SUMMER ABROAD SINCE 1950 VALENCIA, SPAIN 1991 Firs* Session: May 27 (27 days) Second Session: July 1 (34 days) Several plans to fit individual requirements, including tuition, room hoard, activities, round trip air fare by scheduled carrier New Y Valencia Round trip. For a fret* catalog including detailed information and application, write uk INSTITUTE OF SPANISH STUDIES 1315 Monterey Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94127 or call: (415) 586-0180 AJM.-PST (415) 387-6817 PJM.-PST telefax: (415) 334-3928 emeu no u 1991. Your year in Europe. Complete vour education with a semester or a year in Europe while fulfilling university requirements Live in a dynamic seaside or moun tain setting in Spam or France, or in one ot Italy's most exciting economic centers Fully accredited courses transfer to your university International business and economics program Italy Intensive language courses Spanish, French. Italian, Basque Anthropology, history political science, education economics art and more. Experienced American and European faculty Financial aid Spring, summer, or tall semesters Make 1991 your year in Europe. Write or call now for your information packet: University Studies Abroad Consortium University of Nevada, Reno Reno, Nevada H9SS7-0012 (702) 7H4-6569 USAC Consortium A project y»f seven universities CMCli NO 15 1 F International study at one oi our 7campuses in SCHILLER INTERNA I ION A l UNIVERSITY CIRCLE NO H ENGLAND: London and West Wickham GERMANY: Hfidflkwrg FRANCE- Paris and Strasbourg SPAIN Madrid SWITZERLAND: Engelbwg J ham iTixJti toward vour Jegnx at any of cxir <.jmpuM*s J All t Lism*s art* taught tn Fngli>h J(.raduat«* program** in lnti*mafK»rui Bumix-s' Intematunvil H<4d and Tounsm Mmagrmert lntt*rrueu>rvil Maruxvs and Diplomacy and more J l ndergraduate pmgrarm in Busirx-s* Motel Management. International Relations ami l>p!uma« v Furi>pean Studies. I ihrrai Arts Psychology languages, C (impuUt Systems Management ( ommrn ;ai Art. and more J Spanish and (.ermjn Language Institutes J Summer Semester Year and Degree programs Fur murr information: Mhlllrr imcrnjminji univrnuy Dept SC. 1111 IMh SL. NW, Suite 120 I O t>epl NC hdKewater Drive Wivhintfon, DC 2003* * • • ! Dunedin. Honda UftUH Toll tree: (8001 336-4133 + U 18131736-50S2 A EUROPEAN SUMMER TRAVEUSTUDY PROGRAM THE INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL IN MNS8RUCX. AUSTRIA JULY 7 AUGUST 17 1991 FEATURING FIELD TRIPS TO BERUN. VENCf. VIENNA AND MUCH MORI (MR 50COLWSES TAUGHT N ENGLISH CLASSES MONDAY Thursday, TRAVEL FRIOAV SUNQAY FOR MORE NFORMAFON. CONTACT TF€ OFfICE Of INTERNATIONAL STUOY PROGRAMS P n ROY 1R1R UNIVERSITY Of NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS LA 70148 (504)286-7116 CINCH *0 11 'HE STATE lNi. r >.'$!?» • Nf iV JtRSEV RUTGERS STUDY ABROAD IN ERCLARD • FRANCE • GERMANY • IRE l AN 11 isKAEi • xial\j • rngxico • SPA in SEE HIE W()R1.D AND TAKE CL ASSES A 1 HIE SAME T IME SEMESTER • SI AIMER • YEAR LONG AIT ORDABl E ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Noic 2 vcart of college level language is required for study in f ranee, Germany. Italy. Niemco. and Spam Rl TGFRS STUDY ABROAD I MF BUS I KEPT SECRET AROUND (908) 932-7787 emeu no u Overseas Study SCOTLAND • AUSTRALIA • NEW ZLAIAND Semester or war Courses transfer Inexpensive Prestigious Iniversities. I.united Space. Scholarships. American I niwrsities International Program. International < )ttiee Ayleswotth , Colorado State* I niversitv, I t. Collins, CO 8()S2.s (30S) 191-591-’ ClRClt NO 18 STUDY ABROAD ■ PROGRAMS^ PRATT SUMMER 1991 UNDERGRADUATE ■ GRADUATE ■ PROFESSIONALS Palladio: Master Architect lime i-iune N 1991 Exploit- Palladio s buildings and those ot his contemporaries in and around Vincen/a. Mantua, Verona and Venice 3 credits Pratt in Venice lime 12 lulu 24. 1991 A fine arts drawing, painting, and art history program held at the Umvcrsita Interna/ionale dell Arte .it the Palla//o 1 ortuny 71 retUt Architecture in japan May 1' lime 1. 1991 Explore the architecture and culture ot Japan in this exciting tour of Kyoto, lokvo, Nara and Nagoya 4 eretiits Design & Architecture in Copenhagen lime August 1991 An architecture, landscape architecture, fashion, interior, industrial & graphic design program in association with Denmark's International Study Program at the Lnn ersity ot 1 >enmark 10 12 credits 1 or further information, return coupon or contact /’raff Institute ■ School of Professional Studies ■ LlSl 2l)() Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, \Y 11203 (718) 636-3453 tmum u U. Pratt Institute ■ School of Professional Studies ■ U91 OlQU 0 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, Ny 11205 I would like more information about: □ Palladio □ Pratt in Venue □ Areluteeture in la/xni O Design in Copenhagen Same____Phone_ Address City _Stale _Zi;>_ College or On upation