PERSIAN GULF WAR U.S. bombing cuts off Iraqi city The following gulf war developments worn reported by The AssociatesI Truss Allied jets stepped up the air war Monday with hundreds more (combing runs against Ira qi targets. The city of Basra, nerve center of Iraq's defense, was believed all but cut off Iraq fired two Scuds at Israel and launched a missile at Saudi Arabia, causing injuries and damage in troth countries. • • • The Pentagon confirmed that Iraq appar ently moved two captured IJ.S. soldiers to Bas ra, including the only female American POYV, Army Spec. Melissa Rathbun-Nealy. 20, of Grand Rapids. Mich An Iraqi prisoner of war described having taken the pair to Basra, a Pentagon official said. Diplomats stepped up efforts for a c ease fire in the Persian Gulf war on Monday despite Iraq's insistence it would not withdraw from Kuwait. In Tunis, Tunisia. Iraqi Deputy Premier Saadoun Hammadi repeated that his country was ready to negotiate an end to the gulf cri sis, but said that the United States must not take part in any talks. A top Soviet envoy went to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein, and China sent a deputy foreign minister to the Middle East to discuss ways of ending the war. • • • The Headline News service of Cable News Network briefly went black Monday because editorial employees and about 1.500 other peo ple were evacuated in a bomb threat at the CNN office complex • • • One of the world's largest.herds of sea cows lies directly in the path of an oil slick creeping down the Persian Gulf const, authori ties said Monday Fakhro said an estimated 000 sea cows, known as dugongs. live in the Bav of Salwa between the island nation of Bahrain and the Qatar peninsula BOOKS Continued from Page 3 students use our books for re scant) In fait, people from all over the world use our books One of the main features of ttie library is the (leorge A Connor Collection, one of the foremost collections of books printed in Esperanto in the world Esperanto is an interna tionu! dialer t based on Indo Hu ropean languages l'he Cortrude Hass Warner l.i brarv of Oriental Art is also an extensive part of i oiler lion The most prominent feature of the collection is the set of (iregon manusr ripts Fox said the library was espe ciallv interested in collecting the manuscripts ot notable Ore gun authors such as kesev, Da mon knight I'rsula l.e C'.uin, William Stafford and kale Wil helm "Even though these maim si ripts .ire not particularly valuable now. they will be in the future." Fox said Although public ac i ess to the rare books and manusc ripts is important, that access < an leave the collection vulnerable to thefts In December 1987, a staff member (list overed several boxes of manuscripts were missing The boxes (ontained tin* letters of Oliver Applegate, a inombtir of an important Ore gon pioneer family l ibrary offir nils lielieve the items, worth approximately $t>f>().000. yvere stolen tielyveen l )i toiler anil December 19117 \ person yxas looking .it the Applegate letters in October 1987." (locks said "The same person came bai k in late Do i emlier of 19117 anil wanted to look at the Applegate papers again When the librarian xsent bai k in the stai ks to retrieve them, he discovered the whole box was missing Obviously people were very yvorried be 1 ause as they looked through the staiks. they discovered more items missing." (locks said The person whom librarians believe stole the manuscripts. 9 1 year-old Stephen ( arrie WumlxTg, was found guilty in Iowa on Ian 11 ol stealing 2 1.000 rare books from libraries across the United States and (.ana da The University lias recovered approximately 9ft peri ent of the stolen items ★ MJNDCRIAND * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 50VIOEO GAMES ADMISSION 11 so STH STRUT PUiUC MARKT EUCiHf • MS-MM J L Recycle This Paper WANTED: FRESHMAN INTEREST GROUP LEADERS / Help New Students Adjust to the U of () / Earn Upper Division Credits / Gain Leadership Skills All Majors Welcome 7 Informational Meeting February I3th, 3:30 pm at 164 Oregon Hall or applications available at 164 Oregon Hall 346-3211 BICYrLIi SERVIC"I£ CENTER )0 IASI I JTH HJGINf (M(/)N 9/4.M |M?| 34‘j FREE FLAT REPAIR With the purchase of a regular priced tube • Nu Appointment Necessary • Eri|oy Free Coffee in our Customer Seating Area • Open I 30 to 6 OO fVtf 9 00 to 5 00 Sat Next Day Service Guaranteed On All Repair Offer ipod with presentation of pus ad Expires 3(24/91 Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd *1 Eugene OR 97402 One Block North oil* 11th Noun Intf Plaj* Specializing in Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts TREAT YOUR VALENTINE AT Kugene's most romantic restaurant. ri:\ii:mmi:k i s i ok l.r\( :il < >\ \\ i! ki \ns k h v • r . ♦ i. \s i i uh \\ i \i i \ t.«m t he Cutting Edge. mm illusions™ bv Don • Perms customized for your hair type (includes conditioners, cut & style longer or color treated hair may De extra) • Loop Rods-Spirals (includes conditioners cut & style • Haircuts (includes shampoo & conditioner) ILLUSIONS by Don • 345-1810 • Open 7 Days Offer good with Sheila and Gloria through 5/12/91 1511 Lincoln Willamette TOWer$ Bldg Reg S50 )r treated Reg $65 Reg $15 Now *27.95 .tartingat *39.95 Now *7.00 7ZhatHt ■B «. |»l/^A Ml K af sin< i l v>n H M ■_ftw/fl_I Full Italian Dinner Menu Including: Chicken Parmagiano • Pizza • Calzone • Spaghetti • Lasagne • Daily Lunch Specials V 15th & Willamette Hours: Mon Thurs 11 (X)-midnight Fri 11:00-1:00am Sat 3:00 1 00am / Sun 3:(X) 11 (X)pm Delivery Available 342-8 111