon plays three more games today in the round-robin tournament, going against Min nesota. fourth-ranked Fullerton State and C'al-State Northridge. First Game Oregon 2003210 -8 13 2 Ohio State 0001000-162 Taylot and Simmonl. Lynch 17). Pupolo D»Ch an* 141 Camava (61 and Boatlchei Wmland <5l W Taylot 10 t • Ropo*o Second Game Oregon 0000200—243 Arizona State 0 0 0 3 3 0 x —6 7 2 Wtese and Simmons Wood. James and Semteiia W Wood L W * nan infection checha birth control and coonaalmg Days and evening* J44 P4t1 EAE WINTER RUSH Open House 5:00 to 7:00 Friday 15th. Call Egen Moe at 6862703 or 345-8467 lor questions and into about future events. SIOMA CHI it now holding winter Ruth If tnlarattad plaata call Joel Whitehead at 346 42S3 or 344 3144 s Tha and ol *T* weak it hare meat in 242 Gar linger tonight al 5 30" Saa ya there LK To tha gentleman of IN Thantt lor ra^/ta daz/ie and congralulaliona on co-c hampion thipt' * * KJt 105 PERSONALS CHI PSI IF VC PlayOfft Wa'ra bar* to add a ftp4*1* *0 fOUf Hta Can you tafca tha chaHanpa"’ Saa you at tf»a townay' lorn. Vow Gamma Pttf Coachaa MandM no LOST 4 fOWD Found Fail 12 outftuJa PtC loctu'e hati Pair of m•* ft'/a 12 laava maftaapa 1440210 TiVua 344 4510 •04 E ill* Am Th* WORD SPECIALISTS ► (itaduatr Si honl Approved * * DturiUtnmi,'IVici.Tipcii ► IBM C ompaltMc.Duk ( oavei*a>*» * Ia»r 9 ' <• >: TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laaar Printer MS 3143 Formally tocatad B«|Ou Tnaatra Bldg WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING-FAST! _Foot not a» EMU Rm B?t | Word processing. 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PO B* 52 °r03 Corona Pel M ar, CA 92625 Umpires Needed High school baseball and softball Games begin at 4 30 pm daily 1st meeting Feb 18th and training avail able Ken 484 1706 239 Al ALDERWOOD MANOR 1—0 AW#* Street Accepting Applications tor studio. 1. 2 A 3 bdrm apartments in e*c campus complex Uniting* ♦ Co._—1-4219 Vi BLOCK TO CAMPUS 715 E 16th (behind house) 3 bdrm appliances laundry, off street parking —97 141-0000 CASTLE TERRACE 241 F Street Nice 1 and 2 bedroom flats Attractive complex with pool storm doors, and quiet' From *335/1396 Call 741 2296 Jennings 6 Co _ 663 4219 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1213 W 6th STUDIOS FOR JUST *266' Downtown location PARKING, on site laundry Call 144 5663 Uniting* i Co__ —14219 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 Brtarclift Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to busline' Plenty Of parking *396 Call 6—6—7 Uniting* I C o _ —14219 Large t bedroom, unfurnished, built in office space, lots of storage Prime U of O campus location, good privacy Students only, no pets, non smokers please *375/month 1360 Alder Street. I———. Large 2 bedroom apartment 69—61 * 1477 Hiiyard Si Avail March 1 464 9922 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE APTS 1555 W 16th Specious 2 bdrm Dishwasher disposal, appliances, laundry, off street parking *4 70 141—00 Spacious 1 bdrm <%i \ iuse to . .i • , deck S320fmo ♦ deposit 3434109 Tired of cooking7 Wen! security7 Studio Apt avail 3/1 at Collegian 1610 Aide* *300 discount Donna 464 3711 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU sc ncmrr GO ING. 5OLPteR* (VST-TMUMA cm, I'm GUtGGtNG' AHA..7 PrPlGGT MMPAWN* WHtf? AM ANPUJHC ARE YOU, MAN? ON THE USE MW-y. SPORT: THE BEST UTM HOSPITAL SHIP IN THE GULP' I'M BNS&I TRIP TRJPL£R' BUT The 0AN6 HBKB IN ThB SUR&CAL UNIT CALL MB "HAWK5VB"1 \ NO, ME Mil. I'M P0N7. ENCOURAGING 1 THEM TO' CT