PERSIAN GULF WAR Jordan’s King Hussein denounces coalition AMMAN. Jordan (AP) — kinn Hussein tilted sharply to ward Iraq on Wednesday, de scribing the Persian Gulf War as an effort by outsiders to de stroy that country and carve up the Aral) world. He called on Arabs and.Mus lims to "make the alliance ac - cept a cease-fire." “This is a war against all Arabs and Muslims and not only against Iraq." the king said in an emotional televised speech to his nation. "The real purpose behind this destructive war is to de stroy Iraq and rearrange the area.” putt in# it under "for eign hegemony." said the king, who has been a bulwark of pro Western moderation for his ,)7 years on the throne Without mentioning him by name, Hussein also tore into President Hush by denouncing Bush's claim the conflict is a "just war” fought to defend a new world order "The talk alaml a new world order whose early feature is the destruction of Iraq leads us to wonder about the identity of this order and instills in us doubts about its nature," the king said. Hush immediately rejected liie king's i ease tin1 call Refer ring to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Hush said, "There will lie nothing of that nature until this man commences a credible, unilateral withdrawal and then we'll see what hap pens." King Hussein s speech ech oed the strong pro-Iraqi senti ments of his ;t 4 million sub jects. many of whom are Pales tinians Hussein's speech provoked deep concern in neighboring Is rael A government official called it "the most comprehen sive and most aggressively pro Iraqi speech" bv Hussein since the beginning of the crisis He said it was seen as signaling the end of Jordanian neutrality and a switch to complete sup port for Iraq Israel has worried about Ior dan from the outset of the cri sis, and has sent Hussein re peated publii and private ap peals to rein in the Muslim rad icals who are gaining strength in his kingdom In his speech. the king used potent Arab and Muslim themes to lash the allied pow ers. and even more to denounce the Arabs fighting alongside them lie singled out Saudi Arabia for sptnial criticism "When Arab and Islamic lands are of fered as bases for the allied ar mies to launch attacks to de stroy Muslim Iraq any Arab or Muslim can realize the mag nitude of this crime committed against his religion and his na tion Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS K HK1 \H\ U IK M MOSS ' I>4»*rr 4il% Mill br hiddrn thrmixhout th»* ( Uuilird* lhi% month < Him k our ( Unfitted houvr .««U lot morr drtaiU_ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 CONGRATULATIONS To 1990-01 INITIATES & PLEDGES: Mofy B. 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