TRIAL Continued from Page 1 placement workers. I .oca I 3035 was decertified I.ess than 50 of the 304 union workers who walked off the job returned to Nicolai In addition to his role in the Nicolai strike. Ciiltwrl also helped start the Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network and the l.abor'Knvironmental Solidarity Network of the Pacific Northwest. Me said he has also helped win support from the AFL CIO for dis placed timber workers in Or egon. A sell proclaimed community latxir organ izer" since 1975, Gilbert serves as a business rep resentative for the Teamsters union, and has spent years speaking and organizing support for a variety of environmental and labor issues. *(Pasquini’s) destroyed the livelihoods of so many families. We don’t think people like that can harm the community and then dis appear into it. ’ -Dennis Gilbert “These kinds of issues, like Morgan-Nicolai. effect our entin* community very strongly.” he said "This is basically corporate harassment for financial benefit.” For Gilbert, the trial will lie another chance for the public to stand up against corporate inter ests that conflict with those of the community. “When this trial is over, we're going to be stronger." he said “The more they trv to fight this, tin* more people will wake up to whut's RoinR on." Cilbort said he believes the public and the University community are behind him "I've received nothing but support from stuff and students on campus throughout this thing," he said. "It's O K no matter how it turns out. As far as I’ve been involved it's been a real pleasure RULES Continued from Page 1 may contact the "measles nurse" at the Student Health Center by calling 346-2764, he said. Another new administrative rule, titled the Student-Faculty Committee on Grievances, was established, which amends an existing rule, OAR 571-03-006. The new rule states all mem bers of the University commu nity, students and faculty, will lx; able to take their complaints or grievances to the committee. "The previous rule was un clear," Muriel Jackson said. "Students may use grievance rules as well as faculty. Also, now the grievance panel can say 'it's not in our jurisdiction but you can use this ap proach." The grievance panel, ap pointed by the president of the University, consists of four fac ulty members and four stu dents. Students may only select one grievance procedure under the new rule. Muriel jackson said The grievance committee will not hear appeals from students living in University Housing because they are expected to use the housing grievance pro cess. Proposed amendments to ex isting administrative rules on fines which would have in creased six fees and authorized five new ones — all related to the use of bicycles, roller skates and skateboards on campus LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESITTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP ’ LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • t mm Ml M- 11'Al l % > .C10 •IStf 1_._ M THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON In the days before feathers have been withdrawn If the amendments had gone through fines would have climbed from the existing $.r> to $10 range to $10-$35 range. "I think. I understand the ra tionale behind it (the proposed amendments) hut I don't think a $.15 fine would deter peo ple," said Carey Drayton, Di rector of Public Safety "In stead it would make you more upset The point is the safety of students not on bicycles, not to generate revenue. It's not funnv to see people dodge out of the way, it’s sad." he said -\ Oregon State University Master of Business Administration Program r T 9-12 EMU LOBBY Thursday, FEBRUARY 14 TRANSFER SALE ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISE FROM ALL OUT-OF-TOWN KAUFMAN’S STORES HAS BEEN ADDED TO OUR SELECTION OF SALE PRICED FALL & WINTER FASHIONS! TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 50« NO ADJUSTMENTS ON PRIOR PURCHASES EXCLUDES ALTER-CHRISTMAS MARKDOWNS ON SPRING FASHIONS