EDITORIAL Revenge motivates labor leader's trial If any students have University adjunct professor Dennis Gili>ert for a physics class, be warned: he'll be absent this morning, lie'll be in District Court. Gilbert, a self-proclaimed ‘‘community labor organizer" has been charged with two Class C misdemeanors. The charges stem from an incident that took place in the front yard of Morgan-Nicolai Plant manager Le eRoy Pasquini's South Eugene home. It was the second anniversary of a bitter strike between Local 3035 and the Morgan-Nicolai door manufacturing plant that started when employees were asked to take average 30 percent pay cuts. Morgan-Nicolai hired replacement workers and busted the union. Several union members planted 150 small white crosses in Pasquini's yard. The crosses symbolized years of lost family wages Gilbert is the only person of all those involved to be charged for the action. He is facing fines of $500 or 30 days in jail for each alleged violation. This is obvi ously an attempt to persecute Gilbert for his beliefs. No harm was caused to Pasquini other than having his lawn aerated for free Gilbert said the group put the crosses in front of Pasquini's home to remove the plant manager's ano nymity in the community that he “harmed " Pasquini filed the charges against Gilbert, not be cause he was injured in any way. but in another at tempt to "bust” the union one more time. Gilbert is not a union member (replacement workers voted to de certify it anyway), but he has been one of the loudest voices in the local labor scene. Gilbert has accepted the role of martyr for the movement and is playing it for all it is worth If the wheels of American justice do see fit to send Gilbert to jail for his alleged "crimes" against Pasquini. at least it will bring the actions of the bottom-line-first door company to the light one more time Eugene Country Club opens doors to women In a common-sense move the members of the Eu gene Country Club have voted to admit women into the elite all boys club. The members of the country club should be congratulated for walking into the modern world: even if it is a little later than the rest of society . All people should have equal access to any estab lishment. institution or organization. The era of divid ing the world into homogeneous groups is painfully and very slowly coming to an end. And every step tak en in that direction helps out. Don't expect to see women flaunting membership to the club anytime soon, however. There is a three year waiting list that is already filled by men. One hur dle in the path of equality was overcome, but obvious ly there are many more. Oregon DAILY EMERALD HI H«»% lupix <»*ct'wt'Tttl 7he Oregon Deify Emerald is published Monday through Friday e«cept during nam wee* and vacations by the Oregon Daily EmerUd Publishing Co at the University ot Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently ot the University with offices on the thud Door of the Erl) Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald «s private property The unlewful removal or use ot papers is prosecu! able by law Editor Alice Wheefet Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politic* Editor Graphic* Editor Supplamant* Editor In Touch Editor Christopher Blair Rob Ward Jo« Kidd Sean Poston layne lakaliah Anna Rom bock i Now* tailor Catherine Editorial Editor Pal Maiach Sport* Editor Ashley Conklin Entertainment Editor Layne lake fish Supplement* A»*t Ed Amy Ff»KJe?K hs Night Editor Don Peter* Atiociait tonoii Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities Paula G'een Higher Education. Administration Peter Cogs we'i Reporter* Tammy Batey Jake Berg Bnen Bloch. Rone 0© Cair Ca'mo Dennett Mmg Rodnqoes June Russell. Daralyn Trapp# Bob Wade RobeM Webe» Photographer* 6nc Evans Andre Ranien Advertising Kevin Austermann Mark Brundage Elaine De»tef Kalhy fcndicott M . ha«>i C»ra> Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Stephen Movey Mar a Newman Lisa Richman Mary Sanderson. Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Peggy McC* no Wj .iger Kelly Me Mu haei Janet Schober Business Kathy i otx>ne Supervisor Gorman Chapman Judy Connolly Production i Ira Oa er Advertising CoonJii'dfot Jennifer Archer M a Bert. Lotus Child Cafoi Oopp. Jim Finch Co one Frier Susan Head Jennifer Huey Linda K .»»