EDUCATION Rewarding careers for people who ran*. Down the mail a few years fnmi now. you're going to l>e glad you chose a career pall) today that s right m Ox heart of Boston It 's Northeastern I niversity's Boston Bouve t'ollegeof Human Development Professions Oie smart choice that leads to a greater reward fur people who really care The graduate programs offered by Boston Bouve College provide you with a wide range of career opportu nines in health, sport and leisure studies, rehabilitation, counseling, communication disorders and education Our faculty have received national and international recognition for their research, teaching and service to others .uut to their profession Boston-Bouve College has well established clinical affiliations with vime of Boston's leading medical, educational and research facilities Study nuiy lead to a master s degree, certificate of advanced grad uale study (( At »S) or doctoral degree Most programs are offered on a part time as well as full time basis combining i lassroom theory with practical hands on expenence C ourses meet in the late afternoon and early evening so students can continue to work (.raduale programs are offered in the following areas Audiology C luneal Kxerciae Physiology College Student Personnel Work & Counseling ( onsulting Teacher of Reading Counseling Psychology Curriculum Ik Instruction Educational Research Human Development Human Resource Counseling Human Services Specialist Recreation, Sport & Fitness Management Rehabilitation Counseling School Counseling School Adjustment Counseling School Psychology Speech-l-anguage Pathology Special Education Teacher Preparation Call (til") 437-2708,or wnte Grad uate School, Boston-Bouve College of Human Development Professions 107 Dockser Hall. Northeastern Uni versit> Boston, MA 02115 Because some of life's greatest rewards come to tfu >se whc < care RJ Boston-Bouve ('< )liege Northeastern University emeu no ?c An rquaJ mti*.jrtunjl> affirm*! ivr arUun urmeratty SUMMER EMPLOYMENT N SEARCH Of A SPECIAL SUMMER7 Camp Echo Lake r tty Adroodacks oi Nv Sale and moa- ‘Mad Camp r tty Poconos ot Ptnnsvvania of*r yaae’ship positions lo peopy 100k mg tv me opportunity won with mat. ages ’ 16 Cal' us a’ 914 472 5858 or wile STAf< SEARCH 22H RadsdaleAve Hadsdale N> 10530 PRIVATE SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS High m the Blue Ridge mountains ot northern Georgia A i watertront sports and cultural activities Ages 19 and up June 18 through August 18 inqo re CAMP BLUE FUDGE Boi 2888 Mam Beach FL 33140 ot phone 305’ 538-3434 i305> 763 5255 THE OKLAHOMA SUMMER ARTS INSTITUTE at Q-ju Mountain the award we nmg nationals known mult' disc pme hne arts camp ter artistically ncimed teen agers is seeking applications to' counselor posi lions Appncants should have an actne nterest n the arts preferably acting Panel drawing modem dance orchestral music photogra pm and writing The 1991 session iS Jury 6-24 ‘o'otormation write Oklahoma Arts institute PO Bo> 18'54 Oklahoma City OK 73154 or ca •-405-647-0890 AJESKA SUMMER jobs 600 seasonal •esort ioPs r> Dera . Pare .Mount McKmi> i Send Sei'addressed stamped envelope ARIA-11 ’ $75A 3th Ave 4220 Anchorage At. 99501 EOE NEAR ROCKY MTN NATIONAL PARk Busy co'tee shop needs waitpersons kitchen help cooks tlcheepar Ca'e Bo> 2210E Estes Park Colorado 8051" l303l 586-3589 GUES’ RANCH IN COLORADO ROCK IES needs wranglers housekeepers •ids counselors desk grounds kitchen dmmg room sta" Silary-Rm Mea s . , -gspeak n- Cues’ ranch uongspeat Rte E Estes Park Coorado 805’" 3031586-2110 Pf ER COUNSELOR CLASSROOM ASSISTANT Summe' openings at Supf' Camp in tiding de uuits/aoadem- 'esxle >ta program to- teens across u S 800 627 5321 tor details’ COLORADO ROCKIES 'MCAoltheRocues Estes Park Cente' Christian one-HeC tarrur, resort and con lerenct cente- bordering Rocky Mountain tationai park 300 Somme1 positions wtttj) sali'-y • "ee room A boa-c Contact joo Placement Ofhce O’ call (3030! 