Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1991, Page 6 and 7, Image 6

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    K**p m m»n<] lhal »ach on* of u» •»
apooaf btcauM *• ara dift*f*ot W*
hava com* togafhar in lh»» frt#nd»hip
b*<.*uMi «r* ha** oof di»f*»anc*» to
tM»ng lo aach crth*»
Happy Vafanfin# « Oay Alpha Ph«"
Hatty. .
It s gr#al having *uch • stud Jo wroffc
with' Hav* a gr*at Va»*nJm* * Day'
Happy VaJanjin* t Day* Hop* <l *
happy"i Take Jim* ou! to r*Jax &
anjoy f»a* ya atarofk'
I Lov* Yowl
R*m*mto*f fha 24th ft 2ft th?
Da do do do. Da da da da.
Thai * all I want
KNifS. R«a h mlo th# t l#*p*d
•mbfac* of a aunria* cloud danc*
S**M*nng ihowtrt *nl«in*d fo»
hoof* Fuacia draama of paach** and
bioatomt mi»i lotting oo» bpa and
tend*i (o*» waft/ in »pnng ram
mtrroft • Jova you.
JOT Radwoodt
Down in tho batamant
Along atsla Ihfoo
It that my pan mtn
in t pony tail I IN?
II only I could brush up sga/ntl him
Ilka I do In my hood
lieuM mo? Oo you haao ony
05 mochamcal load-*'
Nt loodt mo away
To tn intimata pioco.
Balwoon cuttomo/ tame a
And torn* display coto
And I ooh and I a ah
And laugh wistfully
l walk ad »»ghi past ihit.
Oh tllly mo1"
Hit ayot do tpa/kla
My com it shot
Ha knows this it tho 21/d pack ago
of load that I'vo go I
Wa look at oach otho/
And at tho clock ticks.
Ha whitpo/t. “I'll too you.
At a quartaf pat! tU "
And at l ho ad up tho slant
Altai toting him one a mo/a
I raaliia I'm spending
Too much lima at I ha Books to/a
But I want him to know
That I can't too him anough
I m tailing In love
Isn't Hto tough1
With you weren't al wo/k today
__ V a lamina _
0 P Lot s got nakod. yoil
NANAIMO" than spoon
I love you P«x)h F o/avaf1
Romeo Shaw
DARYN You ere nol my whole life
but will you »fH> bo my •rife?'*?
Sweelheef 1* thru lime. Bryce
Of N
My lovo for you is pu»e
as pu'e as th« clear blue drop* o>
water that fall from the sky
How was tf we found on# another ’’
Was *t the smiles we shared together1
However it was we are together
As Ou' lives paths continue t Je by i<de
may we snow our love will never end
For you will forever be
My Fhand
_ _£i _
Erl no, Jody Kim end Teresa
We want to see you SWEAT1 And we
aren’t teismg about s»mpiy working
out at Oregon West
Passionately yours by CNefmg.
343 LUST
•AtCLA You v* *#f> tpoctal to
m« i will ««r|yl lor* you and *Op«
to# tha fuluni to b« oum Happy
Vaianttn# » Day twaatftaart » lov#
fnTb#*n •imoil • r**/ not* *V3 if Qm\%
tMt\* *v»»y <3«y Mftppy V«*#*Un« 1
t>py«> to—. PJ
Mart A CXan*
Happy Vatanuna • Day'
l ova yoor J»d room*# Jo*
< *
Will you b* my on* A only Va**nt»na‘>
Clow you «nll aiaay* b* mm*
HI SHMOO* Sm*fi and athi*l»c huh'*
You'll *»nd h*r' Don I worry Anyway
Happy Vai*nlin« » Day Ram*mt>*r I
LUV YOU' You ar* a g»*at iriand
lor* m#
Hi ya Pal1
To Ih* boat Iriand Ira *r*r had I lor*
ya oodtaat
lor* U r*ry much'
Happy VatanMn* a Day you ar* a rraiiy
sw**l parson Hop* thing* g*l t>*tt*r
and cha*» you up*
K*r _
Happy Vafrnim* • Day ladiaa
Anothar Dyfc* lor Paac*
lovaa thoa* who know (wall. yaa'I
Dear Lori Ann
After an tr>«»0
years to^ainar
you »l»ll make
my heart **tpf
Will you be my Seraatheen
on Valentine s'*
Happy Vaientma % Day
from your Valentine
You are my Dfeamtentasy. my
FulfiHmantcomp4alion my
Vincentbaast my hope and my naan
Be mine lorwvt
actually. now 0««« would ba * graat
lima to a*k mo out* Duo you bnng
Out th# animaI m rrw
irtfw MttCtfH
I ra baan watching you and l thank it's
•bout tim# to oho* up at your door
and at* you out
_Cv— tovtng, J.K T__
Thank* to* Oamgsuch a marvy roomia'
tot * SL
Tha Count down it DUNN and it it
lima tor tomt fun' So tonight i» tha
night and DINNER will ba just ighl'
nappy birthday and heart day
Your Enand Mahta _
trtoany Upon mf return end tha and
of draco » ttnfa l would ba mott
honor ad »t you would ba m y wita lova
laaaa M**rt* i"h» t«
Latbtan lova
Thay tay that at lima goat by
and paopia grow old
Haarla ol hr a dun
and thaw burning dat Ira turns cold
Though our lova it still young,
and wa havan't baan togathar that long.
I know on# thing lor sura,
that that# paopia ara wrong
For Oaborah I want you to know
that I lova you mora
than simp la words could show
I lova you Dafeoraft
Sorry *• couldn't *p«ocl Valentine »
Day together' We have many more to
look forward to l promise'
Love RuiMH
krie Roi A Rim
Happy V Day to my classy roomtes
• Black Beane Forevei •
Lora you Rot
. ” r r:: ■ ‘ - • . r <- : .v *
tuf dama *u»w Hebe Your devoted
dyke steen
lovely lestwan <J wee .Ml*
Lora SVM
Leslie F
If you were mm#
I d give you lose a & candy
Card* A peifum* Just a »ew of the
many thing* I d do for you*
happy valentine s Day
A secret admiral
l ourvgecharr
Your tun at home
Your tun In the bathroom
You# even tun at tha otfica
I can't wait to hare tun
with you tonight
Lora, ftooge#
LOVE, who needs t *'.* «' '* • <- »
d*d lore aver do for u*’ If you can
answer Iht* please respond to
“Ain't taikm bout love
PO Bo» 30101
Eugene OR 97403
SIGNED Had |u»i enough of lore
PS What s lore got to do with it?
Please only serious responses1
Lusty WtNSOh: Sorry I didn t make it to
tha love rarai Perhaps i could make
•t up to you with ou» own private feral?
Chris L
W> ve tpant t*o Vatantme % days
toga the' and it kaeps getting
I hop# ii newt ends
lova chn»
Math#» i love you dear
I m glad you re har*
Out #M«n you r# QOn*
our io»# *iil go on
Happy Vaianfm# » Da»
.•• Aitana _
RickM I'll never torgat that tn.oth .»t
Bubtva % Meat m# their and t»« my
. i • •
JJ.J Moily Kachal Lynn ata* g Cynthia.
Tha lord ha* btaaaa-d ma !hfu y an
lova on# anotha* Pawia (1JN4S it)
To my lavonta WKi
Kay Squifi
WIN you ba my Vaianttna?
I ova atwaya. You* favorlta
Sigma Kappa
To tha boat toga on campwa'
m i
Love, Maria & Todd
Sleek and playful
her quick sweet laughter
her i«vnmg about me
lets this kid play again
Redwoods stars and the
Rhythm of tba Sa»nt*
smoothness on the msida
•a*»iy achieved once together
Adoring her 1 had sublimated my hunger
in patience and words
loo many words
But tight t«ans impatiently
agamst the darkened wall that night
With tousled hair
her hot eyes watched me approach
My hunger no longer quiet
t can now let myself grow
Uncle Doug
Br iiiame is under the pillow around
the comer and shining <n your eyes
t9 carbon chain Is seeking
carbocatton to engage m a
nucleophilic reaction Happy
Valentine s Day. Cart>ocatlon
Baautifui Pagan Witch
Belora you my life was in retrograde
Guy de Amour
Becky D
Today is me day as you will see
So you can fust slop bugging me
You final clue is in reach
Our destination rhymes with teach
Will you be my Valentine?
