Dim sum every Sunday 11-3pm Luncheon Specials Phad Thai Thai style noodles ssith i hitken, peanuts, eggs and vegetables. ( y)sM(/s \'r\t In l nl () Hunk-Inn Try our (honor too! CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT H7') i l Sf*n Poston The basketball band has been moved back to the west bleachers this season, causing controver sy between the band and other students. Band move creates controversy By Pat Bryan Emeiatd Contributor When the University basket ball hand was mtrodur rd at last Wednesday's Uivil War game, it was greeted by a loud, den sive catcall emanating from the student section What had the band done to deserve such treatment? Why had the students turned on on their fellow fans? For answers to this dilemma, it is net essarv to go hack to last year, when the band was locat ed behind the south basket at Mi Arthur Court The band had treen moved to that location for the 1'IHH HM season after spend ing more than :t() years in the west bleachers, the same blear hers they now occupy Hut the fans in the reserved seats behind the hand were un happy with tlie students' time honored tradition of standing, not just for exciting moments of the game, but virtually from "whistle to whistle." said Sandy Walton, senior associate athletic director. "Most of these people have been reserve !i< kethoiders lor Turn to BAND. Page 9 rYour Valentine deserves the best! Let them know how you feel with a personal message in ^HEART THROBS • APPEARING FEBRUARY 14TH IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS! * Indulge with a message of epic proportions for only 50C per line! ¥ Create further ambiance with "passion red' art. only $ 1.50! ¥ Make them putty in your hands by surrounding your message with a heart of throbbing dimensions! Only $5! ... NAME:_ ADDRESS: PHONE:_ 2. 3. Detmowj Roaes are red vtolels a'e blue my engine ia revving lor you’ Name: A Message: Name: Heart Throbs can be placed at the UO Bookstore, the EMU Main Desk, or the Oregon Daily Emerald office at 300 EMU. L Deadline: Wednesday, February 13, 1 p.m.