Continued from Page 9 guest Items was assistant, and then head s|«ir1s information dirt* tor at Northwestern University in Evansville, III from I960 to 1973, then worked as a sports taster at a local radio station Wanting to move his family away from Chicago, Items was looking for work when he heard of an opening at Oregon for the head SID position "Oregon's basketball team, led by Ron I are. made it to the NIT tournament in New York that year (1976)," Items said "I couldn't afford to fly to Ku germ, so I called (Athletic Di rector) John Caine and intro duced mvself. and asked if he could stop over in Chicago on his way to the tournament. He agreed, we had an interview at O'Hare Airport, and I got the job Beres was SII) until 1981. when he was hospitalized in a life threatening accident where he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle He was un able to continue as SID. and now works as a free-lance writ er and as a stringer for the As sociated Press, in addition to his radio job Bores' 23 years of involve ment with college athletics has Irjft him with many impres sions. some good and some bad "I've seen schools cheat." Be res said "Athletics is far too dominant on campus today Sports is my life, and it does great things for the athletes as far as giving them an educa tion. and it's good for campus spirit, but it's too commercial " "I've been saying for ye,ars that I'd like to sec a return to one-platoon football," he said. "I wish quarterbacks would call their own plays instead of laung puppets on the coach’s strings.'' Ben’s said. "I'd also like to see a rule for no coaches in the press box. Make the players on the field adjust to formations on their own "(last year's) Independence Howl wasn't a real bowl. We had to buy our way in 1 didn't like that, although I now appre ciate the reason they did it " Opinions like these flow fre quently on the "Pac-10 Pre view." Beres said he hopes University students will call in more often with their opinions as well. "If you've got something on your chest, if you think the Ducks stink, call us up and tell us about it," he said 1 The UO Bookstore Has Everything You Need To Show Your Love On Valentines Day Beautiful Candy Boxes 1 Huge Card Selection 1 Special Books of Love > Gifts For Anyone! kDon’t Miss The New WALL OF LOVE Write Someone Special a Message of Love on Our 100 Sq. Ft. Wall Of Love In the UO Bookstore Lobby! ENTER TO WIN A ROMANTIC DINNER FOR TWO! PK \\)L l\(. HM 1) H IV M. M.fcPNOt III mi SLMT TOWIN'. OM IMRI 11 K II Kh'N 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7.30-6 Sat 10.00-6 OSU Continued from Page 9 All-American V'idlak opened the meet with a 26- I t major decision over Handy Price in the 118 pound class. Darren Gustafson boost ed his record to 17-10-2 with a 10-3 win over Stoney Mvers at 158, while freshman Sprague handed a loss to junior Pete Russo, a 16-7 major decision at 167. Gurt Strahm beat Jeff Monson at 100 pounds. 6-2. Strahm's season re cord stands at 24-1, and the win gives him 86 ca reer triumphs, moving him into a tie with Kick O'Shea for fifth place on the University’s all-time victory list. Cam Strahm's escape with 24 seconds remain ing in the heavyweight mate h gave him a 4-4 draw with Oregon State's Matt Willhite. last sea son's Pac-10 champion DUCKS Continued from Page 8 three games Bourn also It'd all scorers with 18 points Oregon State’s Judy Shan non, the i’ai Hi's second lead ing sc orer at 21 points a game, was held by the Ducks to only three first half points on one of four shooting, hut did return in the second half to finish with 14. On the ugly side. Oregon turned the ball over 25 times and was only able to grab nine offensive rebounds on the game Freshman Debbie Sporcich crashed the boards for three of those offensive rebounds and did end the game as Oregon's leading rebounder with 11 She also scored la for the Ducks "I don't think we played that sharply today." Heiny said, "but Oregon State didn't ei ther.” OREGON |«S| 66 36 13 McCeitney4 9 CM « Wilson 3S 4 6 to Bourn 5 ft 3 4 Ig WaUenboin J it I 2 6 Slowed 3 5. 3 3 9 I Smith 1 t 00 2 Swedener 0 1 00 0 Cemp bell 00 00 0 M Smith 0 t 00 0 Tolels 23