Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1991, Page 10, Image 25

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    PLUS A
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Garth Boo* » Mo
F#nca« f-'nonaii
m Low Pt*cm
•k Capfty 411. si
tndtgo Girt*
Nomads Indians
7 Fpt
AC/DC Th« Raror •
i 6q» f Y'our < n/’J
floe* yckx ,**sr' Out
motrn Alec 410*42
INKS'X Suridf
Hkxx*» Th0 Sunni
r«a<pp—^ rr>o*»
Allanta: 4I2-1M
Daryl Mali and
John Om\o*
Chang* Of S—on
Arsta 40§*245
EWn* tftdtef Som# »
L rvM On* Mty» Round Th*
Of L or* p*us rnom
AMfilc 411-034
V»niM« lo»~To Th#
Eitromo uw lew BwOy
<r* CokJ plus mom
S8K 413-203
W«rr»n*-Ch«rry PMr
Tib# cut plus Bbnd
Fifth bee Of Roses
'■non (Columba' 411-399
un *umr jj< x)t
OMLATVST mn -***
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CiAHitM tMMUfK ,n 3 J9i
AH-'* UK*
: V. O^TtCMI ►XX.W
COiUMHA HOUSE. 1400 N PnjItrtOg* *«• . P0 Bo« 1110. T«rr* Mauto IN 47*11.1130 47T.S4I |
I I Pf*£F€R COa «rm mm ir tha C4A> jnOm fba ou«*yaC ar" vrxmamg &m> or rwuy o»Ob* $' f* •’teT*
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□ i PWtFfR CASS* T If: S tar wfacf' t «r» anc»*ng CtteCfc or monyy or Oar for S' 9b T^af» ■ C for my V*t *«'
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tatecf ior« af ^Q jm Cbjt pncm m tha r»*t 3 yaarv «« may canoar rnambanftc> aryt*** a'ter dong no
•Ham i?
Do you ham a tetepftona? O' Vaa No
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<iwo—rm i
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