EDITORIAL Statistics of war am mal flesh and blood There has been a lot of talk lately about successes in the Persian Gulf for the allied coalition. Those in* solved in the arguments constantly point to the statis tics of war. The number pf tanks destroyed is men tioned along with planes shot down and sorties flown. But the real story of war is about the pimple from both sides who kill and are killed on the orders of lead ers far removed from the actual combat. Twelve dead Marines may seem insignificant to the “big picture" of war. but all Americans, especially those supporting this war. should take a moment to think about the Ao men beings who are sacrificed in their names. While thinking about these soldiers, also remem ber that for every name printed hero, the lives of rela tives and friends of these soldiers are also being drasti cally affected. Marine Lance CpI. 1 rank C. Allen. IS. Hawaii/ Marine Cpl. Stephen E. Bentxlin. St, Minn. Marine Cpl. Ismael Gotto, 27. New York City. Marine Lance Cpl. EHaeo Felix. It. Avondale, Aria. Marine Lance Cpl. Thomas A. Jenkins. 20, Calif. Marine Lance Cpl. Michael E. Llnderman Jr., 10. Ore. Marine Lance Cpl. James H. Lumpkins, S3. Ohio. Marine Sat. Gantt A. Mongrella. St, N.J. Marine Pfc. Scott A. Schroeder. SO, Milwaukee. Marine Lance Cpl. David T. Snyder, SI, New York Marine Pfc. Dion J. Stephenson, SS. Bountiful. Utah. Marine Lance Cpl. Daniel B. Walker, SO, Texas. Marine Capt. Michael C. Berryman, 28. Yuma, Arix. Air Force 1st Lt. Thomas Clifford Bland, Jr.. 26. Air Force Staff Sgt. John P. Blesslnger. 33. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Paul G. Buege, 43. Air Force Sgt. Barry M. Clark, 26. Navy Lt. William T. Coaten, 27, St. Louis. Air Force Capt. Arthur Galvan, 33. Air Force Capt. William D. Grimm, 28. Air Force Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Harrison, 31. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Robert K. Hodges. 28. Air Force Maj. Donnie R. Holland. 42, Bastrop, La. Air Force Sgt. Damon V. Kanuha, 28. Air Force Maj. Thomas F. Koritz. 37, Rochelle, III. Army Spc. David Lockett, 23. Air Force Master Sgt. james B. May II, 40, Fla. Air Force Staff Sgt. John L. Oelschlager, 28. Fla. Army Spc. Melissa Rathbun-Nealy, 20. Mich. Air Force Staff Sgt. Mark J. Schmauss, 30. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher. 33. Fla. Air Force Capt. Richard D. Storr, 29. Navy Lt. Charles ). Turner, 29. Richfield, Minn. Air Force Capt. Dixon L. Walters Jr., 29. Fla. Air Force Maj. Paul J. Weaver. 34. Navy Lt. Robert Wetzel, 30. Virginia Beach. Va. Oregon DAILY EMERALD CO Ba« »IV» Th© Oregon Oaily Emerald is published Monday through Friday e»c«pt during e»am week and vacations by the Oregon Oaily Emerald Publishing Co at the University o» Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently ot the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of fhe Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use ot papers is prosecut able by lan Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphic? Editor Supplements Editor In Touch Editor Editor Alice Wheeler Christopher Blair Rob Ward Joe Kidd Sean Poston layne lakeftsh Anna Rem bee. Ki Newt Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Supplements Asst Ed Night Editor Catherine Hawley Pat Maiach Ashley Conklin layne lakehsh Amy Fredericks Peter Cogswell Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities Paula Green Higher Education/Administration Pete' Cogswell Reporters Tammy Batey Jake Berg Brian Bloch Rene Oe Cair Carrie Dennett Ming Rodrigues June Russell Daralyn Tr*pp© Bob Wade Robert Weber Photographers Enc Evans Andre Ranien Advertising Kevin Austermann Mark Brundage Elaine Dealer Kathy Endicott M char*i Gray Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas Stephen Mosley Marla Newman lisa Richman Mary Sanderson Kathy Smith Kristi Strother Classified Peggy McGinn Manager Kelly M<.Michael Janet Schober Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Gorman Chapman Judy Connolly Production Sandra Da Uv Advertising Coordinator Jennifer A'cher Mu* Bedelsen Lotus Child Carol Oopp Jim Finch Conn© Frier Susan Head Jennifer Huey Linda Klaastad Shena loren/o Jim Mason. Anna R©mt>©