O^Q-OZ 57 W Broadway. Downtown Mall 687 0139 2 O -o C O iCure Winter White with... Wolff TANNING *35 I S sessions *50 25 *e**lon* SnAa/k Little Caesais SLICE! SLICE! and a 16 oz. Soft drink Eipira* VI Ml $-|99 That ’s 2 slices of medium cheese and » pepperoni pizza and a • 16 oz soft drink. Void onty with CCK4XX1 q1 participating Little Coetcn f 1930 Franklin Blvd. (atviliard) 687-2848 i Is Your Budget Ripping Apart? FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION Many new, unused sources! Call our TOLL-FREE number today for your FREE information packet' 1-800-521-7053 ACT NOW! Sources GUARANTEED! Murphy & Associates, Klamath Falls, OR Car Care with a Conscience Audi vw i Porsche BMW Alla Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz IMPORT AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W. 7th. Eugene • 687-0040 UNIVERSITY Students see budget cuts as sexist Photo by Sean Poat on Sheila Shekel. ASVO co-president, talks to students yesterday alwut how to light back against budget cuts. By Christopher Blair Emocaid Managing Editor Alxiul SO women students gathered at a rally Thursday in front of Johnson Hall, Insisting that planned program ruts are sexist. Holly Stognnr, co-director of Women in Transi tion. said the rally was organized to call attention to the numtxtrs of female students hurt by the cuts in the colloges of education, human develop ment and performance, among others. According to Stognor's statistics, tho programs the University intends to cut will affect far more women students than men. For oxamplc, the ratio of womon to men in tho soon-to-be-eliminatod el ementary education program is 5-to-l; In tho en tire education program, thorn are twice as many womon students as men. Tho pattern continues in other doomed pro grams — tho ratio approaches 2-to-l In tho Col lege of Human Development and Performance, 4 and 5-to-1 in Individual disciplines such as hu man services and health education. Stegnor took issue with tho fact that tho law school, facing accreditation problems for short comings in its programs, was not touched by the proposed cuts and has twice as many male stu donts as women. Art education, one of the few ar chitecture programs with a majority of women students in an otherwise male-dominated school, was cut as well. "We’re doing this to bring to the attention of the administration the effect on women's lives those cuts aro going to have,” Stegner said. “I think it's basically an oversight. It involves rac ism. sexism, ageism, homophobia, those kinds of things.” Sheila Shekel. ASUO co-president, told those in attendance that the only way to fight the pro gram cuts is to write letters to legislators and ad ministrators. "Attending rallies is an important thing." she said. "But ovoryone here noeds to take this as a challenge and take the extra half-hour to write their legislator and tell them about how you foe!. "Ask thorn If thoy'ro as mad as we are and why wo'ro not sooing that.” Tonlja Swires, a student art education major parent with throe children, said tho cuts are but one way poor and minority students are being forced out of school. Swires cited cuts in finan cial aid and increases in tuition and fees as other barriers to education. Theater to hold benefit for clinic Willamette St. Theater. 1045 Willamette, will host a benefit for the Whltoblrd Clinic today with two shows starting at 7 and 9:30 p.m. I BEN FRANKLIN CRAFTS And Frame Shop I POSTER SPECIAL Weil frame your poster, includes mounting, regular glass, metal frame plus all the labor Sizes up to 18x24 $29 95 Sizes up to 24x36 $39 95 Sizes up to 30x40 $49 95 Harlow & Gateway Road Springfield • 726-2641 Kon Babbs, one of Ken Kesoy's "Merry Pranksters" and author of On Tho Bus will road from that work. He will be joined by Argentine guitarist THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relating Affordable SunShowcr on campus aawui-aui i» Joso Luis Morlln. Tickets for the evont are $10. For more information, contact tho theater at 683-4368 or call Whitobird at 342-8255. I \< ( >S • HI K K I l< )S *S \l M)S • j DOS PATOS ^ ,:h- W ■: ir ; 1219 Alder i. 1 ‘ C> non' 'bC jno 7 (l)KNHKKAI) • I \f OS • KM.h • HF \\s She’ll kiss and tell Hearts & flowers in a basket. ••Surprise your valentine and T order early. Order today for best selection. Eugene's flower Mom The University Florist 610 E. 13th at Patterson 485-3655