Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Celebrate National Condom Day
No Gulf War Coalition will
meet <ii (i p m in the EMU Bon
Kinder Kixim
Et als
|nwish Perspectives on Cur
rent Issues, a Hillel discussion
group. has been postponed un
til next week.
Eugene PC jr Club will meet
at 7 p m in the Ida Patterson
School library. Hilt) W 15th
Ave Call 343-7592 or 343-1059
for directions or for more infor
EMC Hoard budget commit
ted hearings will be held this
afternoon in the KMIJ Oak
Room Child care will be heard
at 4 p m the C'raft Center at 5
p in and House/program ad
ministration at 6 pm
Model United Nations meet
ing will beat 6:30 p m in EMU
(>dar Room C
Incidental Eee Committee
will meet at 6:30 p m. in the
EMU Hoard Room to hear
1991-82 budget requests from
the following groups Commit
tee for Musical Arts. Big Time
Poetry Theatre, Native Ameri
can Student Union. Students
for the Kthical Treatment of An
imals. Association of Students
for Historical Preservation and
Women's Referral and Resource
Survival Center’s Ancient
Korest/lands meeting will be at
6:30 p m in EMU Suite 1
Christian Science Organiza
tion will meet at 4:30 p m in
the EMI! Maple Room.
Marijuana Informational Ta
ble in preparation for Friday’s
daylong conference will be in
the EMU Lobby from 9 a.m to
4 p m.
German Club Valentine's
Day Bake Sale will Ire in front
of the University Bookstore
starting at 8 a.m.
‘‘Perspectives and Analysis:
The Middle East War" is the ti
tle of a forum sponsored by the
Pimple's l-aw School communi
ty outreach program to be held
from 2:30 to 4:30 p m in 12(1
I.aw School. Moderator will be
law Professor Peter Swan;
guests include speakers from
the University and the commu
"The role of alternative en
ergy strategies in economic de
velopment” is the title of a lec
ture to bo given hv Skip Laitner
at 7:30 p m. in 100 Willamette.
Greg Kiden from B.P. & N.
Advertising will be guest
speaker at the Ad Club meeting
at 4 p.m. in 221 Allen.
"Concerns for peace and the
morality of war in papal and
Episcopal documents" is the
topic of a lecture to lx; given by
Archbishop 1-eVada at 7:30
p.m in the Newman Center.
1850 Emerald. Call 343-7021
for more information
National Condom Day will
l>e observed from 9:30 a m. to
2:30 p.m by EMU Fishbowl
with activities sponsored by the
Student Health Center Life
styles Planning program.
IFC grants APASU special request
By Carrie Dennett
t'met aid Repeater
IK.' approved a special re
quest from tin1 Asian-Pacific
American Student Union in ad
dilion to its regularly sched
uled budget hearings Wednes
day night
The APASIJ was granted a
transfer of $200 to the Asian
Council from its winter event
funds APASIJ is helping the
Asian Council host the Asian
Celebration at the Cine County
Fairgrounds on Sunday.
The transferred funds will al
low 200 University Students to
gain free admission to the
event APASU had requested
that a larger portion of its win
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Killer llillci
By Clyde Edgerton
For those readers who adore the very best ot America s South
ern comic storytellers, writers like Fannie Flagg. Olive Burns,
Ellen Gilchrist or Allan Gurganus. it's time you met Clyde
Edgerton It you savor an eccentric, but warmly believable char
acter. (eel a tondness tor country folks whose righteous mien
lions are comically undermined by their very human fallibility,
it's time you met the folks of lislre, North Carolina His first
novel. Raney, was a delightful exploration ot the pressures ot lamily on a new
marriage, as well as the conflicts of mixing Northern/urban with Southern/rural
cultural heritage Walking Across Egypt, for which his latest novel is a sequel,
was an absolute gem The Floatplane Notebooks . his third and my personal favor
ite, expanded his cast ot characters into a marvelous extended family, and intro
duced elements ot tragedy as well as comedy Unfailingly, Mr Edgerton provides
his readers with full bodied characters worth caring about and stories full of in
sights into the magic and perplexity ot ordinary life
In Killer Oilier. Wesley Benfield, the mischievous delinquent introduced in Walk
ing Across Egypt, is now 24, still the honorary grandson of Mrs Mattie Rigsbee,
an unshakably enduring (and endearing) country woman who took him in, got his
teeth'fixed. and brought him to church Wesley is a resident of BOTA (Back on
Track Again) House, a halfway house associated with the campus of a Christian
college, (where they teach decent Baptist values to young criminals) on account
of somebody forgot and left their key in the ignition of a white Continental Begin
ning a bumbling romance with over weight, re haired Phoebe (resident of Nutrition
House, where Christians can Lose Weight and Gam Wisdom), Wesley tries with
limited success to reconcile his libido with biblical injunctions He also partici
pates in community projects, including playing in a gospel band with other re
forming criminals and teaching bricklaying to Vernon, a minimally "retarded",
musically gifted and outspoken teenager who eventually joins the band Evolving
into an amateur preacher who creatively updates Genesis and writes his own un
orthodox gospel songs Wesley unforgivably riles the band s straitlaced sponsors
from the college Equally well drawn are the characters Mr Edgerton satirizes, the
familiar brand of opportunistic. Christian in authority hypocrites who have done
much to give the religion a bad name in this country Needless to say. Clyde
Edgerton sees that latter types get their just desserts—and the good guys get
Most of all. Killer Oilier is quite simply a treat and a guaranteed good time
Reviewed by Andy Lilich of the UO Bookstore
13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat 10:00-6
tor event funds be transferred,
but the IFC and the ASUO ex
pressed concern about money
being used for off-campus pro
The 1991-92 budget for the
Constitution Court was unani
mously approved at $1,235. at
no increase from last year.
The Pre-Law Society was
spared stiff cuts recommended
by the ASUO. Ed Henderson,
ASUO programs assistant, said
the recommendation was part
of an effort to streamline pro
gram funding due to the effects
of Ballot Measure 5.
Henderson said the first pro
grams to la* targeted were those
with an academic counterpart
The ASUO opted to recom
mend “seed money" of $200
rather than zero-fund The 1KC
decided that the Pre-Law Socie
tv does not have a counterpart
m the law school, and voted
6-0-1 to go with a previous,
higher recommendation Ar
mando Morales abstained
The Philosophy Club faced a
similar fate from ASUO recom
mendations. but was granted a
15.8 percent increase over a
1990-91 budget of $781
The Division of Education
Policy and Management Gradu
ate Student Organization re
ceived a 9.5 percent decrease of
its current $909 budget, which
was approved unanimously.
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