_Love The
Cleo will you be my Valentine7 From a
secret admirer
Oh dMflll tig ft Aiding SalchAquath
Happy Valen Birthday May the seeds
of your loins be fruitful m the belly of a
woman Happy now? The 3 Lit cows
Love you! Christi
John 0
lov* <» mod# *r>on 2 poopie con shar©
ovorythmgl Thank you lor oil you nave
gtv©n m# III lov« you for©v©r
Doug II a bMl Irlond con bo a
Valanimo. you'll always bo min* I lovo
you Your mystortout tailing ship.
DU Mall H
My Wika you THIS MUCH!!
lova, Christy XOXO
POOKEMS I love you and would be
lost without you' You are my Valentine
_ All my love. SHELANA_
Pooky Beef. you *f«r rr>> very beat
friend Please be my Valentine
l love you
Quad Babe* M«) ell Of ut have
cuptd a love dual running through us
sometime soon
Rachel Q Is 23 today
Happy Birthday and Valentine s Oay
Sweetheart Love. Jeff
Rig. Mori. Nong. Qed. RRRhonda.
Shende Panda, halt A Mar an Jeaus
loves you A so do II
HI _
Your hands are always so cold' And
it s not my fault you never get any
Love your t- reakbali_
Scott P
Without your keen eyes in the early dawn
My precious skin would surely be gone
• i . Hope
: h Pres Porter
Together we have lota o fun
I m so giad that we won
This year Will sure be |ammm
Love from your VP of grapefruit
Special Agent \
Where hue Love burns Desire is
Love » pure flame if is the reties of
our earthly frame Thai takes its mean
mg from the nobler part And but
translates the language of the heart
This is for our fnand Bret D who might
be m the Persian Gulf right now Mere
at the frontier there are falling leaves
Although my neighbors are ail barturt
ans and you are a thousand mites
away there are always two Cups on my
table Our thoughts era with you
Happy Valantlna • Day*
Love Carol and Kara
•I feces the th*t > m going l love
Stamp' Stamp'
Honk' Honk'
Boop' Boop'
Love. Me
Hara M tall
Jackie N I love you'
Christine F
For someone I'll always
cherish and admire
I would love to continue
laughing, sharing and growing
with you Would you be mine7
Dava, you better watch out cause I'm
oonna gat you tonight1_
Love you IS something
I love to do ” slur*
Love always Patch*
Honest Eric P
Happy Valentina s Day! Valentine's Is
lonely without you I am thinking of
you today!
Your lonely POX F/A
Roses are red violets are blue
here s a Heart Throb
from me to you Happy V Day'
I'll make this short and sweat,
lust like you I Love You
Drake. Doc. Boomer. Zeb. Zac. Silver
Foa and Wes Are you sura once every
2 weeks is enough7
You re the apple of my aye
You're the window to my dreams
Taka me with you'
Love. Kel
You are the man of my dreams and I
want to tell you and the whole U of 0
campus that I love you very much
Happy Valentine s Day. Tree
The words can (and will) never
describe the intensity Mara s to
many more Vs Day celebrations and
Truffles Trotraces t LOVE YOU"! Uaa
To all thoaa aiTaaffy ACRE
without a Valentine
I Love Tout
P S Happy Valentine's Hugh 4 Missyt
fo Elliott, my honey-pie
You tlx my dinnar. help with papers
Make me laugh at all your capers.
Cheer me up whan I am blua.
Happy Valentine s. Honey' I love you'
Lova, Rachel
1 e
You make me hot'
Let's get naked
Here s to a great sisterhood'
Love YPS Arlena
Happy Valentine a Day'
From your one and only SBS
Goddess Duh A Theg
Wosas aw wed
Vtowels aw bwew
Happy Valentine's Day
to wuuuu!
Wuv Jennifer
Goddess of the Pan Flute
Allison D
Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart
Cheers to our second Valentine s
together Love always Ritch XOXOXO
Sarah B.
Hot spicy chili, hot tubs for two
A few of the things I miss you*
miss you
Lova, Tim
A yaar ago today you doctdad navaf to
Imm ma Cm lucky! I low you
Alpha Tau Omega
To all my handsome men
Pale. Roses are red Violets are blue
Mm! me at Bubba a and i ll always
lova you Mart# __
Mag baby. lemembe' !*-a* n,gnt at
Bubba s'* Let s do it again' And again’
Hey Cab remember m#’ l m me
girlfriend you rarely »ee So l m
Quitting school. I'm quitting it all
in order to b« a! your beck and
call' I'll do ail your homework.
I ll take ail your test®. I'll do
your laundry and ail the rest*
And when people ask why I'll (ust
have to say because he was mine
on Valentine s Day1
Have a good day ne'd l ^»v«* vV*»" 1*
Stephanie S
The future is ahead
My name is still blue
On my way to Europe
I II be thinking of you'
Happy 20th Cupid*
Dawn Heather
Let v imply h therefore HAPPY
VALENTINES DAY' Buck up little
camper' Love FLOTZAM
Our hearts are with you this
Valentine's Day
Come home safely*
remember who loves ya baby!
To ail my friends who don't have
sweeties this Valentine's Season
Each friend represents a world jn us. a
world possible not born until they
arrive & It is only by this meeting that
a new world is born (a quote by Anais
Happy Valentine's day everybody
love. Carol
From miles away I d like to wish you a
happy Valentine's Day
* V
Com* fly with mo ond you will to*.
My orfngi of lovo orlll onvofopo tftoo
Happy Vaiontino • Ooyt
Lovo. Your Wlfo
Daaraat Mtmi.
Th*» ia our ftrat
and won I ba our laatl
All my lova cfiocolato!
Mow do I love thee** Let me couni the
w«y« i love thee to the depth end
breadth end height my tout cen
Love. IMR
l#ugh t*ugo laugh Don l tJMfc lo m«
t>#cluM you know I don't took at you
P S Did I 111 you il l my birthday?
s \
to my lonoly. tMM«r collooguot
at tho OOE«
fully CH <N«W« (teapot)
I know I v« found in you my
endless love’ Happy Valentina s Day'
Keith, you are so Close to me that
there are times when I can t tail where
l end and you begin t love you Jenn
_(WggHy Wlggley)
I won t write something sappy or sick
And my nose I promise not to pick
But you didn't know I could write such
Oh yes I do it all the time
I don t have more I want to say
Just hubby Happy Valentine s Day »
0 (remember unique <9 funl
Kako vou ere the only one I'm fatting
in love and change my life Be with me
with your toea VO _
It I weren't such a pro
crastinator, this would be
incredibly sweat, roman
tic and poetic. But it's 5
minutes til deadline, so
I'll keep It short and
Love our life'
No muffins'
Wow Nance
To My Midnight Pltlsbury Doughboy
Happy Valentine's Day! Is your face
red? Couldn't go 2W years without a
personal lose, me__
To my roomies on Mill St
On this day we ll celebrate
Whether or not we have a date
Cu/ life is fun though men are few
Karl W where the heck are you?
Love you all PQ
Happy Valentine » Day'
B« ready by A 00 pm
Love Me
You Va airudy agraad IQ ba my Va*an
tina. no now whai «f»a can I talk you
into7 I wan thinking along tha iman of
daap kianas honay and graat (aibaii
limitad) convamalion Are you up for
it? Lova. Tu lortta
We've only bean tw*C# and you »«Hti
raaHy mce Happy Vaiant.na » Day*
You dvdi/ed
You use towei afterwards
You doc t sleep .n the *o> tpol
M* L »KI «Mt»
Move over*
land do mof* *tt upi)
Had Sonia future Amaxon
you are a MftM I love you
Hm Hm
Almost 4 years of luscious lesbian
loving i H sends ha* best You B««»t
Sand you sweetie a dental dam of
condom or am EMU Lobby_~
My friend my love
My forever valentine
Olive |u«ca baby1 Arma
S E 0
I tried to be poattc
my poamt were pathetic
I toad to ante a aong
tha words coma out all wrong
I had to ba romantic
it just made me frantic
Thara % just one thing I a ant to say
on this year s Valentina * Day
Juit ona thing I yuan* to do
tall you that I love you
Cuta Buna
Good thing you re all mum1 l tova you
Only 4 weeks laft'
L9V1L Tour Gal
Always thinking of you but today is
Distanc e separates u».
