Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1991, Page 17, Image 32

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    New AIDS Drugs Bring New Hope
By Monica Uddm
• The Stanford Daily
Stanford U.
A set of experimental drugs currently being researched at
Stanford 1' is renew ing hope for the future of AIDS and i aneer
patients bv increasing the ImkI\ production of white blood
Studies conducted by Dr Peter Greenberg a Stanford pro
fessor of medicine, are largely responsible for this dramatic
Greenberg and other researchers have spent the last 1 a
years investigating what regulates production of white blood
i ells in bone marrow the body s main defense against disease
and infection
The drugs, known as( >-< ’SFand * 5M-GSK. already have lieen
found to cure children with congenital, fatally low levels of
white IiIimkI cells G-CSF and GM-CSF -tand for granulocyte
colony stimulating factor and granulocyte macrophage colony
'timulating factor, respectively
Stimulating factors in the drugs actuate a part of the white
him si cells called neutrophllil Neutrophils act as the cell - first
line of defense against bacterial infection and thus prevent
their destruction
Because chemotherapy often destroys Isith cancer cells and
white blood cells along with other essential tissue, many cancer
patients an' toned to discontinue treatment to decrease the
nsk of infection
Some AIDS patients also are susceptible to this phe
nontenon, as AZT a drug used to treat this disease, has lieen
found to decrease white cell counts among its users
How ever, the experimental drugs help build w bite blood cells
and counteract the negative effects ot these treatments
"With these drugs we can use higher doses of chemotherapy
and A/T to improve cure rates " (Ireenherg confirmed
"The main purpose * oft he drugs is as an adjunct to standard
chemotherapy" and to “treat patients at previously unattain
able lev els," Greenberg said
Studies investigating the drugs potential m treating
patients in early stages of leukemia also are under way
Cupid's Campus Mankato State
U. in Minnesota will he the envy of
every student smoother this
Valentine's Day because it boasts
the world record for the most
couples kissing at once To win
official recognition from the
Guiness Book of World Records,
participants kicked lips on the
school’s rugby field f<r 10 seconds
during an event calk'd "Kiss Off
MSI ’ l*ucker Breaker Ik I * Some of
the 2H8 kissing couplet* met for tin
first time during the event
Sponsored by Mankato’s student
newspaper, The Reporter, the MSU
students made Syracuse l' kiss their
old record goodbye; SU set the
former record with about 400
participants last summer • The
Reporter, Mankato State L'
Continued from page 16
visible sports figures who push the prod
acts and are known for using tobaeeo
products themselves
Because chewing tobacco usually is
placed in the same part of the mouth
when it is chewed, the exposed part of
the mouth is s.ituratd with the tobacco
and lesions can result, he said
"As .1 result of more tobacco use in men.
two to three times as many men develop
oral cancer compared to w omen, he said
Warning signs white patches in the
mouth, followed by sores or ulcers that
do not heal after a reasonable amount ol
"II the time 1 let ween when the lesion
is detected and removed is short, most
lesions are curable." Yugrin said
Yugnn said any amount ot good oral
hygiene helps, but it cannot delend
against the constant exposure the mouth
receives w hen tobacco products are used
If the use of tobacco products is
stopped, for each year that goes by ihe
risk of cancer decreases
Continued from page 16
after you graduate." Haskins said
And then there are academic factors
"The percentage is very high that ath
letes who go pro early are in some sort
of academic trouble or are struggling
with the hooks, or it's not something
they realh enjov." said Iowa coach Tom
Coaches shouldn't try to stop the play
ers from making money any way. he said
"Whv would anybody stand in their
way. know ing that they 're going to play
basketball most of their life ’” he said
But not all players eligible can make
that kind of money or get drafted at
Fisher said he wants the NCAA to
examine a rule to let players have their
final year of eligibility even ifthey decide
to apply for the draft
‘I don't know if that’s opening up the
door for every good or average upperclass
man or not. but I do think they should
have that ability to return ." he said.
Money w asn't enough to lure Michigan
State guard Steve Smith into the NBA
last year He decided to stay for his senior
year and help the Spartans defend their
Big Ten championship.
"Michigan State, in Steve Smith, really
showed us what college athletics are all
about." Indiana l coach Bob Knight said
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