UNIVERSITY Marijuana Initiative meeting tonight MEETINGS Students for the Oregon Marijuana Initiative will moot at 3:30 p.m In EMU Cedar Room A to plan for tho Marijuana and Drug Policies Confer ence to bo held Fob. 15. Call 485-3570 for tnoro Information. Et als Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Group will meet at 7:00 p.m. at 841 E. 18th St. to ostabllsh bylaws of tho group. Call 485-3579 for more Infor mation. Young Women's Campus Identity Group will moot at 6:00 p.m. in EMU Century Room E. Call 346-4095 for more information. Women in Transition will sponsor a group facilitator's mooting at 4:00 p.m. In EMU Century Room E. Call 346-4099 for moro information. The Gulf War Feeling Support Group will moot at 3:00 p.m. in the EMU Ben Linder Room. Call 344-7604 for moro information. Philippine Student Organization will meet at 11:00 a.m. at the Kolnonia Center at 1414 Kincaid St. Call 346-9671 for moro information. SPEAKERS. FORUMS & WORKSHOPS Dr. Ray Fleming, professor of comparative iit oraturo and black studios at Pennsylvania Stato University, will speak on "Race as a Factor in Recent American Presidential Elections." at 2:30 p.m. in 332 Gilbert. Call 346-4021 for more infor mation. Women's Diversity Program is showing two films, "Visions of Spirit: A Portrait of Alice Walker," and "Identifiable Qualities: A Conver sation with Toni Morrison" at 8:00 p.m. in 138 Gilbert. Call 346-4095 for more information. Tarmo Pukkila, president of tho University of Tampere. Finland, will give a talk on The Inter nationalization of Higher Education in Scandina via at 4:00 p.m. In tho Cerlingor Lounge. MISCELLANEOUS Hillel is sponsoring a Shabbot Potluck Gath ering tonight at the Koinonia Center at 1414 Kin caid St. The sorvicn begins at 6:30. Cobolot Bless ing and Meal begin at 7:30 and sharing circle be gins at 8:30 Koinonia Center, (la11 343-8020 for mom information. United Methodist Campus Ministry will hold a service of the Holy Communion at noon at the Wesley Center Fellowship Hall. Coll 346-4694 for mom information. Tho Gorman Club is sponsoring a Faschings Fest from 8:30 p.m. to 12:00 a m. at tho Bavarian Restaurant. Call 484-2030 or 484-2065 for mom information. )ewish Student Union is sponsoring Moroc can/Sephardic Jewish Culture night and party at 6:00 p.m. in tho JSU office. Call 346-4366 for mom information. Weekend masses will bo held Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a m., 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. at tho Newman Conter at 1850 Emerald St. A representative from Student Conservation Association will t>o at a table from 10.00 a m. to 2:00 p.m. to answer questions about oxponso-puid summer outdoor internships available. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Lnwrul.' front desk, EMU Suite 300, is noon tho day before publication. Et als run tho day of tho ovont unless tho ovont takes plat* before noon; Items run only once. Items for ovonts charging admission or a do nation will not run. Adult tricycle stolen The (allowing campus-area crimes were reported la the Of fice of Public Safoty nr the Eugene Police Department lie tween Ian. IS and Feb. 5. • A rod. throe-speed adult trtcyclo belonging to u disabled dor mitory resident whs roportod stolen from Carson Hall on Fob. S. OPS urges anyone with any information about the missing bike to call 346-5444. Police Beat • A wallet and contonts worth $165 was returned to its ownor aftor a University student found It outside Oregon Hall und turned it In to OPS on )an. 15. Tho ownor lost the wallot while visiting from out of town. • An attempted theft caused about $200 damage to a Volks wagen Golf parked In tho Bean Complex lot on Jan. 28. The door lock on tho driver's side was punched in. EPD has no suspects. • A purso and contents worth $115 was roportod stolen from a Villard Hall classroom on Jan. 29. EPD has no suspects. • A burglary in Collier dorm was roportod to EPD on Jun. 19. A cordless telephone, answering machlno, CD playor and cam era wore taken from a resident's room sometimo between 5 p in. Jan. 18 and 5 p.m. Jun. 19. Accoss was gained through h sliding patio door, which tho resident had forgotten to lock. EPD has no suspects. • Two students wore cited by EPD for criminal trespassing uf ter they wore spotted on tho roof of Cascade Annex on Jan 29 at 11:45 p.m. • An attempted theft caused an unspecified umount of datnago to the driver-side door of a 1991 Range Rover parked in the Bean Complex lot on Jan. 30. • A Eugene man was taken Into custody for shoplifting ut the University Bookstore on Jan. 30. Arturo Del Custillo, 21. was arrested by EPD officers uftor they discovered ho was wanted on an outstanding warrant in Springflold. • A $1,300 camcorder was roportod stolon from tho University Bookstore on Fob. 1. Penn St. professor to speak on race factors in elections Ur. Kny Fleming, professor of comparative literature and black, studios at Pennsylvania State University, will speak about racial factors in presiden tial politics this afternoon at 2:30 in 332 Gilbert Hall. ‘Til try to examine the role of race in determining how ptx)ple voto in American presi dential elections,'' Fleming said. “I’m interested in show ing how race functions as a kind of silent ideology that shapes people’s choices. “I'd like to show how the so called issues becomo non-is sues in the face of raciul con siderations.” White voters tend to see Re publican's as more In tune with their ideologies, ho said. "Tho fact that five of the last six presidents have boon Re publican tells us something about tho national appeal of Re publican candidates to tho white electorate, given the fact that preference is reversed in blacks," riemlng said, noting that blacks vote overwhelming ly in favor for Democrats. “The reality of American presidential elections indicates that tho so-called gender gap is inconsequential in the face of race issues,” be said." Race is a bigger factor in determining a presidential race than gender.” Homing's locture, sponsored by the Office of Affirmative Ac tion. is open to everyone. TV Council for Human Rights in latin A me mu and the UO Latin America Sufrjvrt Committee PRESENTS: FATHER ERNESTO CARDENAL Nicaraguan poet/priest will read from his work "Cantos Cosmicos" 7:30pm, Sunday, Feb. 10th EMU Ballroom, U of O "We shall reclaim the forests, rivers, la goons. Not only humans desired liberation. The whole ecology wanted it. The revolu tion is also for lakes, rivers, trees, animals." -Father Ernesto Cardenal Tickets: $4 Student/Seniors and $6 General, S5 and $7 at the door Outlets - Hult Center, Balladeer Music, Hungry Head Books, EMU Main Desk. In the DARK about where to START? FREELANCE Meeting Oregon Daily Emerald Monday, February 11, 2:30 p.m. Oak Room, EMU or contact Chris Blair • 346-5511 Current freelancers are asked to attend.