Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS IU»I MO U1HM TIOSV Win morr than wmrewi haart in I ha (XW (Jamflnta rt?A*T TMKOCS COlITtSI fab 14th! nCAAT THROBS daadtmc fatwuary Hth beTwa 1 pm"__ To Place, Cancel or Qya/% /IQ/IQ Correct your ad call: t • *»••«» )*•< 4 •- « HlA rLAct ItWf run ►**» (;;£) »»«*> 4 »-«*a-4 • >** «»*« 4 •«. • ioa! kOi«Q junta** m •»** « lout W* 4 4*4e» • U» »M» • K, r<* ». —■ '*-r i «» » r. • mi<*u Win mon th»n lumiont i h*«rl In lh* Heart Throbs i Contest x^tWV7V^> VHtAKl tn«o«l* -I ^ — Irt l*t* ■o UlWJll: 12U Mf Y GREEKS! GREEK DAYS OF GIVING STARTS TODAY. Kick off tho woo* with • good moot Don't forgot tho Otnnor fachongo ot S 90 tonight KA Tho gonttomon of Dofto Upatton would ttka to thank tho lodloo of kappa Dolta tor on a a citing and doadty aaaaaaln groat. fwnct: and wo look forward to our noat AT Ptannod Parenthood tor Pap »maa»» tnfochon chocka brrth control and counaatmg Days and avemngo 144 4411 SIGMA CHI la noi Ruth If tntoroafod ploaao colt Jool Whllohoad at 144 Mf 3 or 144 Jt44 Prognant? Wonted? Wa can haip ConfKkKiUOl caring Support Frao pragnancy ta»t» Blrthrtghl 667 MM UL KififlEi': Found Watch 1000 block of Al0or /rad 2/6 Datcoba to claim Can BBS 3666 aflat 6PM LOST Rad USC Mortar Board Planning Calendar MUST FIND Reward' 144 MM laava moaaaga UL UilHIiUMi The WORD SPECIALISTS (rfadtutc School Apfttmcd V * Diutiiiiwu'TlioriTtfKii * IBM (nmpatiMc.Dtsk ( onset*»n» * I asci PnniM4f* Am DIAL A TYPIST I_ w-yyr?_[ f Eye’s Typing Ml 3545 Reports Dissertations Ritumn 1—1 Printer FLYING FINGERS typing —»v»ce Fast accurate professional S' - : ay* . 404 9036 JO THE TYPING PRO IBM WORD PROCESSING EDITING » *ST Hi ** NAHU N‘ f N’ PAPERS DUE7 NEED MUP'» Editmg Typing Word Processing Virginia 341 3366_ Peggy's T yping Service l •penanced typist offering services on »BM computer system and las#' printer Reasonable rates _ Call Peggy at 342 4MI _ Par taction Typing Servica Professional typing adding and word processing Fast accurate letter quai ily IBM computer with fast printer or IBM typewriter >t/page, up 344-6636 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Fiee pickupdeiivery Ronda 9.% 1892 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 46S 3343 Formerly located Bi)Ou Theatre Bldg WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING-FAST! _Footnotes EMU Rm B7t_ '*mu MATH BIOLOGY CHEM Tutoring by credentleied. M S teacher At home or school 345 74— i2sltilTMIftTHW FAif MAC WORKSHOP Room 175 Computing Confer Tuesday F#t> 1 30 pm 3 » pm Tips short cuts A utilities tor Mac [*LM! AiMord spinning whMl, spools A hsnd cords. 180 Peugeot 10 spood girls MAO Ot H. ISO Cell J4S774I Corson Typo Star 1 On screen display 2 typo tocos SACVoPo Motforn otftc* chOf Att adjust ar>t* ITVobo Desk with lomp l40otx> 3*30017 Cor cover tor VW Scirraco 150 ot>o •SAirn CD s Ov+t 100 title* Must son Ait CO s pnced u 15 00 aech Call 344 1569 Motf Mt ttj4urs_sd>tyns Reduced to Soil Nagel CN 7 8 12 triple moitod gallery framed UOCkobo 4A4 2961 15" ■ 7" *■' star FifiipoUJ' n'th Rihon VTX 60 Tiros 6 months old Ass •ng 11200 odo con Kenny 689 5532 Frtandty V month* old tad tuleO boa Cape beater end mof' 1250 or mefce oM* 5BBOJ41 after * iiM...= SEIZED CARS, truck* be. t. 4 *hea»e»» motoftvomei uy FBI IRS DC A Available you' area now Gail C 12*0_ SEIZED CARS • *u tx>#t» 4 *hae»er* mot of hom«» by FBI IRS DC.A Available njt area now Cal* t aossaz tsw e»t c 1210 iMMbtORCYCUS/SCSoTtRT Honda Etna »0 Wen maun tamed A runs g*eat S4Z»obo Cati Pave fed7 0701 ttN Honda 17S T ».n Recant tuna up need uj*h, WOO 344 »79 Macintosh SE 2100 K Floppy Dfivei t MQ RAM Many astras mult lall H40Q/o6o Jett. M3M2I __ U of O BOOKSTORE AUDIO / VIDEO CAPTURE THOSE SPECIAL MOMENTS WITH YOUR SWEETHEART V2 OFF CAMCORDER RENTALS FEB 11TH THROUGH FEB 23RD tSO REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR RESERVATION CAMCORDERS QN SALE! SONY CCD TR4 2 ONLY f Ttt SONY CCD TM 2 ONLY tIN SONY CCD F77 SALE f tOM 2fi SILAEQ TV/MON1TQR JVC AV2QSSS DISPLAY ONLY UD