COMMUNITY Military enlistment rising despite Persian Gulf war By Don Peters Emerald Associate Editor Even with Desert Storm raging in Iraq, recruiting numbers continue to rise In all four branches of the armed services. And most recruiters — both locally and nationally — aren't surprised. "As for as recruiting goes, the more the general public secs about the Navy, tho more they think about the Navy,” said Senior C.hlof Potty Officer Steve Dougherty, public affairs officer for tho Portland Navy Recruiting District. Enlistment figures for the month of January warn up in all but a few pluces. Gary StoofTor, public affairs officer for tho Portland Battalion Army Recruiting Hoadquurtors, said the 82 Oregon re cruits last month foil short of the 100-re cruit goal. "Wo'vo boon real steady, but it slipped a little in January," Stoeffor said. "It's not real surprising. The kids are asking mom questions and Mom and Dad am mom apprehensive." Stoeffer said enlistment goals for Feb ruary were lower than in previous years because of fndorul budget constrictions. "Before (Desert Storm) wo wcro downsizing the Army," ho said. "Wo knew those goals wore going down any way." Oregon bucked tho national trend for Army recruiting. According to a nows release sent out by the United Stato Army Kocrultlng Command, Fort Sheri dan III., the January enlistment goal of 5,630 was exceeded by 14 percent. Air Force recruiting topped their Jan uary goal, getting 42 enlistments instead of the required 39. said Maj. Douglas Dotson, public afTairs officer for tho 3561st Recruiting Station at Sand Point Naval Station. Puget Sound. Wash. "It was a normal month, nothing sig nificant," Dotson said. "Those numbers fluctuate up and down all the time." Dotson said "delayed enlistmont," In which recruits must wait anywhere from three months to a year to enroll in special training schools, keeps many from hacking out during limns of Inter national conflict. Orogon hoi pod tho Air Forco roach Its January national onlistmont goal of 2.556. which they oxcoodod by just one recruit. Tho Marino Corps In Orogon also boat out its January mission of 25 by enlist ing 28. said Capt. Jay Nnlson, public af fairs officer for tho 12th Marino District Kocrulting Station in Portland. "Tho result was a little surprising in tho sense that there didn't soem to be any break (in recruiting)," Nelson said. "The Marino Corps has no official stanco, but personally, I don't think in ternational events had any effect on re cruiting." Nationally, tho Marine Corps had an enlistment goal of 2.117 in January, but compilations of all the recruiting dis tricts in the United Stato will not bo done until later this month. Navy recruiting was up locally, too. Senior Chief Dougherty said no figures wore kept for just tho stato of Orogon. but tho Eugene recruiting station equaled Us goal of 7, and tho six-stale Portland District nailed its goal of 144. "Phono calls to tho office have in creased by a third." he said. "They’re calls from people supporting tho mili tary. oven if they don't like what’s hap pening in tho Porsian Culf.” Cmndr. Mel Sundin, public affairs of ficer for the Navy Recruiting Command, said national Navy enlistment figures are split into two categories: new con tracts or "pool enlistments.” and acces sions. which are recruits actually sent to boot camp In ]anuary. But as far as determining a national trend, it really doesn’t make much dif ference. Both beat their goals: 5.316 now contracts as compared to a goal of 5,121, and 4,978 accessions compared to a goal of 4,928. "Wo really can’t toil if Desert Shield is affecting recruiting," Sundin said. "Thoro are so many factors. 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