Bill before state legislators would cut salaries Stati! legislators' salaries would Ih! reduced by 15 per cent and would la* tied to fluc tuation in the state's average wage if a newly introduced bill is eventually passed. CAPITOL i i | jt~Lij 111 [BRIEFS The bill, announced last week by Hep Hod Johnson. K Koseburg. would set legisla tors’ salaries at $H75 a month, and it would require their pay to increase or doc re* so at tho rate of the annual average hour ly earnings of production work ers throughout tho state “It is essential that we as a legislative body share in tho pain treing felt by the mill workers, secretaries, teacher* and people of Oregon by reduc ing our own salaries," Johnson said “It is also important that we change the way our salaries are determined so wo can better tie them to the working people of Oregon Hut Johnson's bill, which would la-gin with tho next fis cal year on July 1, is only one of several salary-cutting ideas With Measure 5 budget cuts affecting all state programs. House Speaker Larry Campbell. R-Kugene. said Tuesday that the House Republican Caucus is considering a proposal to re duce legislators' salaries by 10 percent Hut when Senate (’resident John Kitzhaber. D-Koseburg, was asked by reporters about the Democratic position on the issue, he said the Senate Demo cratic Caucus "is not interested in cutting their salaries " Members of the state Senate sent the first Oregon "Desert Fax” Thursday to soldiers in the Persian C>ulf. wishing them a "safe and successful return." Using AT&T's free fax ser vice to American tnxips in the gulf, the signatures of 27 of the state's 30 senators greeted rela tives of Senate members who are serving in Operation Desert Storm. The fax service is available to anyone at no charge at AT&T serv ice centers • • • Sen. John Brenneman. R Newport. introduced a bill Fri day that would «ive Oregon military personnel a state tax break. If passed in the legislature, the bill would exempt Oregon soldiers participating in Opera tion Desert Storm from paying state personal income tax on the dollars they earn from the military. The legislation is si milar to a federal tax break re cently signed by President George Hush Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS >mm \h\ \nw\c iiuns Win morp than wimntnr i hr art in Ihr ()I)K ( HEART Th*OB!> COATEST trh 14th' ttfAKT TM*O05 de*dtin* Ertofuafy 1 3th before 1 pm11 To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 .osKMMl* - CAN YOU DIG IT? r<*H I.F.V.C. Inteffratemity Volleyball Challenge This Saturday 4 Sunday Free Adfflliitor 24 Fraternity Taama Competing EVERYONE WELCOME' Dearest Bebydoil. On my birlhday at Hyndnckl Par* You built a fire within my heart You've fed that »tf* with love and care fuel Today that is so rare Everything I g*«e to thee returns in double from you to me I love you Darting my love is true and I give this heart from me to you Your Boo Beer AT CELEBRATES FOUNDER’S DAY 1991 CONGRATULATIONS Greek* Getting pinned winter term? Call Wally Kemp© 4 Assoc for all your photography need* 34447V) HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALENTINE CHIUS love. MNV KAO ThanAa for the Mafia Wadding Wa had a great lima ATI! K4 RAS • OAl Football player* Thank* for firing up* Wa had a great lima _ EN \ \ 1 Winter Ru»h t arntxla Ch» Alpha is now holding Winter Rush it interested can Matt , al hrtJ <*>** _ L A McK Mere s to structure Gu»do s Bob and our first month together Love Candy Fast Planned Parenthood has a pregnancy test that is 9t)*» accurate one day after a missed period1 Includes unbiased counseling Call 344 94 n Concarned about pregnancy’ We can help Free pregnancy tests Birthright 447 4451 Say "I love you in an original way' Buy a cookie decorated with “t love You in a foreign language today in front of the Bookstore' SIGMA CHI it now holding winter Ruth it interested please call Joel Whitehead at 344 5293 or 344 3144 IK Trade K I |uSt wanted you to know you are the beat peart sit ever Happy Valentine s Day Love Karen ■ o. PERSONALS L4>K The band was great Our Moms had tun too But most ot all We owe a big thanks to YOU! Thanks tor the Reggae Splash Party! I IB* An ODE Classified Jo6 description can fill any position' To the mon ot IN This BUD is rod That PBR is blue Wo hope you win the tournament This ooo s tor you' love. your f ♦ coochos CC INI Found Fot) 12 outside PtC lecture holt Peir ot wing tip top shoos st.*o 12 leave message 3440210 nriAiii:i!uii-:i 'rivto 344 4510 BOS K U». A vo The WORD SPECIALISTS! * (itsdustr School Apjeovcd ► I NuoUtionv'ntr mi I'lpcn * HIM ( orapstiblr,l)»\k Coavcmon* * I jmci Pimung/EiisphH * * I dittnjtKfmmr * CAROLYN QNDY FLYING FINGERS typing service t ost occurs!© professional _$1 QOtpOQO u{ 4B4 BOM __ JO THE TYPING PRO IBM WORD PROCESSINGSDlTING I AST Ht ASONABlE CONSCIENTIOUS PAPERS DUE7 NEED HELP7 Editing Typing - Word Processing _Virginia. 341-33B6_ Peggy s Typing Service Experienced typtst offering services on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rates Call Peggy et 342 4MB Perfection Typing Service Professional typmg. editing and word processing Fast accurate letter Qua! ity IBM computer with last printer or IBM typewriter Jlpege up M4 M36 nS frfMWfe SERVES TYPING UNLIMITED BaftMf! 