ENTERTAINMENT A new way to say 1 love you’: mouthing a song By Layne Lakefish Emerald Entertainment Editor If you’re In love, or oven in lkk.o. chance* are that you'll bo doling out a good amount of cash botwoon now and noxt Thursday. Chock almost any store win dow and you'll see tho same: rosos, candy, stuffed animuls. and hoarts — lot* of hoarls. If giving tho generic gift is your idea of romantic, go ahead and become! a patron to one of those many stores. If not, Eugene has got something new for you to try. This year, TCI Cablnvtsion, tho Gatoway Mall and radio sta tion KPNW have joined forces to bring Eugene a unique Val entino option. It's called “Sync I'or tho One You Love." and that s exactly what It Involvos From 10 a m. to 0 p.m. on Saturday, TCI Television will be vidootaping poople "lip syncing” to their favorite songs For a $5 suggested donation, these Eugene residents' music videos will be tapod. edited and then aired on television on Valentine s Day. "This is the first year we’ve done this and we're hoping that it will do real woll, said i,may Benton, TCI community rela tions coordinator. "People think the whole Idea Is pretty funny.” KPNW radio will be provid ing moro than 50 different songs to choose from, including rap. pop. rock, and oldios-but goodios. Pooplo are invited to come to the Gateway Mall, pick their favorite tuno and then awn* mmmm mi fiui Mrnmm=. i TO hl!ju h qhhdb WITH YOUR FREE POWER STICKER Here's How It Works ... The UO Bookstore Audio/Video POWER STICKER DISCOUNT is FREE and easy to join! Come in and get a free sticker and place it on anything you can carry into the store - a folder, notepad, book, briefcase, etc. - and the UO Bookstore will have discounts for you all quarter long. JUST SHOW YOUR ITEM WITH YOUR POWER STICKER ON IT TO A CASHIER IN THE ELECTRONICS DEPT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THAT WEEK S DISCOUNTED MERCHANDISE. fcUDlOMDEO oepartment. ca, 10 00 6 00 i 433' *QV POWER st\cm^o '“discounts **$£•“ 990 «.>«• VSZS" S'" , VIDEOTAPE $2.89 LOOK FOP “ m0NTH !_ sing along as inn cameras roil. "Wo think this will bo prolty entertaining." Bonton said. "Thorn are an awful lot of hams around hero. "Also, Valontine's Day Is a big ovont for younger pooplo, especially collego kids. They go all out and do woird things, and this will givo them an ave nue to have fun." The best part is that all pro ceeds will go to benefit the Children's Miracle Network, which will benefit the pediatric department at Sacred Heart General Hospital and Doernbocher Children's Hospi tal in Portland. PARADISE Continued from Page 11 gins the film as a baseball-lov ing American, but whon faced with his country’s betrayal, he becomes angry and bitter and is eventually expatriated to Japan. Oregonians will recognize many of tho background scones. Downtown Portland serves as Little Tokyo, Portland Meadows racetrack is the in ternment staging area, and the town of Florin is tho movie's first and final set. To his credit, Parker does a remarkable job of setting tho film. Period pieces are difficult to do, but Como Soo tho Para dise convinces tho viewer he or she is watching 1930s America. Thu costumes are marvelous, tho cinematography excellent. Tho internment camps are one of die darkest blotches on American history. The story of Japanoso-Amorican internees needs to be told; it’s just too bad that such a horrible time is represented by a convoluted and confusing movie such as Como Sco Tho Paradise. CINE MARK THEATRES