586-3341 CAME GREYtOCK FOR BOYS IN THf BERKSHIRE MOUNTAINS .1 Massachusetts seevr und kV> atrve men ano women whc me to won with children ages 6 16 Unde'grads giaos coaches 'amines we-comei Openings m baseba: basketball 'oot bail voBeytail got* acosse sa mg Swimming tennc waters* mg wind Sjrtmg paresis sal us a' 21? 58? 1042 o’ write Camp Greytoc* 200 West 5?thSt Sole 307 NewVom Nv T0019 College Light Open Company on Cape Cod Massachusetts 23 yea OK) summer stock tusk tneatie com pan, seeks singes orchestra musicians publicity erector cook pane accompa nists bo* o*hce treasurers stage and costume designers and technicians Ante lor brochure and application Ursula L Hasten 16? South Cedar Street Oberim Ohm 44074 or call 216 774-8486 INCREDIBLE SUMMER OPPORTUNITY AT CAMP SEQUOIA In New York Calsk Mountains Counselors instructors coaches need ed tor tony amerent actvrties W-tt Sequoa Dept U Bo> 1046 Woodstock NY 12496 (914 679-5291 REWARDING SUMMER EXPERIENCE AT CAMP MODIN 4 e /-pet I've Nunity-oimited em ’onmenl on a prvate akt Wa u .oo* •; 'or mot* vatec hard-working enthusasbccoun seion. mstr uctors and specialists I' vOc 'Ove *ds the j'.: -s art e* ’emen' can 13001 648 5341 uunr uh LHkt mivniun* re:-* salting la ooys ana gins camp ana mp prpg'ams Centra sta" neeflea wtlh niemstiips ava.iabe Ccrtar: wjmp M-.mwanu PC fa::■ 216 Tuee Rivers Mi 49093 COLORADO ROCKIES YMCA Camp Cn«t Ouray Resilient Camp positions i.a atx (mooch Aoventue - nnstia" Enyironmem flop i303i 887 2152 ■ 4172 4174 CAMP COUNSELORS WANTED Boston j'ea Top living conditions ana pay cal Ion tree l 800 243 4?9f Children s Summer Camp Sla" Neeaec M0UNTA;N RANCH Ben ’ll Boulder Colorado 80306 COUNSELORS SUMMER POSI TIONS App Mason reaches 200 • camps Cotnseto' iriera service Bar 463 Oceans on N' ' 1572 516-764 9153 CAMP TAKAJ0 FOR BOVS On lonQ LIU. Napla* Ma-na Picturesque location. eicapt'onal faciht** Over 100 Counselor position* Wnti Of cal! CAMP TAKAJO, 496 UGuafdo Pi. Sta 381. H v , *Y 10012 (212) 979-0606 CAREERS institute FOR INTERNATIONAL. COOPERATION ANO DM lO«* NT BUILD IN NICARAGUA Participate in construction project in rural community ii montn g^oup program incluOaa language *og.ona studies lacnr.ica training and funorai* ^m:ot IICD. Box 103-Y, Williamstown, MA 01267 (413) 458-9828 CAREERS fwMvioii'ACRuisESHwil tom o gr#cr •anj'-y * omn+rm Wof* lunmr o' jr#a< round Lav# #a’ and trov#! fr## 1 Won* to nx*# rnon*v one hfM» ♦un'5 i#am I how r '*-i« #1 vAyii on »ut>f#ct Don ■ K#nr«#cJ* Cfua# Stc** Pun#' for tOv/ | rro#or era## a/«#i t#!a you »t#pOy«i*p how ■ to opph & tf#* oo# ot 5C 00C oG* cjyaiot*# | on ov#' 100 ctj## sr«p* Sov# & rr>on#y ft it of oppymg row1 S#na wftt choc* c* m o tot S ‘4 96 to O'Vo' Ccr##( Guo#i 6026 SoneJv Spnno» Ctem. Soft# 360 (UU Atorrto GA 30326 Now AO^*‘*i Cffy Stat# ?F I I I I J 4k SOUND _ CAMERA EDITORS BEYOND HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STUDIO CAREERS Wait seouio scenes it Hottywoofly arses: movie studios Mov* industry Contacts 3rd*' you1 often! Behind Hollywood Studio DuectorY t'.Klay' Sene S29 95 (Plus S3 55 Postage ) Cneck or money otOet to Befuno Hollywood«P0 Bo»40lB8 Bakd's'iekj CA 93384 SPECIAL EFFECTS PRODUCERS MAKE-UP RESUMES FOR $13.95! To., Mrtt ( and wel crepssjonaP. vuesdt rest/’* lor ess Offers m** you ASX out we put resume! r S* mad tr* sir* day tor uocorwg rtefx**6 appkabor ruudhe- it! more Arr* or ta> us you' deals arc a 2w* or nvo too* Resumes asc j-iAt* Jru a- snM add1 exist' de (213) 392-2253 ‘it 213i 392-3783 CM ®ou! Pnonty Rush Service THERAPEUTIC WILDERNESS CAMP >» found T oecapeutic Witness Camp ,n east Texas needs counselors to amwir troubled /outf Dean* 'eouirec S16 00G ExaNentBem'its SALESMANSHIP CL J6 TOUTh CAMPS Route 1 Bo> 305 tuwwt, Texas ’5765 (714) 769-3500 BROADCASTING VIDEO PRODUCTION loot, of new positions nanonwO: erecy fTXiner SATELLITE PROfILES Broadcast youf demo tape lu !00s o' employe's lor wean would cost you to send a Sorer Can 303-6380135 o- SASE to 400 N Lapto St WV 5te 183 Wasnmgfcxi DC 20001 A rton-proAt amptoyvrt 5»* am »i* rpftonanfy |1#bO IuHcHAb >o4»y' Tho Job Sookof Dapt U Ml 2 Ac lb W«rrmr.t W 546M A0A37A-4W0 NtMawfDwMri See ihc 4d