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Holiday Resorts Disneyland. ft Flags are hiring Great fun and gal paid too' Reserve position by calling 1 805682 7556 ait K 1345 ATTENTION The Survival Center is conducting a Coordinator Search for four paid positions t Urban E cology 2 Public Lands 3 Youth Graans 4 Rain Forast Action Group Thaaa positions run from Mar 1 thru spring term aach will racaiva $50 stipend/mo Tha Survival Cantar is an AA/EEO amployar Deadline for applications and rasumas if Fab 25 at 5pm in tha Survival Cantar. Suita 1. or ASUO Suita 4 EMU Position dascnptions can ba obtained in both piacas For more info, plaasa call 346 4356 _ CAMP PROG RAM COORDIN A TOR Experience planning racraabon programs A working with spaoal populations PT 4 5 and FT 10/1 6(31 Sand rasuma to Camp Easter Seal 3575 Donald St Eugene 97405 Closes Mar 1 91 _ Chemistry Stfcrm Must be Work Study qua! Work in tha Cham Teaching Labs on Wad: 11 30 2 00 Thurs 8 30 11 30 Tuas A/or Thurs Afternoons Starling wage. S4 7S/hr Inquire. Stockroom B it Klamath HOME TYPISTS PC users needed $35 000 potential Details Call (U 805 962 8000 E it B 964?_ INTELLIGENCE JOBS An tus/u h«t US Customs DF A ate Now hiring Call (II «05 962 8000 E*t K 9642 It's easier than you think to pay tor you» collage education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Cali Nance* or Brook for par • 344 6697 NANNY/MOTHE R S HELPS R NY C'ty Suburb Help care tor 3 yr old 4 1 yf twins Own room bath Tv Non smoke' Immediate 516)3766529 Now Hiring Student Coordinators | Cultural Forum & SARO positions tregin Spring Term for 91 92 Heritage Music Visual Arts National Music Lectures f A A employers OVERSEAS JOBS $900 12000/mo Summer yr round All countries ail 'elds free nlo Write IJC PO B« 52 i - M . A l.t . ' ESCAPE Program I (j - position Student Program Manage man I Division Head Starts spring t99t Knowledge of EMU'ASUO services and public »(>«ak'''g skills a must Stipend plus academic credit Applications due February 25 Note In house applicant selected ESCAPE EMU room ill. X64351 instructors and counselors needed tor U of O Upward Bound Progiam Juna 16 August 12 1991 Call 346 3501 tor application Deadline March 1, 5 00 pm AA/EOE Minorities and women encouraged to appty_ SggHBIB - SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men & women Interviewing February 27 Make appointment A get further information at Student Employment. 12 Hendrick* Hall Swimming Jobe (WSfV Summer childrens camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children to swim, swim team, beautiful pool and lakes m the Northeast Good salary, room & board, travel expense Men call or write Camp Wmadu. 5 Glen Lane. Mamaroneck. N Y 10643(914) 381 5963 Women call or write Camp Vega PO Box 1771, Duxbury MA 02332 (617) 934-6536 Tennis Jobs Summer childrens camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children m the Northeast Good salary room A board travel expense Women call or write Camp Vega. P O Box 1771 Duxbury MA 02332 (617) 9346536 Men call or write Camp Wmadu, 5 Glen Lane Mamaroneck. N Y 10543 (914)381 5983 Umpires Needed High school baseball and softball Games begin at 4 30 pm daily 1st meeting Feb 18th and training available Ken. 464 1706 WE NEED TRANSLATORS! Are you fluent in German French or Japanese? We re looking for talented individuals to translate dialogue for our internationally distributed computer adventure game from English to German French & Japanese You don i need to speak computer*, but you must have excellent reading and writing skills in English and one of the mentioned foreign languages The work hours are flexible between 15 20 hrVwk and pay is excellent If you re interested and think you have the required skills, send a resume to Dynamn Inc 99 W tOth Suite 337 Eugene OR 97401 ALDERWOOD MANOR i960 Aider Street Accepting applications tor studio 1. 2 A 3 bdrm apartments m campus complex Jennings ♦ Co _ 883 4219 v» block to campus 715 E 16th (behind house) 3 bdrm appliances laundry off street parking $ 3436000 CASTLE TERRACE 243 F Street N.ce 1 and 2 bedroom flats Attractive complex with pool storm doors and quiet' From 1335 1395 Call 741 2296 Jennings & Co 683 4219 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUDIOS FOR JUST 1265' Downtown location PARKING, on site laundry Call 344 5583 Jennings 8 Co._883 42t9 GREYST0NET0WNH0USES 2tt Briercliff Newly remodeled two bedroom towrihouse* Close to busline' Plenty of $396 Cail 689 8667 Jennings 8 Co._883 4219 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU i r i mil, m> rtx ronAi, r-or. HIM. HZ'SKm nujoRRiev -ABOUT BP \ B PS IN The ax/-7MAN, IT BetmuKieve meowww BCMO€ WfZ > %AH. MY OLP COLLEGE ROOMMATE. HZ TOOK NROTC, ANP NOW HZ'S OVER ON A NAVY HOSPITAL SHIP.. HI. HO' THAT SHOULP KtffiOUOFF- 7HB COURTS A WHUe, i **"/ STM HAVE A FEVER ... an ROSES S14.99 ‘A do*. Ubo miUblr in vue with (rm 4 tables troth $22-49 while supplies lift) Carnations _$9,99 dox._ /fimfefatni. FLOWERS AND GIFTS U of O location 607 E. nth 485-1992 West Eugene 1710 Chambers 485-1261