Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS H- HHI \H\ M IK M IIONS Win morr than «tmronr\ hr«rt in thr OOJ ('lattifirtU HfAWT TMWD63 COflTfST trb »4lh’ Nf AWT TriWOBS d#»e February 1 5th brfcKp l pmW To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS Happy 71*1 Kimberly* H«v« a great day' Watch out Eugene Leva. Kathryn Jeffrey M. Happy Birthday I’m glad you are Mine. Love you, Sara To our funny dumb friend. JILL ’•on Ann»*k ( onuhnn * lA*er ISinunjiA iiAptiK-% * I dtting/IU «umM CAROLYN CiNOY DIAL A TYPIST uyrrrr Eva * Typing UUMS Report* Oi**#Haiton* Natumat l after Printer FLYING FINGERS t.\ Fast accurate profoamonai S’ * . . ; 4*4 9038 • JO. THE TYPING PRO M 360*6 IBM WORD PHOCf SSINGif DlTlNG f AST RE ASONABl f ' ONSOCNTJCHJS PAPERS DUE’ NEED HELP? Editing 1 Typing Word Processing Virginia 341 3386 Peggy ft Typing Same* f tpeneni ad typut offering *emr an on IBM compute' system and ia*e' printer Reasonable rates Call Peggy at 342 4666 Perfection Typing Service Pr>'*aftftional typing editing and word proceeding Fast *■ Curale lettef qua) ity IBM computer ei??'1 laul printer pr IBM typewriter i ’ i «•.;«- uj U4 8836 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Aifto word process ng editing f fee (>«:hu(Vdeiiv«ry Rond4 936 1 892 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land la*er Printer 48S 3343 f ormarty located B 1 Theatre Bldg WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING FAST! Footnote*, t M • •< B ? 1 Word proceeding S' i .i-.i-i filing Call tie?■ after 6 :to 683-23 IS large picnic twVc' *««o bamboo fitted t»c comj V Aotiqu* wrought .••■in confectionary ’ 1 itiyo glasn de *.«gn| ISO Read'---#- tinging than 1 >*er fttuffanl tio*Ae frie/ee uj ,*•■ .iery 18*. 747 9427 Yulettlini's 7 un fur I im < !* 484 2981 Car cover for VW ‘ • <* o ISO obo 686 8?7.' How »o make home brewed beer Informative guide 12 W Complete fold S3?. FrtACift Saffeli P0 8o» 1724 Eugene DR 97440 Pt .« 3424228 130 forTalT Canon Typa Star 5 On screen display 2 typa laces I60otx> MotJff"- of He a chw* A.f adjust at><« ITVobo Das* *!h »amp laftoDo 34 36017 15" * r* 5 alar Fittipaldi r\mt n th Rikan VTx 60 T.ras 6 r-wil^s o((J A»k mg 11 200 OtX) call Kanny 5*9 5532 19/1 Honda 1/5 Twin Recant tuna up naad ca*h 1700 344 96/9 its COMPUTERS/ELtCTBOMICS FREE MOUSE! Gomputar syslam n>lh hard d**i j includes word processing spread sheet and datat>an-e All for only S/99 OO Computer Systems West 175* Willamatta 342 4153 U of O BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO CAPTURE THOSE SPECIAL MOMENTS WITH YOUR SWEETHEART V2 OFF CAMCORDER RENTALS FEB 11TM THROUGH FEB 23RD 150 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR RESERVATION CAMCORDERS ON SALE! SONY CCO TR4 2 ONLY 1/99 SONY CCD TR6 2 ONLY 1*99 SONY CCD F77 SALE 11099 2Q SILHtQ IY/MOMIIOA JVC AY2DMS DISPLAY ONLY 2*6 12 1999 00 3MSX 11395 00 Multi imguaJ soft* are Franch Spanish Gar man *>th sound and •nora Int'l Computer Cant#r 630 Olive 342 54 79 FOR SOLE MISC ismssmun B A W DM 550 compact loud speaker* never used 14*1 1420. sell to* |?50 MS *701 mWTMWlt* Guitar, keyboard* bass lessons «r»th '•cording artist product. John Shartey Alt styles. alt ages J44 4452 / M5 SHL_ /tldjian 20 m condition 4 mooths old Must sail |65 obo X59153 frit/ uoipytLbtuttt I Celebrate your great study shot* Wtii a fa* triocfts to 8»ng Cherry Palace 52 W *3th end find a gr«at purchase See Section 115 For alt your typing needs i» outdMr REbbiitibti Whitewater Ratting! Floats down the Colorado Rivet and >n Costa Rtca '2 30 PM today »n the Outdoor Program__ Climbers! Chock out OSU cbmtwng *e<> 13 Sat 16th t 5 PM S»gn up at tha Outdoor Program X54355 i£T im Eugene Tucson roundlrtp ticket leave* 2/201M rat urns 2/?4/9l Must sail’ Call eves o» leave massage J190otx> 344 1 793 ,,»6PWfiWltlti. Traveling Soon7 Apply for an American Eaprast card Fly anywhere in tha USA lor »«» or lass Call TODAY1' 4*5 5439 _ SE.CONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tuition *«ivei plus monthly stipend tor gusithsi) parsons interested tn earning a master % degree ami special education ceflitK at ton For more details write to Sand> Dev.