But ramambar you are always m my
Really looking forward to Spring
i l >«a v * Douglas Oak
Lata go out to our restaurant tonight
Had Eye love, tha one you never call
TODO the tova Ptartt
With your ha sling hugs
and chocolate kisses divine
you’ve changed my Ml#
Will you be my Valentine?
_Load. Cold T—_
To all ot you people who have soma
one to love Drop dead I'm not bitter
Lots of kisses and hugs from across
tha Ocean l miss ya*
Sigma Kappa
Saturday is almost hare
Tha Double I
Initiation and Installation
Sea you there"
Lh Lasll P I think you already know
who I am
I'm the one they say likes to scam
But yOu know that it • not so
I m not looking tor a beau
But there s on thing I know *s true
You re my pear* s>s and I love you"
Uva C.raw ting* about Mr Marimaj.
you r* fha bait tha raat Juan ’ Can t
wait til Cali'lova ya baba
__Varowtoa I CaiaMa_
GINNV Vov'rt tha boat, graataal.
moil fantaattc bland • pitiful g*1 Mia
ma could ha*a oft. by tha way. ahopa
JmnllK Nothing too complicated
Juat wantad to aay bom tha bottom ot
my haa/t Nappy Valentina a day'
Your Secret Admirer
K. knowing you h*» .>{wm«nj my <*>««
*r><J given me « bigger world view and
!f'* courage to go for the t*i»t In life If
4f lime* our relationship teems
sketchy our tense of humor will
always arry jn (Big Tree)
S v
Vour tmite rai1i«taa a* «rve sun *n.J
your touch i% ma^cal to m« Let uft
nourish ou» U»w until «a am ti<nt to t>e
Love, Johnathan
Happy Valentine a Day
lo a good Irlcfld*
Irt normt loved anyone to much at
you. PAMELA Happy Valentine a Oay
Dear Beautiful Sweetfonei
Tho Iho direction of out
connection has changed
I know mv li be fnenda
jMi the er i love
Deaf Ltplng.
There are to many things we have
dona together l couldn't imagine
cknng all those Ihmgt without you
Doing Dy my tide
>v« you Budimen
Happy Valentina a Day lo a great
friend (and roommul' I can t think of
anyone else I d rather sit home with on
a Friday night and watch TV!
_Loea, JLK
It hat Dean sard Climb to the top of a
mountain Now climb higher You
take me higher
love. DaiKirei
I hope you had better luck finding a
Valentine than I did
lububoopietnoodieAoo l love you'
Even tfvo I m not your ctr prncas
l atiti thmt you're the beaten
Arvd wuv ou the mottett
Now how bout that hint?
Love Prtncett
♦relationships are like cars
You should tes* drive a law
before you buy one
l ove Mary
Snoog Woog.
I love you more than anything
I ve proven my worthiness tor the ring
Bui why mull l wad so long
Whan my love lor you is SO strong*
l >v« you Boogies
Sf T
Our love is hka a novel unfolding page
by page between tha covers (and ih«
sheets) our passion starts to rage I
share with you lha contents bound by
just a spma Piaa»a let me be your
bookmark my darling Valentine
Soot's Friend
To my anatomically correct teddy bear
Now is tha winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by the son of
Ooud Happy Valentine s Oeyt
T lg*o
ft amoi Du brsi marie
schone be'g«»at; Immerf
Dome Tadesco.
_ Qriglo _
W® pmch«d oof pennies
W® dr#©m©<J our d'®«m
September found us *n f utf*no
No months pass
with p*f*»»9 du®
Tog®th»f «® worked ®s a dr®em c *m®
So thts it lev®.
On Valentines
And t thank Robins t>onut*
Bw SUM you fB mm®1
i lOv© you
_ Pooky
T !•»»». i day* and 6 month* ago I
Pe> ama youf wife You hnow hoar
much happiness you ve bfouQht into
my life l will love you till the and of
time ¥VHI , m bt my IfllttUm ’
Rm«i rod vioiott m« Mu«
OH, I'm to toffy l nt( mol you
I I bought you woro cut*
Boy. nil I wrong
If you nood holp,
don't both«f to coll
I'll »l«m I ha phono doom
And hop# you toon loovo town
• K.S.
Emily, Jenn
and Duh
Have the
biggest VD
Love. Thag
Fo* Sl»ph#n my Brooklyn Vaiontm*
I lovt you