THE MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th & Agate 683-6661 We Have What c You Want For Valentine’s Day •love potions < i ^men s and women s lingerie < ^novelty items < < ^pFREE condoms .*h,i. ,uPl.i..-slasn i LAZAR’S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall • 687-0139 < < < ( Marriage may add to Valentine’s Day fun Flowers, chocolates, dreamy look ing couples strolling hand in hand No, the world didn't sud denly turn into a Hallmark Shop — Val entine's Day is just around the corner For many, this traditional lovers' hol iday means exchanging gifts or cards as a way of showing feelings of affec tion for one another For married couples on campus, the story is the same — more comfortable perhaps — but not real different University senior Steve Crowell and his wife Lisa have been looking forward to dining at the Excelsior Cafe to cele brate Valentine's Day Crowell believes his marriage has been a positive influ ence in his life "It's been really, really good," he said "The support Lisa gives me I val ue like nothing else " As far as balancing school and mar ried life at the same time. Crowell seems to have no trouble It's improved my grades 100 per cent because I don’t have to split up my time between her and my school work — we re always in the same spot." he said After being married. Crowell said he finds it impossible to think of being single again "Marriage is sharing the tun, the love, the good and bad times." he said "They (the spouse) just become a part of you. an extension ” Speaking of extensions, the Crow ells are expecting their first child in June, and Steve said he can think of nothing else besides being a dad "We re so excited." he said "It's consumed both our lives, and it's really fun to think about Another married couple on campus. Lisa and Kip Poindexter, both students, look at Valentine's Day differently "It's Kind of funny because before we got married. Kip was really sweet about holidays but he's more spontane ous now,1' Lisa said. "He'll do things unexpectedly now, so holidays are more playful for us than serious, mean ingful things such as our anniversary." Lisa seems to look at their relation ship differently now than before they were married. "Marriage shows you a more stable, acceptive love." she said. "You totally trust that person with all of your weak nesses "Before we were married. I thought Kip was perfect, and now a year later we know that we are not perfect and we've grown to accept each other for what we are," Lisa said "It's just a real secure love " Yet another married couple on cam pus is student Suzan Miguel Acosta and her husband Ishmael To celebrate Valentine's Day. the two have original plans Suzan, who is expecting their first child in May. said they will start the day off with a doctor's visit and then attend a baseball game that night The couple, who has been married for two years, finds their marriage works as a support system, especially in times of stress "When I have finals. Ishmael takes care of the house and cooks dinner and then when he's busy, we trade off," Su zan said "The only down is my mood swings now that I'm pregnant," Suzan said Ishmael never knows how I am going to react to something, he's afraid sometimes (of my mood swings)." Suzan feels one of tne most impor tant things in a marriage is to keep things interesting " Like today, Ishmael is on a busi ness trip in California and he had flow ers sent to me for no reason," Suzan said. "I bawled my head off for a half hour and kept saying to myself 'That jerk, how can I think straight now?’" For the Miguel Acostas, their rela tionship is more than just a marriage. "With our relationship, it's not just a marriage; it's a really, really good friendship — he's my best friend,” Su zan said Rob Olsen and Christy Loew, two students who are also married, have a whole different outlook on Valentine's Day. "We are doing nothing for Valen tine's Day,” Olsen said. "To us, Valen tine's Day is just another day to con sume — just to buy more stuff and waste. Besides, we celebrate our love for each other every day, not just on Valen tine' Day,” Olsen said Besides both of them taking classes and being married, they also have a three-year old daughter named Caitlin "Obviously, I couldn’t do it without Rob." Loew said He helps out with Caitlin a lot and other things Actually. I don't know how I've come this far " During their marriage, Olsen feels they've both learned a great deal. "We've changed and have grown up a lot," he said As the relationship grows, the more we learn to treat each other equally. "It is also important for us to main tain our own identity and yet at the same time be together " Thus, Valentine s Day means some thing different to every couple Howev er, the foremost theme of this holiday that almost everyone agrees on is love and caring for the special person in their life. — Colleen Pohliu Pholo b> Aful»* R*n*«n Ishmael and Suzan MiguelAcosta plan to celebrate Valentine's Day with a doctor’s visit (she’s pregnant) and a baseball game. EVERYDAY HAS A SPECIAL NIGHT WITH jminim' junmi Feminine. . .romantic. . and provocative underdressings and sleepwear. . . at. . 99 W. Broadway Downtown 484-4040 Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 Ethnic Elegance in Jewelry Clothing C hoik Ail from Around the World •/fx.*l I Uh Arc nt’Jd to the [a i clstor entire/ • ‘>th St f\il>ln '■l,vket downsUttrs 68.MP04 FOLKWAYS IMPORTS BOOKSTORE box in the lobby. The UO Bookstore Has everything you Need to show your love On Valentine’s Day ) Beautiful Candy Boxes > Huge Card Selection 1 Special Books of Love 1 Gifts For Anyone DON’T MISS THE FUN, NEW WALL OF LOVE Write A Message To Someone You Love On Our Huge Message Wall in the Bookstore Lobby. 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7 30-6 Sat 10 00 6 VALENTINES WEEK I LOWI R MARKET 29th & Willamette 485-6553 18th & Chambers 343-2758 497 Coburg Road 342-7051 Sl“rRecvcle i This ’ Paper Beautiful Perms and Color at Wonderful Prices Let us design your very own super soft Matrix perm and experience full bodied waves filled with life1 Enjoy long-lasting curls with a healthy looking silky shine I Call Our Style Experts Today For An Appointment. 50 West 13th, Eugene 20% OFF all retail products $15 OFF Farms and Color Weaves* (Both reg. $45 and up) $3 OFF haircuts Offer expires 2/28/91 Offer good with Ricia. 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