Pholo by Jmn Pail ay Eugene has plenty of Intriguing Valentine's Day gifts for the Inspired. Photo by faff Paalav Remember, the trick to Valentine’s Day gifts is being creative. Happy.''Trails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one '* •(tree used record Of tape ot equal or lesser value) s1.50 OFF ANY CD! (expires 2 ?S91) NEW LOCATION Now selling basketball, football 365 E 13th 485-5351 CDs • Tapes • LPs • Posters • Stickers and baseball cards Originality key for Valentine’s Day Every Feb 14, thousands of students frantically search for ways to ex press themselves to their loved ones While Valentine's Day cele brates love, it also celebrates freedom of expression you can be mushy, gushy, original, silly, funny, serious goofy, traditional, crazy or romantic The sky is the limit Many couples stick to the traditional style of celebrating Valentine's Day. and each year, trails of red roses cnss cross through campus But many of us worry abouf being too traditional We |ust can't think of anything that's original, that isn't also terribly humiliating Nonetheless, there are ways Traditional themes such as flowers can be personalized with a love note tucked in the petals of each flower or tied to the stems. Eugene's Flower Home, 610 E. 13th Ave , sells dozens of stuffed animals, balloons and candy in any combination you want. "Bear Hugs," "Re membrance Roses," and the "Exotic Garden" are just a few examples. For those who feel that saying it once just isn't enough, fill a whole room with balloons, each containing a 1. Taco Crisp (beef) corn tortilla, icMCxml ground href, chcddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes 51.00 2. Taco Crisp (chicken) corn tortilla, seasoned chicken, chcddar chn’v. let tuce, tomatoes $1-15 3. Dean Hurrito (soft) flour tortilla, refried lx* a ns, chcddar cheese. s*xir cream, salsa, lettuce Si "t5 4. Meat Hurrito (soft) flour tortilla, seasoned ground beef, chcddar clws«s<* sour cream, salsa, lettuce 51 *»5 3. Chicken Hurrito (soft) flour tortilla seasoned chicken, chcddar cl*oom\ sour cream, salsa, lettuce 51.*15 Kice with abovr, jut! SO* Crisp Burritos IV.m SIJS Be*f $1 hS Kcclo Spuds french frwtl pnf.-ihjr-s, M'aiunfd with Mctnan I ull or dvr SI DOS PATOS Mexican Restaurant 1219 Alder “Lunch for Less Than $2.00" Hours: I I;im-3|)in message Lavoe s Balloon Ex press on 6th and Chambers specializes in 'stuffed bal loons. regular helium bal loons filled with items such as stuffed animals, flowers and candy 'We’ve put all kinds of often performs to men be cause their dates have pur chased the quartet. "In my ex perience, as many men are serenaded as women' he said The quartet will be avail able from 9 a m to 8 p m on ‘We’ve put all kinds of things in (balloons): men 's underwear, women 's teddys, size-10 ran nine shoes, champagne. ' -Alita Kershner things in them men's under wear. women's teddys, size 10 running shoes, champagne, said owner Alita Kershner The balloons start at $6 95 and go up trom there, depend ing on what you put in them LaVoe's also delivers On the other hand, if stay ing home is more your style, order a giant size heart shaped pizza from Track Town, and cuddle up with a movie Premier Video at E 19th St. delivers both movies and VCR rentals The adventuresome should make reservations with Bar bershop Quartets at 343 9743 The tuxedo styled foursome will sing two love songs to your date, concluding the act with a candy basket and a bal loon Jon Jacobson of the Bar bershop Quartet said they've sung to “nurses, employers and grandmothers on front porches " Jacobson said the quartet Feb 13-14 for serenades However, if you're not that brave, send your valentine an ad through the Oregon Daily Emerild classifieds The Em erald is awarding prizes for Most Romantic, Most Greek, Best Rhyme and many more The Longest Ad wins a foot long sub sandwich from Sam's to Go, and the Steami est will win an hour of hot tub bing from Onsen Hot Tubs. If you have a way with words, stick to print by creat ing your own crossword puz zle constructed with words only the two of you know Most importantly though, Valentine's Day is an opportu nity to let the crazy, fun, seri ous or romantic side of you run free, and show others that you care You don't have to spend a fortune - a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup will do. Love is one of the most valu able things we have, and it doesn't cost a penny. — Beckie Daub FREE S66RSTIRN* tanning product with your purchase of 14 tans for $30 ! Treat your sweetie ; on Valentine s day!* PRtcisiON & TANNING “Specialists in culling hair' ' •*# • '±0 VV» 609 E. 13th 12 blocks from campus) 484-3143 {while supplies last) Expires 2-28-91