THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 3' prwmj’it;.» * wjr : - • at4>v • hundred* £ c*rapu» *r pr »-nhai>cf U* qaftUtt of castpu* Ulr 4- **• r.forrr Htterum aad the 'u’-.- trji. rser* try! vumaiiMP n *v *ctj itm: .try! concerto oi their *?u4rui> I'KfMtH:VT UNnrt T I hnnfrf in HI INI 11 H L T«*k* mvnm.iv. KnrroH Jariu lt*« ;*<* ► l»ll<>K> »>N m ii*V»sMU‘ icnmfw M Kuk>« rv 7kw*# Hi**.***' - tk*« Itfrmmu .>• ‘ r ■ -v, SU» \ K..ft rfc# . •--1 ';..u*«• .» i -! EOfTORUl AOVrSORV COUNCIL TOM KOt.NK K1 « (Hi DAV1U AIUMN. I Hit J At i >H*> t \ih«r,.,r,n \i»uACrr* f*. ;k> fVi imnitwu* I I»M* Nt) M I I l\ \S !>*■■*» I .-»umU* 1 M OR I BAX ID HI I D rV /-is***'* \*...»■< . fcu. v ' •« •» MONA t IUVI SN Ikuit 7H i -4 DM FRANK KM.I I >M /Jttli* Har"m<1*r < >rq!«B -V*W t‘ l\N r t Hll I HO **** » H t VO V KU H \KHI.K. . M. , > V. ;.*w,r I 4 FVtfNU H VKK> MOMHIKHi HKl (ID in I F KH HAKIM I.YTtl f'uhfKiU^i /V /Wo* l -4 .Ha* « VMIM s KH UU»Ss DIKH TOM DtHk **-afwHlr Off RATIONS IHRX n>H Vatistant Hart»f> I irruUlum M.magrr N«(hmuI y«rrti»m( lhrwlnr vujMomt kj» I a Mi Vnfrlrt TNe IVrkjn» t wnpant V»«M4ni >h*mr i .riMw \tUnla i .» *' < tUmloi) ' - *•< f\lhk»hrr» K»itfV t Nr» Ki>* ■ »ft-1 OaJla* * » Sn f ranc im o • N.4I M 4 Md r ;r y«rr1i>in( • ourditulwr TWn Kr-nra-tw-rt I l«Mif\MiS|in tai VrtHtM Miiu({rf Jrr.rjtrr KHnn Kiroiii'w Jiw M**tt Km Raw l i« |iuMi*hni »\rn time* a ir-ar In I Nr Imrrua n < fliWfUUr *Sr«a»a4. Jl !•* Ham ■Mrrrt. >antm H««cih a. « \ 213 tSO-921 » »«» right 1*1 SB r iTwr»r»l >u(w np«MXM M» Krvrr-%. ■ tatin kjlhi ftiglift Kf AK( I! IHKM tOR Mr»i Nathtinar. R.* kn«\mm T f'lrtiM- RrryrU l COMMENT AND OPINION /I / KICK ANOtRSON Legal Pot Crops Reap Economic, Health Benefits By Andy T Hopkins • The Emory Wheel Emory U Su back for .t minute and let - talk Mime botany The drug w arts raging. and now is the time for all good men to legal ize marijuana Current I S marijuana laws were passed in 1937 on the basis of ignorance, fear and greed and recent [Kill' show that most \mencaits would choose thorough drug education over across-the-board drug legalization last's consider the myths: 1 Marijuana is harmful to one’s health It’s true that smoking anything i harmful tonne’s health But marijuana, like any other herb or consumable plant, is llest when mixed with food and non alcoholic drink file illegality, and sub sequent black market pricing of the -ul> stance. has facilitated the smoking of it. as smoking requires much less marijua na to achieve the desired effects Marijuana has been used in ~ome form since It000 H (' to relieve tension, headache^. spastic episodes nr nervous disorder- insomnia, labor pains arthritic pain and i.mntiess other .dilu tions (In Is recently ha- marijuana Ikvii lumped into the -ami* catepory with dan gerous and addictive drops As a result ot panic and misinformation, (impress was led to lielieve that marijuana was to tie the "new killer drup" that would drive main fine American children to "Murder1 Insanity’ Death’" when actually it made folks feel relaxed, con tent. more aware and mas In- even a hit h unpry 2 I-epah/ation of the plant would cre ate new marijuana addicts f alse The substance has never been proved to have phs sically addicting qual ities. and I’ve never heard of it killmp anyone, even when smoked in excessive quantities lake any other material source of pleasure, a lepal, manjuana based food or drink product would lie habit -forming. but stoppmp consump tion would not cause any withdrawal Now let us move on to the positive thing' marijuana legalization would bring about 1 Renewed availability of the hemp plant ()nce w idely used lor fabrics. rope' and oils, hemp the 'talk, or part of the plant that doesn't get you high was made illegal by the government along with marijuana. Kconomic benefit to American farm ers Not to mention the lax revenue the government could collect olTof the retail '.ties of the substance, farmers would have a field day sorry, I had to* with legalized marijuana It is already a high ranking cash crop in many states. ><> legalization would simply make farmers incomes more consistent and less subject to the whims ol pesticides and flame throwing helicopters Amber waves of grain alcohol soon would be replaced with more soil-enriching. all-American leaves of grass ■ It hile this is one student is t teu. t < a like to hear vour opinion. Send vourarm merits to l’ i VIEWS Should the U.S. military services allow women in combat? 111 we October issue ot u The national College newspaper we asked students ttieir 'eeimgs aoout tne U S military allowing women to participate n comDat Sixty-tour percent ot students said women should De allowed to participate while 34 percent sard the. should not When the results are looked at by sen we find males nearly evenly split on this issue — 51 percent yes and 49 percent no — whereas 82 percent ot temaies favor allowing women to participate in combat u Yes or you're reprtxluc mp the proteetiomstie racket that's been pomp on for cen turies that is, women star at home and men protect them. " BeOi Turner Harvard U u So. they shouldn't unless women cun hi c iif> to the some standards as the men hare for combat you know, like so manx push ups or sit ups. ~ Eltzabetfi Lenkey. '/irgma Tecfi 66 / say yes. I feel if they want the same rights as all the men. they should not 'only > allou . hut thex should he required to /mi rt in pate." Jett Odom. U ot Maryland. College Park FEBRUARY Do you support affirmative action policies? QUESTION 1-800-662-5511 -