* 1?5 I due •! ton Unitrarsi!» of O'agon FOR SALE MISC 164 W Broadway f ugene. Oregon 97401 ,HI 3622 c L / V 1 /V G OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Futons* F rames•( llothing* I -shirt* ClOSt ()l I PRICKS! K pr WaJentinex low FwiiMd-... ... OKDKK TODAY! Eugenes J-lower Home THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 1. 13th at Patterson &*&*** 485-3655 rrt.«,* t «nh f. Sj!* yOur arrival One year commitment For • local interview call A < . a pain ’ ftOO .*r . ESCAPE Program hiring one siaf position Student Program Manage ment Division Head Starts spring 1991 Knowledge Of EMU ASUO services and pubtic speaking skills a must Stipend plus academic credit Applications due f ebruary ?$ Note In-house applicant selected ESCAPE (MUoM>n ’11 *643$ i Family helper wanted to help care for ? boys ages 4 and 2 Must be matu'e very responsible non smoking and love children Reliable car needed 8 hrvwk to start Needs to tie available during some vacations including summer and can make 1 yt commit ment References please 343 2194 HOME TYPISTS PC users needed 136 000 potential Details Cali ' »2 BLXX E * t H 9M. Instructors and counselors needed tor U of O Upward Bound Program June 16 August 12. 1991 Call 346 3101 tor application Deadline March 1 S 00 pm AA7EOE Minorities and women encouraged to apply INTELLIGENCE JOBS All brar f. US Customs D€A elc Now hiring Can • S.'KM i «t k *4. It s easier than you think to pay f ' your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Can Nerveee or Brook for per s<>r «t interview 344 6697 NANNY/MOTMER S HELPER NY City Suburb Help Care tor 3 yr o»U A t y» twin* Own room bath Tv Non smoker Immediate $18) 3786629 Now Huing Student Coordinators Cultural Forum & SARO positions ! l>egin Spring Term lor 91 92 Mentage Music Visual Art* National Music Lectures Film Performing Arts Regional Music Events Crew Deadline Friday. February 22nd : stop by Suite 2 l MU for information S application 146 4373 The CE A ' AH • e • .ert^_ OVERSEAS JOBS t*X> J2000 m Summer yr round All countries a>< fields f ree into Write IJC PO B« $2 a • M A 92621 Resident Director/Student Activities Coordinator Bachelors Degree re quired from accredited institution Masters in Psychology, education or ■ elated social senrtca* field beneficial 12 mo. lull tima. live in. full benefits All qualified candidates urged to ap ply Send letter, return#, official col lege transcripts to David Waggoner VP tor Student Affairs. Northwast Christian College 628 E 11th. Eugene OR 97401 3727 Applications closa 2/22791 Position begins 6/17/91 _ 270 HELP W*Nf[D Swimming Job* |WSl^Summ#( childrens camp* North##*? Men and *om#n who can teach children to tw*m swim team beautiful pool and '**#* m the Northeast Good salary room A board fra*#' #*p«n*a Men call or writ# Comp Amadu 5 Glen loo* Mama/oneck NY 10643(914 381 5983 Aomen can or writ* Camp Vega PO Bo* 1771 Du* bury MA 02332 fOl 7)934 6536 Tanni* Job* Summer childrens comp* Nonboast Men *n CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8th STUDIOS FOR JUST 62651 Downtown tot ah on PARKING on site laundry Call 344 6563 Jennings 6 Co 683 4219 GREYST0NET0WNH0USES 211 Briar cliff Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to busline* Plenty 0< parkmg 6395 Call 669 6667 Jennings 6 Co 663 4219 Large 1 bedroom, unfurnished built In office spec#, lots of storage Prime U of O campus location good privacy Student* only, no pet* non smoker* please 1376/month 1360 Alder Street. 345 5949 Large 2 bedroom apartment available 14 77 Milyard St Avail March 1 464 9922 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE APTS 1555 W 18th Specious 2 bdrm Dishwasher dispose) appliance* taundry off Street parking $4 70 34 3 6000 Spacious 1 bdrm apt close to cam put deck 132Qrmo « deposit 3434109 Large 1 bdrm near Music Bldg 6370. references Call after 2 pm Ridgewood Apartments. 666 5769 Tired of cooking7 Went security7 Studio Apt avail A'1 at Collegian iBiO Aide* 1300 discount Donna 484 3711 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH t BLOCK TO CAMPUS' 1 bedrooms at 1366 large 2 ♦ bodrooms A 3 bedrooms 163V665 FREE PARKING Nice Courtyard 663 0 729 235 APTS/DUPLEXE? 1370 High 1 bdrm print© pat»o 1326 2999 High 2 bdrm duple* family room, t Oaths fireplace garage wMthertfed $625 977 E 37th 2 bdrm duple* garage $475 Springfield 120 F Street Freshly painted t bdrm laundry parking $320 525 Pioneer Prkwy 2 bdrm new carpets. $350 No pets By appointment Spyglass Associates 696 1130 15th & Olive Apartments 95 W 15th Studio & 1 bdrm loft starting at $375 Close to campus and downtown Laundry, covered parking and most util included Manager 484 5633 Ben nett Mgmt Co_915 Oak *200 1 bdrm turn Very clean Covered park mg Dswshr/disposal Laundry $365/mo 344 3191 leave msg Large 4 bdrm (tuples w/family room and W/D hookups 880 E 24th $75Q/mo No pets 344 3191 leave msg 2 bedroom apartments available 15th and Mill area 1 bedroom apartment available 15th l Hilyard 464 9922 2«o oiiAo^ ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder Street • 345 5949 Recently remodeled furnished well managed units Prime U of O campus location Utilities included on site laundry covered parking $235/month lease through June 14th Students only, no pets Campus Area Quad $209 plus deposit 3434109 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATION' Contemporary units with ALL UTILITIES PAID Private room with shared common areas $250 Lease required Call 344 9290 Jonoinga I Co._ _ 663-4219 Large, clean rooms . block to cam pu* Utilities free $220/montn 1866 Harris St t 3 Manager 343 2378 2 WEEKS FREE 430 E 15th $225rmonth Call Don 345 5135 1851 Ony» St 343 2674 Spring. Summei tarma 2 rooms 'or rent $t?0r$23C mciudf. utilities Women only Shared kitch en/bathrooms Above Excelsior 1 Wock from campus J H Pentiamk 4 Co 344 2682 250 DORM CONTRACTS Spring term dorm contracts M • F Call 346 9120 or 346 8427 255 R0#M4tES^NtED Female roommate wanted Exception any cute house 2 miles to campus $250tst/ta»t . vs utilities 345 3 n4 Nice house - , M« extras 2 bdrm Comes with TV i36 $*4i; '4 ■ H.-t! Stable inexpensive large house seeks roommate 1144/month Share room Furnished 666 9567 Heave message} LIIMOi GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair) Delinquent tax property Repossessions Your area (1) 605 962 6000 Ext GH 9642 tor current 27iMKTItiM - IBM PCjr Club meeting Thurs. Feb 14 7 PM Ida Patterson School Library ’6th Polk Visitors welcomef Cai: 343 7592 or 343 1059 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MQRSM6. QWLOTTG' ,/ mmtcha got m 7hw PRjoary. I hOU/ABOUT THE OTHER , ONE? OUT TO The iVKBAT FLEET. NO RUSH, HOS STAB/UZEP. < OKAY, LOAD W OKAY, IV HUP IF FtUAHS! ONVYIHAV ONXXA mump bop K&v ‘57FFNGTH. / MEAT Fi££T* O & DELIVERY Your Choice FREE Movie Rental with rental ol equal or greater value VCR & 2 Movies 48 Hour Rental only s59i 1495 E 19tn 342 4972