WILDERNESS CRUISES, INC. Widernea Cruises will be on campus recruiting for positions oboatd our 70-passenger vessels which cruise the waters of SE Alaska. Baja and the Columbia & Snake Rivers Voyages are educational and natural history oriented $tgwgrd$ A steward cleans passenger cabins, waits tables & wash es dishes Deckhands A Deckhand performs various housekeeping and minor engineering duties, maintains the vessel, ond stands watches on a rotating schedule Applicants mutt be: • over ?l years of age • able to go to sea for 6 months • able to paw a drug test • a bio to paw a physical exam — Bidding win begin fob 11. 1?& 13th — Open sign ups fob 19th Feb. 27th - EVENING PRESENTATION - EMU This describes year-round openings Non students welcome to apply through Caroor Banning Wilderness Cruises, Inc. 1415 Western Ave. Ste. 505 Seattle, WA 98101 WITH GIFTS UNDER $20.00 FROM THE UO BOOKSTORE ) EARRINGS (SPBO $19 98) y NECKLACES ($9 98 $>9 98) ■) GLASS FLOWER VASES ($2 98 $8 98) J CERAMIC MUGS ($4 98 $s> 89) 7 ROMANTIC CANDLES ($249 $8 98) ? HEART-SHAPED GIFT BOXES ($349 $4 95) ? CUDDLY TEDDY BEARS (Si? 09 $ 1998) / VALENTINE GIFT NOVELTIES (75c $9 98) [7 CARDS, WRAPPING, PAPER. & GIFT BAGS Communicate with friends through ODE personal classified ads. UNIVERSITY German Club shows film tonight MKKTINC.S KRMA's general interest meeting will lie at 6 j» in in 204 Condon Call 346-9840 for morn information Et als Seniors in Transi tion/Rockin' Rollers, an open group for women older than 45. will meet from 6:30 to H p m at H41 E. lHth Call Women in Transition. 346-4095, for more information l.esbian Support Croup will meet from 0 to 7 p in in KMU Century Room K Drop-ins are welcome; call 346-4099 for more information. ■ Native Hawaiian Student Union will meet at 5:30 p m in KMU Century K Call 346-8510 lor more information Jewish Student Union will meet in KMU Century Room 1) at 6:30 p in Call 346-4366 for more information Survival Center will hold a recycling meeting at n p.m in CARNATIONS ’9.99 d„ Low bird bouquet $1199 Fresh rows nested in • keep* afaglwwwp. A beauty* s$artf/8l&tu. I I.OWUUS AM) GIFTS U of O location b07 E. 13«k W5-1W2 West Eugene 1710 Cluabcn 4S5-12S1 EMU Suite 1. Call for more information MISCELLANEOUS "Co-housing in Denmark" is the topic of a lecture to lx? giv en by architecture Professor )er ry Finrow at 7 p m in the Eu gene Public Library. 13th and Charnelton. Call Leslie Hunter in the architecture department, 340-1433, for more informa tion. Sexual orientation issues will be discussed at 7:30 p in. in Shafer Lounge, Walton Com plex Dob I enforce will lead the discussion: call the Student Health Center's Lifestyles Plan ning Program. 340-4450. for more information. Parish renewal will continue .it the Newman Center, 1850 Emerald, at the 5:10 and 7:30 p m. Masses leder fuer Sich. und Gott Ifegen alle is the title of a film to be shown by the German Club at 7 p m. in 312 Friendly. Students for Creative Anach ronism is holding a revel fea turing costumes, dancing and contests at 7 p m in Agate -1 Call 083-1117 or 344-7417 for more information. INTERVIEWS The following companies am available for sign-up in 244 Hendricks on Tuesday: • black and Decker • Frito-Lay Inc:. • Livingston Securities Inc. bidding for the following companies is available today through Wednesday: • Georgia Pacific Corp. • Cintas Corp. • U.S Bureau of the Census • Ralston Purina Co. • Timberline Systems Inc. • K-Mart Apparel • Ackerley Communications Inc. • Uarco Inc. • Wilderness Cruises • U.S. Defense Contract Audit Agency Group meetings with the fol lowing firms will be held this week: Today: Mt. Bachelor Academy, •) to 10 a.m.. EPC 311(18th and Alder) Macy's. 7 to 8 :tt) p.m., EMU ()edar E Tuesday: Eli Lily & Co., 5 to 7 p.m., EMU Cedar Rooms C&D Pacific Gas & Electric, 5 to 7 p.m.. Chiles Center Wednesday: SAFECO, 7 to H:;i() p.m., EMU Century I) Thursday: Seafirst Bank, 3 p.m., EMU Walnut Room Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, EMU Suite :t00, is noon the day before publication. Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon: items run only once. Items for events charging ad mission or a donation will not run Events running closest to the University will be given priority. The Emerald reserves the right to edit Et als for gram mar and style. ODE ODE Recycle This Paper ODE ODE The Class Act on Campus Birfcenilofk y If you knew what they felt like, you’d be wearing them now. t h , B » » k r n * I o t k Arizona 342-6107 Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun 12-5 GIVE YOUR VALENTINE A HEALTHY HEART by keeping your cholesterol in check!!! FREE Cholesterol Screening Tuesdays 9:00-11:30 am At Health Education in the Student Health Center Celebrate NATIONAL HEART MONTH CALL 346-4456 for more information sponsored by Lifestyle's Planning Program, Student Health Center