IFC to hold budget hearings for eight groups MEETINGS Incidental Fee Committee will meet tonight at 8:30 in the EMU Board Room to consider a special request from Asian Pa cific American Student Union Et als and to hold budget hearings for the following groups: Constitu tion Court. Philosophy Club. Prelaw Society. HEPM/GSO. American Ad Federation. Stu dent Campaign for Disarms ment and the Solar Energy ('.en ter. Amnesty International will hold a general meeting at 7 p m in EMU Cedar Room C. Call 346-8253 for more infor mation Student Health Insurance Committee will meet at 3:30 p in in EMU Cedar Room B. (Zol 1 346-3702 for more infor mation. OSPIRG's alternative energy meeting will be at 6:30 p m in EMU Suite 1 Call 346-4377 for more information. Campus Information Ex change Council will meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m in EMU Cedar Room E. Call 345-1815 for more information No Gulf War Coalition's non violence committee will meet at 5:30 p.m in EMU Cedar Room C. Call 886-1531 for more information MEChA will meet at 5:30 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room F Call 346-3508 for more infor mation OSPIRG’s hunger and home lessness group will meet at 5:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room F. Call 346-4377 for more information. Student* for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' lab week committee will meet at 6 p m in the Survival Center. EMU Suite 1 Call 346-4356 for more information. ASUO Child Care Task Force will meet from 3 to 5 p m. in the EMU Oak Room Cull 342-1957 for more information. Find out about the Universi ty'!! study abroad programs in Beijing and Fujian at 3:30 p m in EMU Century Room B Slides of Beijing will lx* shown by program participants. Call The UO Bookstore Has Everything You Need To Show Your Love On Valentines Day Beautiful Candy Boxes 1 Huge Card Selection Special Books of Love 1 Gifts For Anyone! Don’t Miss The New WALL OF LOVE Write Someone Special a Message of Love on Our 100 Sq. Ft. Wall Of Love In the UO Bookstore Lobby! ENTER TO WIN A ROMANTIC DINNER FOR TWO! DRAVUNO HI LO H B I i. Nl in NOT Bfcl’kl'■INI rO\XI.N, ONI I NIKI n K II Km'N 13th & Kmcaid 346-4331 M F 7 30 6 Sat 10 00 6 the Office of International Ser vices. 346-3207, for more infor mation. KRMA will hold a general in terest meeting at 6 p.m. in 204 Condon. Call 346-9840 for more information. SPEAKERS ft WORKSHOPS "The Reality of Uving with AIDS in Our Society: A Person al Story" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. in Carson ('.old Room Peacekeepers workshop sponsored by the No Gulf War Coalition will be held from 6 to 9 p.m in the EMU Maple Room. Call 346-4248 for more information "Is |esus the Only Way to God?" is the title of a round table discussion to lie held at 7 p.m. in EMU Century Room B. Call Restoration Campus Minis try. 343-4914, for more infor mation. An advanced Macintosh workshop will be given from 130 to 3:30 p.m. in 175 Com puting ('enter. Tips, shortcuts, hard disk management, utili ties. virus software and public domain software will be dis cussed Call 346-4394 for more information. "All about relationships" is the topic of a seminar to be giv en by l)r and Judy Vergamini at 7:30 pin. in Sweetser Lounge. Walton Complex The seminar is sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Management Program; call 346-4456 for more information. MISCLI.LANKOCS Cholesterol screenings will 1m* offered in (he health educa tion area at the Student Health Center from 9 to 11 a m. The screenings are sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program; (.all :i4t> -4456 for more informa tion. l.ewis and Clark t.aw School will hold a pre-law recruiting and information session at ti p in in the KMl! Board Room Call 683-8317 for more infor mation Crime and Punishment the Russian version of Dostoev sky's novel, will lie shown at t> .10 p in in the Yamada lan guage Center The film is part ot the Russian film series spon sored this term by the Depart ment of Russian and the Rus sian and Hast European Studies Center THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve o°l your tan when you want it! SunShowcr on campus atm■ •>« l ii» ROSES s 14.99 »*., Ubo tviiUbk in vue with trm 4 btbia bruit C2.49 white aipphei lul) { Carnations ] L FLOWERS AND GIFTS U of O location 607 E. 13th 485-1992 Weil Eugene 1710 Chamber* 485-1261