Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
the OCA would agree with him
on many issues, oiling budget
priorities and his support of
Operation Desert Storm. But he
also admitted that his views on
abortion run counter to those
held by the conservative group
"I'm very pro-choice, and I
realize that is one of their major
issues," he said. "But 1 can't
change what I believe is an
honestly held position of mine
on that issue."
OCA's Mabon said his group
has "looked at the possibility"
of running a candidate against
Packwood, but he said a Demo
cratic victory of one of Ore
gon's two Senate seats may be
too high of a price to pay if
both Packwood and the OCA
candidate were to lose.
"For instance, if (O S. Rep.)
Peter DeFazio ran against Pack
wood and won. we would not
Ih> advancing at all." Mabon
said "There are a lot of things
we can do other than attempt
ing to destroy and vve do not
want to destroy someone's
po 1 iti< ai career.''
Rather than run against Pack
wood. Mahon said his group
may ask for Republican support
for other OCA activities
Among other efforts, the group
is planning to support an imtia
live petition next year that
would require doctors to ex
plain all the risks of abortion
before conducting the proce
Hut if alternatives fail, any
conservative challenge to Pack
wood would aid the Democrat
ic opponent, who may turn out
to lie DeFazio, a three-term con
gressman from Eugene
Although DeFazio has not of
fii ially announced his inten
tion of running for the senate
seat, the Democrat has lieen
"systematically exploring that
possibility." said congressional
aide Jeff Slier
"He is looking into it very
carefully, but his det ision
point on that won't come up for
some time,'' Slier said
As tor (X .A pressure on i\i< k
wood. Million said another al
ternative for the alliance may
he to focus their efforts on fill
ing the congressional seat Pack
wood's Democratic challenger
would leave empty bv running
for the senate spot
Nevertheless. Mahon believes
Pat kwootl will respond to (X!A
pressure differently than
Frohnmayer did tiuring his hid
for governor
"Dave Frohnmayer left us no
other option." Mahon said
"He essentially said, 'We can
live without you.' anti rublied
our noses in it He forced us
into a corner where he left us
lit) other option
"I don't think Sen Pack
wood will make the same kind
of mistakes that Dave Frohn
maver made," Mahon said
Continued from Page 1
comes from the desire to preserve a healthy envi
ronment for non-smokers.
"When people who don't smoke go down to
the Rec Center, they're forced to breathe the
smoke," English said.
Pedersen said the Recreation Center is large
and well ventilated, with six ceiling fans, so
smoke is not a problem In addition, she said she
is willing to purchase air filters if non-smokers
are bothered by the smoke.
"One of the employees put together a peti
tion to present to the board,” she said "We have
already collected 145 signatures from students
wanting the Ke< Center to continue to allow
smoking and that's all in one week "
Pedersen said the only time she heard about
complaints from non-smokers was at the hoard
meeting She also said that the center should be
evaluated differently when dei iding its smoking
"I i an understand when it's a work situation,
but people choose to come here," she said
"I would equate it to a tavern," she said
"VVe''e a tavern with ' beer."
Pedersen said that when state legislatures
consider anti smoking legislation, taverns and
bars are generally exempted
An incorrect day was given
for the Incidental Fee Commit
tee meeting The IFC meets to
night at ft 30 p m in the EMU
Hoard Room to consider a spe
cial rt*<iu«;.sl from Asian Pacific
American Student Union and
to hold budget hearings tor the
following groups: Constitution
Court. Philosophy Club, Pro
Uw Society. DFFMC.SO,
American Ad Federation, Stu
dent Campaign for Disarma
ment and the Solar Knergy Cen
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