NINIAN SMART PROFESSOR AND CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA RARBARA WILL PRESENT A SERIES OF LECTURES ON: RELIGION AND POLITICS WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13 RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND THE GULF WAR WALNUT ROOM. EMU. 7:30 PM THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14 RELIGION AND SOUTH ASIA WALNUT ROOM. EMU. 7:30 PM Conversation with Professor Smart at Kmnonia Center. 1414 Kincaid For: University Students. Faculty, and Friends Timt: 3:30-5 30 pm , Thursday. February 14 Auspices: Campus Interfaith Ministry and Religious Directors Association Lectures sponsored by the Dcpiitment of Religious Studies Distinguished Visiting lecturer Program. 1991 EARRINGS .v v ->«' NECKLACES .so98 $19 98 GLASS FLOWER VASES i$2 98 $8 98) CERAMIC MUGS 4ia $;-89> ROMANTIC CANDLES SP49 S6va; HEART-SHAPED GIFT BOXES $J49 $4 96 CUDDLY TEDDY BEARS 5/. v $19 98) VALENTINE GIFT NOVELTIES (76c $9 98) CARDS, WRAPPING. PAPER, & GIFT BAGS 13th and Kincaid . M l MO • 6. Sat 10 - e>. Ph 146-4131 COMMUNITY tugene Planning Commission members (from riffht) Ken Tollenaar. fenny Simio. Jerry Gaydos and John Van iMningham discuss ret:ommendations for the downtown redesign plan. Downtown design gains approval By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter Tin- Kugem- Planning Commission gave the proposed downtown redesign another go-ahead nod Monday, unanimously approving the city's plan to improve an ess to the downtown area After a public hearing on the design proposal I eh r), the planning commission reviewed public input and raised spt-cifit cpiestions about the de sign during its Mondas meeting The 7-0 vote and recommendations will la passed on to the Eugene Cit\ Couni d lor a public, hearing l eh 2r> The Eugene Downtown Commis sion is also gathering its recommendations on the design plans After all recommendations are made, the city council will likely place the design proposal on the spring ballot for public approval Although the commission approved the de sinus, it included recommendations for specific design changes to the city council. After a lengthy discussion, the commission vot ed 6-1 to recommend that Olive Street be opened to standard-sized city buses, while traffic on Wil lamette Street would be limited to smaller, shut tle buses The current design proposal allows for vehicu lar, bicycle and pedestrian traffic on both Willam ette and Olive streets, but specifies only limited, shuttle-type bus traffic on those streets. The planning commission also voted unani mously to recommend that the city sponsor an open art competition to encourage local artists to submit artistic proposals for the design. In addition, commissioners expressed concerns about the design of a proposed downtown public: plaza and the opening ot K Broadway The plan ning commission split its view on the opening of Broadway T i. with recommendations to leave the street c losed to vehicular traffic: EWEB Continued from Page 1 The proposed electric ratt* in ( reuses would cover a $ t -4 mil lion ini reuse in KWKB power supply costs during Ht'.ll due to 5 percent increases in the purchase power costs from the Bonneville Power Administra tion Purchase power costs ac count fur 2 peri ent of tilt't) per cent increese. Helgeson said In March. Kugene voters will he asked to decide whether KWKB should issue $22 million in bonds to fund major electric system improvements over a three year period The planned improvements would upgrade system reliability, enhance safety and environmental as peels of the facilities. Helgeson stressed that KVVFB is publicly owned and makes no profit The board will vote on the proposed rate increases follow ing the public hearing on March 11. 7 30 p m at the KWEB headquarters. 500 East Fourth Ave For more informa tion call 484-2411 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTLt