UNIVERSITY Dead fans still pursuing reversal By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter Although the University ad ministration has shown no signs of reversing or even re viewing its decision to ban the Grateful Dead from playing at Autzen Stadium this year, the Grateful for the Dead Commit tee continues to actively pursue all avenues of protest in hopes of a change. "A lot of people think the is sue is over, but we certainly ha ven't given up." said Jeff Harri son of the committee. University Vice President Dan Williams announced last October that the band would not bo allowed to return. Wil liams cited drug use by the band’s followers as the main reason for his decision. Harrison said the committee, formed shortly after William's announcement, is focusing it's energies in three areas — legis lators. local businesses and University alumni The Student Senate will in troduce a resolution to the Uni versity Senate calling for a de cision reversal. The group has placed an ad vertisement in an upcoming is sue of Old Oregon, the Univer sity alumni quarterly, asking for support from graduates. Members are also asking lo cal businesses to become more active in the campaign. Some may be affected financially by a loss of income that had been generated when the band and BEN FRANKLIN CRAFTS And Frame Shop POSTER SPECIAL Well frame your poster, includes mounting, regular glass metal frame plus all the labor Sizes up to 18*24 $29 95 Sizes up to 24x36 $39 95 Sizes up to 30x40 $49 95 Harlow & Gateway Road Springfield • 726-2641 * tMJNOCRUIND * G*IAT FO* PAMTIKS ANO MlftTHOAVS •*VIDE0 P GAMES admission ALL GAMES WOMN WITH NICKELS '1 SO STM STttfT PMUC HAMIT (Mill • M1-S4S4 «&• r tie photo Many l 'ni versify students were upset when the Grateful Dead were banned from playing at A tit sen Stadium. it's followers came to Eugene. Harrison said The band donated a portion of the proceeds last year about $200,000 to the Uni versity's Athletii Department tf The committee is Irving to contact the band's represent.! lives to talk, about the possihit itv of mg money from 0() special request from the |ewish Student Union Thurs day The money vvill be used to help fund Israeli Week, whit h will take plat e during the last week of February. The |SU has. in response to heightened demands on cam pus. put together a week of speakers, workshops, movies and teach ins that will focus on current issues in Israel, said Phil Zui kerman of the JSU The week's events will feature several speakers, includ ing two women from Israel who are involved in the Arab Israeli feminist movement In other business, the IFC made a recommendation to all student groups that 24-hour notice tie given if a group cannot keep it's budget hearing appointment. With notice, the IFC can reschedule a group's hearing ( lose to it's original date Without notice, a group may have to wait until the end of the budget season to lie heard, said I Ft! (Ihairman Mike (iolson “27 years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount to U of O students on all repairs. Offer good Ifirougti 2/28*1)1 _ ... , 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugana, Oregon 97403 INTERESTED IN BECOMING A TEACHER? Pacific University offers two undergraduate programs leading to initial certification at both elementary and secondary levels in addition to an innovative sear-long Fifth-Sear SI \ I program tor liberal arts graduates Pacific offers a full scope ol programs in the liberal arts. Social Studies Music foreign languages Math Art Physical Education language \rts Science Elementary Education For program information, contact the Education Department, Pacific l mversitv, 2043( ollegeWay, Forest lirove. Oregon Tl lb or call (503) 359-226S. Pacific University is located 10 minutes west of Portland. Representative on campus Iuesdav. February 12, EMU. Pacific University OKI C. O N THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON \_ . A1 y Cod'. )ou'ue c Wost the S'even of CLUB5 . a ^perstu . Will t*-\ji n .(mono COrtan WS (Or (' u |! ' r s *tw' youtj rpm, A/h^>r groan? up .nto a f/tw f-owifr y *»>• Soane of a tw*HM afbrod,<,«K uJ 'V »fi-r* , a : n tarn cause <3 .jfrtjf Ir/r.irJ Juh-t r ai.ll to a t’praurt) rY\*>rc,U>4) i«,njp ■ t pfotr,5>s*vu( fS.lieri oAo aj * 11 ran* r j tow )/; cut off Vflur horri tfrj leuvf* y ccxe^ass for the buzzards,'. ■ , av* ;. V S-; : DOOMED! t* •». r»