HP nS Calculator 32K/WAM program mat>»a 1600 « function* Naw 12TS Sacnftco fiXVobo Paul 341 5091 - Upgrada you car starao' 100W Concord Amp |100 Sony 11 band pas »iva aoias A manuals Jaff 484-088“ Guitar, kayboarda. bast lassont with racordlng aril*I producar John Shark ay AN stylos, aN ago* M4 44S2/34SS312 Psfcusston aQuipmant Congas Bongo* Oct atom* 1 yet' old E«cai lant condition Andy 667 9244 wMnmr.: Tba diftaranca batwaan drasaad and wail d'aftsad doasn t hsva to ba a*pan *iva Bing Gharry Paiac a 62 W llth •tui'iima NEPAL Whitewater Share the excitement of “The First Descent of the Kamali River”, a multi media presentation of the U of 0 Outdoor Program's bold river expedition to the H i obo 345 6964 15] 12111 Eugsn* Tucson roundtnp ticket (eaves 22Or-91 return* 2 24.-91 Must sail' Coif «»es or leave message Jl9CVot>o 344 1 793 _ TRAVEL FREE Of on shoestring Air couriers needed also overseas and cruisasbip nelp wanted Call 1 400642 7555 Eat F 1451 BHiiajiLiprnnt REPOSSESSED VA 4 HUD HOMES available from government from |1 without credit check You repair Alto ta» delinquent foreclosures Ceil t 405642 7555 Eat M 1454 tor repo list your area vimmm Going Som#«ti*r« Spring ItMk? Apply for m Amoficm (iprMt card Fly anywhere in the USA tor S1M or less Call TODAYn OSMJt At POSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from go»#rnm#nl from |1 without credit check You repair Ai»o ?a* delinquent foreclosures Call 1 805662 7555 Eit H 1454 lor repo list your area RIVE A GUIDE TRAINING Work an a over guide neat summer 6 day on-nv#f workshop can gel you started No e*penance needed We recruit new guides from graduates *395 March 17 22 1 53d 3356 EMESES... CAMP PROGRAM COORDINATOR Eaperience planning recreation programs & working with special populations PT 4 5 and FT lOt 631 Send resume to Camp Easter Seal 3575 Donald St Eugene 97405 Closes Mar t 9t Christmas. Spring Break, summer travel FREE Air couriers needed end cruiseship |obi Cell 1 605 662 7SS& eat F 1451 It's easier than you think to pay tor your college education working at Jiggles Eaceilent money, flexible hours Call Nances or Brook for per sonai interview. 1M t>§7. ~NAMNY/MOTHER*$ HELPER NY City suburb Help care tor 3 yr old & 1 yr twins Own room bath TV Non smoker immediate 516) 3786529 Now Hiring Student Coordinator Cultural Forum 6 SARO positions begin Spring Term for 91 92 Mintage Music Visual Arts National Music Lectures Film Performing Arts Regional Music Events Craw Deadline Friday. February 22nd Slop by Suite 2 EMU for information A application 346 4373 The CF & SAROare EOAA employers_ OVERSEAS JOSS *90012000/mo Summer yr round All countries all fields Free info Write UC PO B. 52 QrQ3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Resident Dtrec tor/Student Activities Coordinator Bachelors Degree re quired from accredited institution Masters in Psychology, education or related social services field beneficial 12 mo. full time, live in. full benefits Ail qualified candidates urged to ap ply Send letter resume, official col lege transcripts to David Waggoner. VP tor Student Affairs. Northwest Christian College 62* E 11th. Eugene. OR 97401 3727 Applications close 2/22/91 Position begins IftTSI._ Swimming Jobs (WSlVSummer childrens camps Northeast Men and woman who can teach children to swim swim team beautiful pool and lakes m th# Northeast Good salary room & board Havel expense Men call or write Camp Wtnadu 5 Glen Lane Mamaronech NY 10543(914) 381 S983 Women call or writ# Camp Vega PO Bo. 1771 Duxbury MA 02332 (617) 934 8836 Tennis Jobs Summer childrens camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children in the Northeast Good salary room & board travel expense Women can or write Camp Vega P 0 Box 1771 Du.bury MA 02332 (617) 934 6536 Men call or write Camp Winadu S Glen Lane Mamaronack. N V 10643 (9U|38t 6963^ Umpires Needed High school baseball and softball Games begin at 4 30 pm daily 1st meeting Feb 16th and training available Ken 484 1 706 WE NEED TRANSLATORS! Are you fluent in German French or Japanese ’ We re looking tor talented individuals to translate dialogue for Our internationally distributed computer adventure game from English to German French & Jape*'*** You don't need to speak computers but you must have e.ceilent reading and writing skills in English and one of the mentioned foreign languages The work hours are flexible between 18-20 hrs/wk and pay is excellent It you re interested and think you have the required skills send a resume to Dynamia Inc 99 W tOth. Suite 337. Eugene OR 97401 mwwm .