SPORTS Bourn continues amazing three-point barrage On e hind tho an (aiming into Sunday's gamo at Orogon Stitto, Bourn was a plaver on a proverbial roll And at (oil Coliseum! Bourn |iist kept rolling Starting at point guard tor tho lirst timo since lior froshrnan soar Bourn kept tho Beavers at liav. landing fivo of oight three pointers for a game high lit points More importantly, she hit ,i throo point Basket when the Dm ks needed it the most, hitting the gamo winner with five seconds left, and a defender in her fai e I unnv things these wins I'he Dm ks have walked off the i ourt as vvioners in each of its last three games, and Bourn has walked off after eai h of those contests is ith .1 three point shooting peri outage that won't stop growing She has lilt in of 22 attempts Irom hehind tfie three poult stripe in the Ducks' three wins and leads the I’ai 10 in three point ac< urai \ at Ml pen out (.10 of 7H| However, the 17 three pointers she made during her lirst three seasons and her to this \ i urrentlv total vs e11 short of hide's school record 00 three point ers for a career The i areer mark is one record she w ill have to do nn ithout Monson named to Pan Am staff Oregon basketball Coach Don Monson has been named as an assistant coach for this sum mers' United States Pan Ameri can Games team Monson. along with Ohio State’s Kandy Ayers, was named to assist Purdue coach Gene Ready, who was picked as the bead coach last Novem ber Monson was also the coach of the West team in hist sum mer's U S Olympic Festival Monson has been at Oregon s"tn< e the l‘)H t-B4 season, after a five year stint at Idaho Mon son is 107-lit) in bis eighth year at Oregon and 207-Hit) overall in the collegiate ranks He lias bad four winning sea sons at the helm of the Due k program and taken three teams, ini hiding last year’s squad, to the National Invitational Tour nament Monson was named the IJrl West Coast coach of tile year af ter leading the Ducks to a Held record and an NIT bid in his first season at Oregon. He was also coach of the year by the National Association of Basket ball Coaches after he led Idaho to a 27-3 record during the 1981-82 season and an NCAA Tournament appearance At Idaho, Monson was 100-41 in five seasons and led the Vandals to two straight NCAA appearances in the 1980-81 and 1981-82 seasons CARNATIONS s9.99do* Love bird bouquet $12.99 Fresh roses nested in a keep sake glass swan. A beauty! I I.OWr.RS AND GIFTS U of O location 607 E. Ulh US-1992 West Eugene 1710 Gumbtn US-1261 ^Looking for a good dear? Chick thi Ermrald ADS *«i KS Get the AI8T Calling Card and your lirst call is free. There's ik > lx*tter time to speak your mind Mecause now when you get your free A'lUT(/tiling C/ml, youll get your first 15 minute call fax’* With your AlXT (/tiling C/mi, you can call from almost anywhere* to anywhere* And you can keep your card, even if you mow and get a new phone number an, ooo m»o uu »*<;>» •>• >M i *• (Kir (ailing CirI is part <>l the AI\I student \irvr Hus pntgram, a \vh< tic package i >1 pn tcluc ts and sen ices tlesigix\| to make a stixlents budget go f arther. So look tor AMT (idling (xm/applicant tns < >n campus ()r call us at 1 800 525-7955. F.xt. (>55. And let freed < tm ring MAL-I Helping make college lile a little easie r “A f500 value Co auvt Calling Orvt vail AwUMo > uMnmrr itukil i all' tn*le iturmg lire AIST Night Ml via ml callup |XT»«1 lljxii to Ham. vaklr, lluuigl) Hmr-LA ami llpm ft* La [tmHigh “ijxn Sutxluv Mxj nu\ inrivr nxav i* It-" i aliatg time ik-poxliug<*1 »1xtt at»l when viki vail Ajipixauato must lx- rvirto\l by I )mmtlxi 51. Wl AT&T The right choice.