Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1991, Page 11, Image 26

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Continued from page 8
MG: Now. I have to work all night to
do “Lite in Hell" It ’s become a lot harder
liecau.se I'm getting older I'm a lot more
tired now that I'm Hti
JL: lx't’s talk aUmt “The Simpsons ’
How mam people are involved in creat
ing each episode'.’
MG: Then1 are so animators here in
LA and 200 in Korea We re doing 2-1
episodes for this season.
JL: Who's actually responsible for ere
ating the five Simpsons’’
MG: I came up with the main charac
tors They 're named after members of my
family My family doesn't act like the
Simpsons, hut there’s a little hit of Hart
in me I used to get in trouble in school
JL: In the opening segment, then' are
alway s different things about the amnia
tion Bart s always writing a different
message on th«- chalkboard. and
thelamilv alwa\sdoes something
weird on the sola at the end Win
do vou pa\ attention to those
M(«: What I like are the
little details that reward
those w ho pa> atten
tion Most of tele\ i
sion does not reward
you n penalize
vou f»H'aust* it you
don't pay
attention it
u i > e m n i
m a 1 -
ter My
.show I
full <>t
that kind
of stuff
The nature
of animation
is that vou can
control overs aspect o! the
sound and visuals It's more
fun if you throw m stall
k When you work on some
tiling for so long, you
want to put in those lit
.11,: Does it Pother
ton that people arc
pirating ''Simpson*"
M(J: Well, the phe
nomenon of a pop
cultural icon tak
ing on its own
life fasci
nates me.
ly now
, since 1
created the
icon The
money rip
off aspect
doesn't huj» me enough to pursue it Niinr
ot tin- T-shirts arc good and some arc
pieces ot crap I don't get outraged w tien
I see a guy wearing a pirated T-shirt
There are lots of other injustices in the
world that take priority over mine
•Jl.: lk> \ou think the Simpsons are on
the downhill now ’
M(J: It s the nature ot am |>op tad to
eventualh Itecome less lashionahle It s
not my concern to keep the fad fresh
We just try and do the Ih*sI and funniest
show we can hv amusing ourselves I
didn’t work on the show to create a pop
phenomenon I've just Rone along with
tile rule Hut I hope we call keep the show
alive for a long, long tune
.JL: Do (ssiple recogni/e you now that
you've broken out of underground car
toonmg and created this |>op icon ’
M(i: Yeah sometimes It s a little
unsettling U'cause I (eel like a movie
star, hut generally everyone s friendly
about it
Continued from page 8
shade of blue "
This railed for some serum.- action
With the help of some high school
friends. Latinik circulated a petition
and wrote a letter to Binney A Smith.
Crayola's parent company, on behalf of
the lemon yellow crayon "Please recon
sider your fateful decision to terminate
the production of ,-uch a classic crayon,
the letter read
She signed the letter a- national pres
ident and indicated copies had lieen sent
to state presidents an admittedly
deceitful act "Actually, there aren't any
state presidents -he -aid A\e just
wanted it to liHik like there were a lot of
people involved with this *
About 100 friend- and co-workers
-igned the petition, and Kllyn Scott
Binney A Smith - consumer communi
cation manager, replied to their letter
two weeks later
Scott w rote that the letter and petition
had I sen “forwarded to product man
agement for consideration* and signed
her name in a yellow -crawl
The reply came a- a surprise, hut the
yellow signature "seemed kind of rude
to me like they were rubbing it ill our
fates that there wasn't going to Is- any
more lemon yellow." Litimk -aid
On Aug 7 Latinik and two friends
drove almost five hour- from
Alexandria Va . to the Crayola head
quarters in La-ton. Pa to protest the
retirement of lemon y ellow, raw umher.
blue gray, green blue, maize, orange red
orange Yellow and violet blue
Clad m lemon yellow T-shirts enibla
zoned across the hack w ith “Stive launon
Yellow." Litimk. Karen Moore and < mil
Johnson left Virginia at If a m headed
for the new Crayola Hall of Fame
Although the event was supposed to
Is- by invitation only, they managed to
-lip in briefly and -is- the five-foot-tall
models of the retired crayons and two
cakes decorated m the old and new col
ors Outside, they joined forces with
about a dozen other protesters who ear
ned signs for their favonte colors
The lemon yellow supporters held
large sign-that -aid. "We love lemon y el
low." “Save lemon yellow and “Bring
back lemon yellow Their effort
attracted the interest of the national
media, but as Latinik expected, the
attention died dow n and she has moved
on to more pressing concerns
“I wish I could keep fighting it. -he
-aid. adding that tests and quizzes had
caught up w ith her
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