— * STUDENTS * The U Of 0 Telefund «» hiring enthusiastic Student callers We Offer fk«a*r>»• f>Ou'S plus paid train ing After training earn $6/hour plus bonus Call 346 3413 or Slop by 2001 _Franklin Blvd today . Dad and 2 boys 10 and 14 need non smoking, cheerlul. live-in housekeep er 25 42. room/boardisalary in beauti ful horns in Southwest Hills Our horns to bs your home Send application to Ed Luach, 2515 Windsor Circle Eugsns, OR 97405 Desperately seeking nannies Boston s leading nanny agsncy invites you to spend a rewarding and challenging year with carefully screened, profes sionai families Complete support net work awaits your arrival One year commitment For a local interview call American AUPAIR 1 600 262 8771 EASY WORK' EXCELLENT PAY' ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS AT HOME CALL FOR INFORMATION 504-641-6003 EXT 9962 HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed $35,000 potential Details Call (1)805 962 6000 £»t B 9642 Instructors and counselors needed for U of O Upward Bound Program June 16 August 12. 1991 Call 346-3501 for application. Deadline March 1. 5:00 pm. AA/EOE Minorities end women encouraged to apply._ INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches US Customs. DEA etc Now hiring Call (1)805 962 6000 Ext K 9642 ffl'Jjjm*: ALDERWOOD MANOR 1660 AIder Street Accepting applications for studio. V 2 & 3 bdrm apartments in exc campus comple* Mike 344 5695 for details Jswwtngi ♦ Co._H342H V* BLOCK TO CAMPUS 715E 16th (behind house) 3 bdrm appliances laundry, off street parking $597 343-9000 CASTLE TERRACE 243 F Street Nice 1 and 2 bedroom flats Attractive comple* with pool, storm doors and quiet' From $335/3395 Call 741 2296 Jennings $ Co663 4219 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 6th STUDIOS FOR JUST $265' Downtown location PARKING, on site laundry Call 344 5563 Jennings A Co._ 663-4219 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 SrtarcMff Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to busline'Plenty Of parking $395 Call 669-6667 Jennings 6 Co_663-4219 Large 1 bedroom, unfurnished, built In office space, lots of storage Prim# U of O campus location, good privacy Students only, no pels, non smokers please $375/month 1390 Alder Street. 345-5949 Large 2 bedroom apartment available 1477 Hilyard St Avar* March 1 494 9922 1 WEEK FREE RENT PLUM TREE APTS 1555 W 19th Spacious 2 bdrm Dishwasher disposal, appliances laundry, oft street parsing $470 3434000 THE COLLEGIAN 1810 Aids now leasing Upscale student housing including meals 343 1255 _ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS' 1 bedrooms al $365 Large 2 • bedrooms 6 3 bedrooms $535/665 FREE PARKING Nice Courtyard' 6630729 1370 Htgfi ~l 1 txlrm. private petto IMS I 2000 High 2 bdrm duple*, family room f V) baths fireplace garage weaihen.-ed $625 977 E 37tti 2 bdrm duple* garage $475 Springfield 120 F Street Fleshly painted 1 bdrm laundry parking $320 525 Pioneer Prfcwy 2 bdrm new carpets. $350 No pets By appointment Spyglass Associates6661130 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU GOCPMOmm MYHAMt IS MAJOR £."8UZZ"RX6 AtVVU.decONOjPM V CAYS Jl& BRl£SlNO. AT 1730 LAST N6HT.U£imm> A JINTACCS 6-2CONFIRMATION FROM A FRONTL INC TOC OF THC TARTlAi- Dt-ORAMVON OF- AN «M bOMOUNTLP HMMiW v PffscNNtt Asser V' S6T. img M CMEE^B- GREAT, ***** ACMtxnv! ■r'zC^fv-/'’ /tki*l If you're tired of the Movie Theater Shakedown... M DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate I