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PAPER, & GIFT BAGS ARTS Musical hits Hult stage By Layne Lakefish Emerald Entertainment Editor The vision of a woman named Maria galloping through the hillsides singing is a m one most people in this country would recognize The story of The Sound of Musk is not an unfamiliar one It 's been around since 1959, and the production of the musical has grossed more than eighty million dollars This weekend the show will take to the Hull Center's Silva Com ert Hall stage for two 8 p m performances, one on Triday night and the other on Saturday night Tickets which will < ost $25. $22.50, $18 SO and $15. can lie purchased by i ailing the Hull Center box office at 087-5000 l or anyone who might be a little rusty on the Von Trapp story, it goes as fol lows Maria, a young woman in a con vent. is sent away from her secure life to be< omo a governess to seven young i hi! dren The father of this household, a wid owed Navy Captain, has run his house like a tight ship, but Maria eventually i hanges that. The result is the reviving of laughter, fun and. of course, song, into the once quiet home. The production that is making its way to Hugene is a national touring company from New York "They revive Broadway plays and pul them on tour,'' said Fatri ( la Cusick. Hull Center assistant market ing director. "People tan expect a tour ing Broadway caliber production Variety magazine said. "The show is one of the select list of about a dozen du rable giants of the musical stage reper toire It's a beautiful work The show will include a cast of 27 members, full sets, and "gorgeous cos tumes." Cusick said "Broadway musicals are what the peo ple in this community want to see." Cu sii k said "They are definitely strong sellers Because the musicals are big sellers, the Mult Center [nits together a Broadway Series every year. The .Sound of Musit is the last of that series for this year. "We re not aiming to sell out because we're doing this show two nights." Cu sh k said "But this show, it will be the biggest seller in this year’s series." The Broadway show itself, originally the work of Rodgers and Hammerstein. has earned itself eight Tony awards and has been labeled New York musical theatre's fourth longest running show Then, after its l!).r>‘) Broadway open ing. Twentieth Century Fox secured the rights to the show, anil in l!»f>5. The Sound of Music opened as a motion pic - ture That film, which starred Julie An drews. earned eight Academy Awards The musical The Sound of Music comes »o Eugene's Hull Center’s Silva Concert Hall for Friday and performances. Saturday .. Family Album show gives students opportunity to exhibit works By Sally Murdoch Emerald Contributor Staff, volunteers and instructors from the EMU Craft Center an displaying their works at Tin Family Album Show in the EMU Fir Room through Feb. 17. Sixty artists with over 130 pieces, many of which am for sale, are taking part in this 11th annual slum. “The exhibit allows us to show off our talents and to encourage students and staff to use our facility/' said craft center coordinator Ton Urban. "With the abort tine the show will be up. it is very worth people's time to cone and see what we can do." Included in the show are photo graphs. ceramics, Jewelry, oil paintings, woodwork, stained glass, sculpture, and many other creative uses of media. This year's show also features a hand-made wedding dress. Urban said that although all of the staff members at the center are experi enced artists and craftspeople, many ex hibit their works only at these yearly shows. "Having your work in a show does something to the piece," Urban said. “The atmosphere is cleaner, and the works take on a new form.” The craft show is also beneficial to artists oot yet experienced or comfort able with displaying their work. Work study student Sean Boily is a first-time exhibitor in this yew’s show, and said he is excited about the public viewing his piece, the “Safe Sex Cart.” The cart, Boily Mid, is 'utilitarian because it is both a creative and aesthet ically pleasing work and will be used to encourage safe sex when complete. The project is commissioned by the Student Health Center and “can be taken out and wheeled down the street as the per son behind it distributes condoms and sale sex literature," Boily said. Prank Gosar has been a potter at the Craft Center for three years and has a number of ceramic pieces in the show, including a Japanese rake set. a teapot ana a vase. ■ “This show ia the largest and certain ly one of the beet," he said. Gosar said he U enthusiastic about telling the pieces as well as gaining valuable feedback. “When somebody is so touched that they must have a piece of your work — that it the ultimate re view," he said. The show will run through Feb. 17 in the EMU Fir Room. Hours are 1 to 5 p.m. weekdays and 1 to 4 p.m. on week ends. J WANTED: FRESHMAN INTEREST GROUP LEADERS ^ Help New Students Adjust to the U of O ^ Earn Upper Division Credits ^ Gain Leadership Skills All Majors Welcome / / Informational Meeting Februar> 13th, 3:30 pm at 164 Oregon Hall or applications avail able at 164 ()ri’)jon Hall 346-3211 NINIAN SMART PROFESSOR AND CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF REl.KilOl S Sl l DIFS l NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARB ARA WILL PRESENT A SERIES OK LECTURES ON: RKI.KiION AND POLITICS WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13 KKLIOIOUS STUDIES AND THE PULE WAR WALNUT ROOM. EMU. 7:30 PM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 REUNION AM) SOUTH ASIA WALNUT ROOM, EMU. 7:30 PM Conversant* with Professor Smart at Koinoma Center, 1414 Ktncaui For: University Students, Faculty. andFrieruls Time: 3:30-5:30 pm . Thursday. February 14 Auspices: Campus Interfaith Ministry and Religious Directors Association Lectures sponsored by the Department of Religious Studies Distinguished Visiting lecturer Program, 19*11 BOOK now FOR SPRING VACATION UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th. Eugene, Oregon 97401 503 683 5577 / 1-800-888-3799 \ < Oregon State University Master of Business Administration Program 9-12 EMU LOBBY Thursday, FEBRUARY' 14 USE YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD Mountain Farms BREAD 79 01’ White • 100% Whole Wheat • Crushed Wheat Nlour>'**n Milwaukie’s Best 1/2 cs. cans 12-12 oz. cans BE SURE TO COME IN AND CHECK OUT THE BEST HEALTH FOOD & NATURAL FOOD DEPARTMENT IN TOWN! ! # Soft & Gentle | '.Bath Tissue $4 99 i a ROLL I limit one coupon per family per week first one #993 EXPIRES 219/91 17 COBURG RD HOURS 7a.m.Hp.m 7 DAYS A WEEK 683-8670 AD EFFECTIVE 2/13 thru 2/19/91