Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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University cello professor Koberl llladsky. nho has tallyht the
cello on a college level for 40 years, has been retoy nixed na
tionally for his outstandiny skills as a teacher and performer.
Professor wins major music award
By Tammy Batey
( mea id Reporter
The frustration of standing
for hours practic ing the violin
as a child caused Robert
lllailkv to sss it< h to the cello
a dec ision he has never regret
llladkv, a University cello
professor, ssas recently recog
nized for his cello mastery as a
recipient of the American
String Teachers Association
1‘fil Citation for exceptional
leadership and Merit
111 till k v xs 111 rec c* i vc* t he
award during the 19t)l AST A
national convention in Seattle,
I eh 14 17.
He said hi* felt surprised ini
tially at rec eiving one of the as
sen mtion's highest annually
awarded honors and later felt
"deeply honored
Ironic alls he said he might
never have developed his level
of cello skill if he hadn't grown
frustrated with playing the sue
"Ms father is a violinist and
.in old-fashioned Kuropean, so
we had a lesson every Saturday
morning." Illadky said "He
made me stand for ms lessons
I was alxiut 1 1 years old and as
kids talk with their parents i
said, 'How is it you net to sit
and I have to stand? I'd like to
play somethin# where I'd get to
sit down.'"
"One day he walked in hold
ing a cello," he said "I took to
it like a duck takes to water
That hat kfired somewhat Now
I get tired of sitting "
Illadkv came from a "musi
cal family" and began perform
ing music at age four. "I’ve
been exposed to music all my
life," he said "My parents
took me to hear all the great art
ists when 1 was young and it
made an undeniable impres
sion on me
Sint e that time, he has per
formed professionally and in
strui ted students on the cello.
Ihis year marks Ins 40th year
teat hing college level cello and
string bass he said He has
taught at the I'niversiH for 11
As a professional, he has
served as principal cellist with
the Kugene Symphony, the
Kastman Chamber Orchestra,
the Oregon Bach Festival, the
I’eter Britt Festival and orches
tras in Kot hosier, New York.
Columbus. Ohio, and Oklaho
ma City. Oklahoma.
Currently, hi? performs with
the Oregon Mozart Flayers and
is an active recitalist
Despite the hours of practice
and the amount of dedication
needed to master the instru
ment. Illedky has done just
that. He said music is a valu
able part of his life
"Music is almost a religion
for me." he said.
Hladky's cello teachers in
< luded Luigi Silva of the Kast
man and fiti 11iard Schools of
Music and his father. Frank
Hladkv At Kastman. Hladkv re
ceived the performer's certifi
cate, a masters and doc torate of
Music.al Arts degrees
I le and three other 1 iniversity
music professors will perform
Feb -!r> as part of the Faculty
Artist Series
The group, which includes
Lawence Slaves on tile violin.
Leslie Straka on the viola and
Barbara Faliner on the piano,
will perform pieces by Beetho
ven, Martinu and Schumann.
The concert will in1 held at K
p m. in Beall Hall.
Campus area groups hold Ash Wednesday services
Students for the Klhiul
Treatment of Animals will
meet .1! 4 to p in in KMU O*
ilar Room K
Rainforest Action group will
meet at 4 .it) p III in the Surviv
ill ( lenter. KMl1 Suite 1
Latin American Support
( omiinttre v\ill meet lit r> ill
p in in KMU ('<hI.ii Koom i).
Et als
Lesbian and bisexual women
artists and architects will ex
hibit work and hold an infor
mational meeting at !> :<() p m
m KMl I (Vdar Kihhii A
A1SK0 will mei't .it 7 p m in
111) (albert All interested stu
dents are welcome
Nordic Student Associations
un uur tnure
Collection Of
College Ring
College Rings
Wed., Thur., Feb. 13 and 14,10am-3pm
Herff Jones representatives will be at the L'O Bookstore
, Agfc $30.00 Deposit Required
VALENTINE'S SPECIAL. FREE 4 pt. Diamond with a Herll Jones Setting
will meet from 7 to <i p.m. in
EMI! Cedar Room !)
Collette Republicans will
meet at 5: It) p in. in EMU Cen
tury Room K.
EMU Hoard budget hearings
will be held in the EMC1 Hoard
Room this afternoon.
SARO'Cultural Forum budget
will he heard at -1 p m and
( luh Sports will he heard at 5
A lecture on Ethiopian cul
ture and contemporary life w ill
lie presented h\ students Se
men Zewdie and Tsige Alxibe
at -t to p.m. in the University
Museum of Natural History
The talk is the first in a series
of lectures to lie given by inter
national students.
A career workshop spon
sored by Hsi Chi honor society
will lie given at 5 p m Check
the Hsi Chi board in Straub Hall
for location.
"How to have a successful
noi graduate school inter
view" is the topic of a lecture
to lie givep at 5:30 p.m in
EMU Cedar Room C Cues!
speaker will lx- Dave Fukumoto
of the University of Arizona FT
admissions board
A '50k dance workshop will
he given at 8:30 p.m in 302
fieriingor Hall.
I)ivon:e, child custody and
adoption are the lecture topics
to be discussed at the People’s
I .aw School from 7 to 9 p m in
120 1 ,<iw School
Kaitiog down the (iolorado
Kiver and in Costa Kica is tin
topic of a video presentation to
lie- made at 12:30 p m. in KM11
Room 23
Student Senate grievance ta
ble will be in the EMU main
entrance from 9:30 a m to -1
Video showing on the annual
American Peace Test in Ne
vada will be at 7 p.m. in EMU
Cedar Room C.
Ash Wednesday services w ill
be in the Newman Center. 1850
Emerald, at 12:15 pm, 5:30
p.m. and 9 p.m. Distribution of
ashes will lie at each service.
Ash Wednesday services will
also be held by Episcopal Cam
pus Ministries at 1329 E. 19th
at 5:30 p in., and by United
Methodist Ministry at the Wes
ley Center, 1236 Kincaid, at 7
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