BAND Continued from Page 8 20 or 30 years.” she said. "And the stu dents standing in front of them didn't give a rip about their plight . ” So the Athletic Department, besieged by phone calls from season tickethold ers who sit directly behind the students, decided to move the band back to its original locale, a move taken after con sultation with the ASUO. "We contacted the ASUO, and they saw no problem with the move,” she said. Walton said she now believes the Ath letic Department should have taken the process one step further and informed the students why the move was being made and how it affected the students. "We want the students on the floor; look where they are at Gill." home of Oregon State basketball, where students are not at court level, she said “There's no place like the Pit." Under the new arrangement, students gave up 1 OH seats in the west bleachers and wore compensated with 124 former ly reserved seats split between sections CC and LL, on the main fhxir. giving the students a net benefit of 16 seats. Wal ton said. Christopher Mat/, ASUO director of media relations, said he believes a little understanding by tx>th sides would lx* helpful. “If we felt it would have caused a controversy, we wouldn't have done it." Matz said "We could go home and watch (games) on TV if we want to sit down A little more understanding from the reserved seats around the Pit would help After all it is the students' team." And what do band members think of the uproar caused by their move? After all. these students have to show up ear lv at games, and they don't leave until well after most fans are gone, not to mention long hours of practice they put it. "I don't think the crowd knows the situation," said Joe Mostly, hoad of lo gistics and scheduling for the hand "If they did. they might feel different " I lave Booth, assistant band director, agrees "I think, people tend to get a little ter ritorial. and that's a little silly," he said Mike Snyder, who plays alto saxo phone in the hand, summed up what seemed to l>e the pervasive feeling among hand members “All we want is a little respect,” he said Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS >mm \k> \iih\( Hons "Tpi*fr” ad* will br hidden (hrnuxhmil (he ( l«**ified« (hi* month ( hn k our ( IomiThhI hou»e ad% tor nmry detail*_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSON*^ OINO Still low yat Lata do "laa Hia." _Baarclaw ATA England. Maiico. and Tahiti waa an advantura Thank a for taking ua "Around tha World"' Tba parly waa a blaatllt Low. AZ GREEKS! Com* play DOUBLE DARE *1 Condon School Auditorium 7:00 9:00 pm tonight. Coma aupporl your houaa! 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