>,•.kJ She* a t ’cn.H j*m Mas m. Anna Rembe.fc- Don Ross Jennifer Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas Mon Waiter Todd Williams General Manager Judy R»ed PfOOucnon m Newsroom Bu»in«st Offic* Production 346 551 1 346 4361 Aovvruimg uk*uoi Display Advertising Classified Advertising 346 3712 346 4343 WA6IMG A GROUNO WAR UALFWAV ROUND THE WORLD IS A RISKY PROPOSITION \ k 41 «ra*-j=iL Am£<££'&^&WOULD rVJONT^PPiA# SUPPOPT EPOOE \ _H AND I COULD ENDUP A ONE TERM president HAM TUAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN... LETTERS Childish attack Regarding "Not Hudson Van (:uron" Adrian Wallace's temper tan trum toward "Hudson Van Curen" is unbecoming to an artist. espe< tally one who holds as many credentials as he claims Creative criticism is wel coined by most artists hut we tan all do without petty and purely envious insults I am surprised that the Emer ald would print such a < hildish attack Kociu Carrera Kugene Might or right? In her letter to the editor |ODE, Feb. 7), Vk kv Trallis as serted that "might makes right, my friend." In other words, it is accept able for a larger, stronger state to use violence to coerce a weaker state to act in a manner acceptable to the mighty, Logic: like this justifies Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, in which a stronger state overcame a weaker one. Following her logic, Trallis would say that Iraq is "right " Isn't it more accurate to say that "right makes might?" In this case, neither Iraq nor the United States would be very mighty. |av Nusbaum Political Science Not funny Aren't we just the highfalu tin' self-righteous hypocrites of the "liberal" world? If there was an incident where a gang of blac k teenagers killed a white person and the incident was drug related, would you consider it tasteful or responsible to print an edito rial cartoon implicating that black teenagers, in general, were murderous drug villains? I don't think su! So now, because a few farm ers in the Bend area became verbally nasty and decided to exercise their right to freedom of expression regarding an opinion expressed by a college they support with their tax dol lars. the Emerald has taken it upon itself to depict all farmers as conservative, blindly patriot k uneducated, narrow-mind ed . (Hiring and la/.y bigots. Gee, I wonder bow many other mis dire< ted. narrow minded, un educated stereotypes you can come up with for people you don't agree with. The printing of the "Farm er's Profile" cartoon by Mike Russell (()l)h|an H|. without referent e to the extreme hypo ( risy of it is a disgrace to the integrity of a newspaper that touts open mindedness Or is this typical of a newspaper that believes in open minded ness so long as no one disagrees with its self-righteous, egocentric view of morality? Nelson 1). Sherry Biology Grieve for all OK. let me see if I have this straight According to Vicki Trallis {DDK, Feb 7) the cost of free dom is 12 dead Marines, eight of which were killed by "friendly" fire With friends like that we had to go all the way to Iraq to find enemies? Think of all the time and ex pense we could have saved by simply killing them at Paris Is land and Gamp Pendleton. God bless our soldiers, in deed Hut even more important ly. let's hope that She will pro tect them from their own com rades. And by the way. 1 am not ranting 1 am grieving for all the young people who are be ing placed into the world's largest meat grinder for no oth er reason than to undo the for eign policy blunders of the Rea gan and Bush administrations. Robert Parker English Anti-commie To all you commie-loving anti-war liberals. The solution to the end of the war in the Middle Fast: Nuke the Arab na lions Support our president. Support our troops Let’s win this one for the Clipper. |im Bridge Primary Education Ignorance In observing the reaction to the Persian Gulf War, we can not help but observe the igno rance that often prevails even the best intended of protests. We feel that ignorance pre vails wilt re protesters claim that this is a war revolving solely around materialistic gains, such as oil. rather than a war for democracy and free dom Oil is just one of the many reasons for the war We are also fighting to rid the world of a mad. ruthless ty rant. In order to have world peace, one must first eliminate all the problems. One such problem is Iraq. We feel that with the riddance of Hussein, world peace would finally be a reachable goal There is no ar guing this fact. If we did not stop them who would? Hussein would attempt to conquer Israel and others out of hate, and before long, we would have another World War II Kih:uII that Germany invaded Poland while we stood by and watched and did nothing. This time. Amorica decided not to let history repeat itself. An; you supporting tyranny? Is this what you protesters want ? Do you protesters believe in freedom for other people? We can not allow one coun try to invade another and ex pect to get away with it. This is unacceptable in the world to day. We are proud that our country is standing up to this barbarian who has been twisted with years of hate and aggres sion. This killer must be stopped at all costs. fonathan Bernstein Accounting and finance lira Bridge Primary Education LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print ail letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others.