SAM’S TO GO Sandwiches 26 Delicious submarine sandwiches Fresh baked bread 6 foot party sandwich beer — wine “WHERE A SANDWICH IS A COMPLETE MEAL" 804 E. 12th (12th & Alder) 343-1141 35* OFF Sm. sandwich exp. 2/22/91 j 50* OFF Med. sandwich exp 2/22/91 Enjoy Italian on Valentine’s s5°°off Dinner for Two on Valentine’s Day Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:00 Midnight Fri 11:00 1:00 am Sat 3:00-1 (X) am Sun 3:00-11:00 pm 15th & Willamette ■ 342-8111 SWEETS Continued from Page 4B Depending on the time of day, one may find a similar line of Valentine givers at the University Bookstore, eagerly awaiting the purchase of their chosen chocolate "Aren't all women choco holics?" asked Matt Herbert, University graduate, when questioned if he thought the majority of women adored chocolate "I bought my girl friend chocolate for Valen tine's Day last year, and I'll probably do the same this year, too." Good idea After a while, some people become creative with their gifts of chocolate and really take it to the ex treme According to Jenny Alkire, Euphoria Chocolate employee, a customer recent ly requested to have a gold necklace wrapped in plastic and disguised as a truffle Another legend of choco late that has a more historical perspective is featured in Mexican mythology Accord ing to the sacred traditions of the Indians of Mexico, Quet zalcoatl. the god of the air, was sent to introduce man to the seeds of the "quacahault" or cacao tree, in order for the tree to produce food for Ihe gods Quetzalcoatl was responsi ble for all the clear skies and sweet air, so when he in curred the wrath of one of the principle gods and was forced to leave the country, the peo pie erected a statue in his HISTORY Continued from Page 5B exist until 1843 In 496 A.D , Pope Gelasius named Feb 14 as St Valen tine's Day In Norman French, the word galantin is pro nounced similarly to valentine and means "gallant" or "lover " The resemblance may have have caused people to think of Saint Valentine as the patron saint of sweethearts and lovers — yet another link to the holiday's theme The Feb 14 date coincided with the ancient Roman feast for the goddess Juno, wife of .Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner I Jazz & Blues Records, and Cd s [ [SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME'S Gift Certificates Available I In tIm Fifrhputl Building FifTh & PearI • EuqfNf 686-8742 EXPANDED! Larger... and more inventory! FREE FOOD I Hpm WED. Lxlin' Night THURS. "Fn« Mono Wheel" LIVE MUSIC Every Night 9:15-2:00 Photo byJwPMirr Heart-shaped boxes ot chocolate and balloons are just one of the traditional Valentine's Day gifts. honor which awaits his return.” With these myths in mind, proceed with caution this Val entine’s Day Be cautious of the arrival of Quetzalcoatl Jupiter and the queen of Heaven. The highlight of the festival was the lottery. Young girls wrote their names on slips of paper and the boys drew the names from a drum The girl whose name was drawn by the boy became his sweetheart, or valentine, for the year The church attempted to Christianize the lottery by substituting the names of saints for the girts The boys were then expected to match their lives to that of the saint whose name they had drawn. The drawing eventually went back to the choosing of girls By the 19th century, people were no longer satisfied with having sweethearts randomly chosen on Valentine s Day They began sending a gift, a card, or a bit of poetry, some times with great and elaborate passion, to their objects of af fections, a tradition greatly spurred by a lowered postage rate In 1797, The Young Man's bringing more virtuous sweets, and even more, be ware of chocolate-covered Mercedes — Kristin Genzer Valentine Writer, a handbook equivalent to a modern day Valentine Writing for the Com plete Klutz, was published to help tongue-tied Romeos. There was a certain amount of privacy of valentines by mail, which were often written anonymously. It could both augment the fantasy of the "secret admirer," and help out a lad stricken with shyness. From the mid-1800s to the early 20th century, Americans and British began sending sa tirical valentines called "pen ny dreadfuls " They sold for a penny and contained insulting or vulgar verses It was just one more link in the chain leading up to our contempo rary Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Michael Jordan valentines Seriously ... they actually have Michael Jordan valen tines now — Gary Hah the TAJ MAHAL HAS COME TO EUGENE I Featuring fresh and healthy vegetarian dishes, meat, seafood, Biryani, Homemade Indian bread. Bring a friend in to experience fhe special tastes of India. Enjoy a satisfying meal. • 10% off Dinner with this ad • 1050 OAK OVERPARK ARCADE (10th & Oak) Hours Lurw h: Won-Sat 11am-2:J0pm PH:342*1976 Dinner: Sun-Thurs 3pm-9pm Fri-Sat 5pm-10pm i