Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1991, Page 13, Image 12

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    Chinese activists receive 13-year prison terms
BEIIINC; (Al’l Two
longtime democracy activ
ists were sentenced Tuesday
to I t years in prison, appar
ently receiving the most se
ven’ punishment vet stern
ming irom me rim i mnanmen .-square protests
The court gave a six-year sentence to a third man
convicted of sedition and released a fourth who it said
was guilty hut repented
Wang Juntao. a 33-year-old newspaper editor, and
Chen Ziming. 38. the head of a private social si ience
research institute, received the 13-year prison terms af
ter being convicted of sedition.
Kobin Munro. a researcher for the human rights
group Asia Watch, said authorities were seeking to
make the two the scapegoats lor the democrat v
movement, which drew millions of protesteis into the
streets of cities nationwide
"They said there was a conspiracy By their own
logic they had to produce scapegoats and conspire
tors." Munro said
Sources close to the two men's families said Chen
asked the court to investigate alleged tampering dith
documents and tapes used against him. hut his peti
tion was turned down
'['hey said the judges in twith trials also refused to
let the defense attorneys present new information that
showed their clients' innocence, and repeatedly inter
rupted Chen and Wang when the\ tried to defend
Asked about the sentences. State Department
spokeswoman Margaret Tutw iler said the Hush admin
istration finds them deepK troubling
"N’o prison sentence imposed for non violent at
tivitv could !«■ considered lenient she said
"The speed of the verdh ts. the limited opportuni
tv afforded defendants to prep.ire a defense and tin' in
ahilits of independent observers to attend the trails in
evitabK raises questions ot justice fairness and due
proc ess
She said China denied permission for C S lanhas
sv personnel In observe (he trials
The sentences were revealed one hour alter the
i <>urt finished hearing evident e in Wang's case and
less than an hour after it finished hearing (Ihen's.
"Obviously the sentences had already been dot id
ed .i friend of the two ac tivists said on condition of
( hen and Wang also were convicted of counter
revolutionary propaganda and incitement, which l in
ers any statement considered harmful to the commu
nist revolution Hie offii ial Xinhua \ews Agent y said
the tw o have shown no y\ ill mg ness to repent
I in Gang, ht a rese.iri hei at (.hen's institute who
helped organize student protesters, yy,is given a six
y ear term l>ei ause he ai k noyv ledged his crimes anil
showed willingness to repent Xinhua said
Many ordinary people who took part in the pro
tests also remain under investigation either at home or
in tail
Daily Emerald
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May you be as lewd as
always. Love from your
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wonderful Chinese
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